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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Read it again

    He won't be released onto the streets...he'll be turned over to Immigration police and deported back to Russia.

    There was no report that this has actually been carried out.

    Not a done deal yet!.......13 years in a thai prison would feel like 25 years in western civilized prison.....

    Hence, there are generally more crimes committed in the West. Prisons have the comforts of home.

    Unless, of course, you're including those prisons in Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, etc.

  2. Would this kind of thing happen in California? No

    Would this kind of thing happen in China? probably yes.

    The kind of risks you accept (or don't think about) are a product of where you are brought up. This time no real damage done, but next time? anyone thinking about next time?

    Not an excuse, but you're comparing apples to oranges. US is a developed/advanced economy, while China is still a developing one. Should compare safety regulations of China to India or Nigeria...or US to Canada or Japan.

  3. Asian-Americans to stand up to bigotry...

    I call this bullshite and pandering.

    The only bigotry I've ever seen was

    'tween Asian-Americans ethnic groups THERE in the USA.

    They all have a type of 'cast' system culturally.

    Fact is, American males desire Asian women,

    be they Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, etc.

    They are exotic, unique.

    Perhaps to the distress of American females.

    (another topic for debate).

    Fact is, these women come from a male dominated society.

    And they don't like it.

    Oh so many years ago I dated these females.

    Including Americans...

    I chose my wife, whom is Thai.

    That was 30 years ago, we are still married.

    With 3 children.

    Yeah, there have been times she drives me nutz,

    and vice-versa, but that is marriage, yeah!

    What da wigga r u blabbering about son?

  4. Alternative and relatively clean ways to generate electricity/power are being refined weekly. Personally, I like concentrated solar. PV solar is ok (and I use it) but Concentrated is better at large/municipal scale. Thailand hasn't figured that out yet. It's got some PV arrays, and that's commendable, but hopefully in the coming decades, Thais will appreciate better solar methods. Needless to say, Thais aren't doing any vanguard research, so they will have to rely on farang findings. Tonopah in California now has the world's largest functional concentrated solar plant. It uses molten salt, and has figured a way to keep power generating for many days of no sun. California is also at the forefront of storing energy by using compressed air.

    There are other very promising developments with alternatives to coal/nuclear/fossil fuels, but all innovations are coming out of Europe, Australia/NZ, and N.America. Asians are behind the curve by about 20 years. Plus, when they do install farang innovations, they'll have to (or should) pay royalties to farang innovators/inventors. Ha ha, we know how well that would work, eh?

    "...so they will have to rely on farang findings."

    Thailand hasn't figured it out yet, b/c it's still a developing country. Your farang findings are coming from developed economies with a lot more resources on hand.

    "...but all innovations are coming out of Europe, Australia/NZ, and N.America."

    Yes, without the white man, Asians, Africans, etc would still be living in the stone ages. Thank God, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, Shiva for Europe, Australia/NZ & N. America or else humanity wouldn't have mastered fire, the wheel, Slap Chop, Twinkies, the internet, etc. whistling.giflaugh.png

  5. Sorry to inform you, that the treasury cancelled the replacement of the $20 bill - I'm very disappointed, too.

    Just hours after announcing that civil rights pioneer Harriet Tubman would replace Pres. Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, the Treasury Department canceled the project after realizing it no longer has any money.

    Full article here: Treasury out of money, cancels Tubman on the $20


    Take your racist bullshit elsewhere.

    Racist? Where are you seeing racism in that obvious satire, which appears to do nothing but slam the US government and mock the US Treasury?

    Don't you know by now? Anything about blacks that has even a hint of negativity will be viewed as racism. whistling.gif

  6. Seems the collapse of the Soviet Union somehow missed many people, as they still think the evil commies are out to get them. It's really about the West needing a bogey man to keep the MIC profits rolling.

    Two F 22's is nothing but a PR stunt to get a newspaper column, means nothing militarily. Also consider why the plane was discontinued.

    Some looneys in the US seem to think they could win a first strike nuclear war, so who wants to find out of they are right? Personally I have kids so guess my answer.

    I thought the bogeyman was China, not Russia?

  7. On leave AGAIN from the air ambulance service ?

    Disgusting news video of them visiting a slum and peering into the shacks these poor, unfortunate people call home.

    It's disgraceful that slum residents are put on display for people who will never have to worry about scraping an existence. Sure some nice words of concern might be said then onto the next freebie piss up.

    Maybe India should scrap its space programme in favour of improving the quality of life of its impoverished citizens,just a thought.

    Yup. Could've bought/provided a lot of toilets with that space program budget.

  8. If something horrific like this ocurred in the UK

    Women would "hurry" children away from the scene, not stand there gawking like spectators at a sport event.

    I guess this is an example in the difference between Western and Asian mentality.

    Hope the Guy gets the help he obviously needs

    Most likely it's a difference b/w people living in a economically developed society vs a developing one, not purely East vs West.

  9. The tiny minority strikes again.


    For South Asia 76% of those in favour of Sharia law were in favour of the death penalty for apostasy. The figures for Europe are lower, but still disturbingly high for an attitude that's totally incompatible with living in any western democracy.

    Bangladeshis and Pakistanis in particular seem prone to violent excesses in the name of Islam.

    As in many parts of Indonesia. The reason is very simple, all the countries have large numbers of the population that are illiterate. That means the religious nutjob mullahs can say whatever they want in terms of what the 'good book' says and the illiterates believe it as the word of God. Welcome to Europe 14th Century.

    Indonesia seems relatively benign, given that it's the most populous Muslim country in the world.

  10. Perhaps unwise to play in the water at 04:30 !

    This type of incident can and does occur anywhere in the world.

    It happens anywhere in the world? Really? Yes incidents do happen all over the world it is true but not incidents the same as this, they don't happen all over the world. You must come from a very strange country if this is the norm. I would refer to consider it an isolated incident that was fueled by other things e.g. drink, drugs etc

    Happens more frequently and violently in South Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, etc.

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