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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

    I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

    I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

    Maybe in your view the OP should consider to stay in his room, with the door locked at all times, and just a small trapdoor through which he get his food delivered 3 times a day?

    If a certain area has a bad rep, you should not flash anything expensive. Would you wear a gold chain, carry your phone and a full wallet with you in certain parts of Caracas, Rio de Janeiro or Cape Town? Doubt it.

  2. If the population of much of the world were more informed and did a little research on ''ripoffs in much of Asia as well as the lack of support you can expect when you are screwed, the only tourists you can expect are as ruthless and uncaring as those hosting / making a living from them. Both groups would probably fit the profile of most of the worlds prison populations in many cases.That may be why many long time expats are considered 'grumpy old folks'' as they have experienced the decline in quality of both groups over the years, thus are not trusting or tolerent of many who try to strike up a conversastion.

    Maybe it's time for these expats to move to greener pastures like Venezuela, Rwanda or Congo?

  3. African American, he was ... coffee1.gif

    And if he'd been white...? (coffee1.gif hmm, nice coffee)

    More likely that he'd still be alive if he was white.

    That's another reason I'm against the death penalty for less than spectacularly heinous crimes.

    The U.S. "justice" system tends to punish minorities more harshly.

    It isn't an explicit policy, per se, it just works out that way.

    It also of course punishes the poor in general more harshly, of any race, for obvious reasons. They can't afford good lawyers.

    No he wouldn't, he would still be dead.

    And stop spreading lies about minorities (and you mean black) getting harsher penalties "because they are black"... reason is that black people commit about half of all homicides in the US all the while only are about 13% of the entire population.

    Shhh...keep quiet. That's a logical and not too PC thing to say. thumbsup.gif

  4. It is not a crime to be rich, even if the wealth was not legitimately acquired.

    This is why the behavior of the wealthy person is used to judge his class. The real wealthy seldom make a public spectacle of themselves and their children are not allowed to run amok like feral animals.

    These Chinese thugs are obviously not classy and see their money as the means to all ends.

    Who needs manners, poise, dignity, integrity, self-discipline or many other fine human qualities when you have money. This is the mindset of a gangster, not an 'elite'.

    Technically, they're not really Chinese right? Last time I checked, there's a difference b/w Chinese and Chinese-American.

  5. It is so sad that the news is about the color of their skin. Too bad the choosing committees can't simply concentrate on talent and ignore the politics.

    It's the good ol' US of A. Cannot think of anywhere on this planet more racist.

    Think harder Canuck because most countries in Eastern Europe and Russia are far more racist. China is also more racist.

    Dam son...you left out Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, India, Japan, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa, etc.

  6. I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

    Honestly, the one group that's truly under-represented is Asian-Americans. Forget about even awards nominations, they (especially Asian-American men) rarely even get big screen roles that are of any significance.

  7. China is seriously crashing. It's big run is over. It's cashed in most of its liquidity trying to prop up its economy and its debt has soared. It really has no more bullets left.

    Its labor is no longer cheap and shipping costs to and from China and the West are too high to make it pay for manufacturing. Robots are replacing a lot of cheap labor.

    We're watching another communist dictatorship, in a long line of them, in its death throes. Communist China and Russia - the two biggest losers on the planet.


    Just curious and serious question, but where would the world be after 2008 without China acting as the world's growth engine?

    Below is your answer, even though he didn't quote you. He's spot on. Read it.

    China's capital account is largely closed. The consequence is that It contributes nothing measurable to global capital growth or development. China sells products it makes for other people to buy and by using other people's money. China deals in prices, not capital. Prices are fluid and reflect global markets. CCP's capital is almost entirely internal, limited to domestic infrastructure and some tiddlywinks projects abroad.

    Capital creation drives global markets. Capital creation and management is the force in global growth, from machinery to technology to bucks in global circulation. Trade is a (popular and profitable) byproduct of capital creation, development, growth. CCP China is not a player in creating capital or in driving capital growth. Never was, never will be.

    So the world would be better off from 2008 forward had China (and other BRICS) not been there?

  8. China is seriously crashing. It's big run is over. It's cashed in most of its liquidity trying to prop up its economy and its debt has soared. It really has no more bullets left.

    Its labor is no longer cheap and shipping costs to and from China and the West are too high to make it pay for manufacturing. Robots are replacing a lot of cheap labor.

    We're watching another communist dictatorship, in a long line of them, in its death throes. Communist China and Russia - the two biggest losers on the planet.


    Just curious and serious question, but where would the world be after 2008 without China acting as the world's growth engine?

  9. Racism is not at play in either instance, the whitening creme fiasco has to do with Asian complexion fetish and "racism towards muslims" is not possible cuz it is a cult that welcomes all races. ... the fact they used a dark skinned individual to signify a non-european is where the PC aspect comes into play.

    "Asian complexion fetish"? Doubt it, though. For thousands of years, Asians (and other parts of the world) have valued lighter complexion. Part of the culture. The West seems to have the reverse...via its tanning/sunbathing. smile.png

  10. Look at Hollywood, now they're interested in what China/Asia thinks and are scrambling to accommodate the soon to be largest movie market. Hehehe. Times have changed that's for sure.

    I guess caucasions playing asians does not cut it any longer. Sarcasm alert.

    You might want to see the Chinese actors playing evil Japanese WW2 soldiers...

    Asians playing Asians is aight. As long as it's not another John Wayne playing Genghis Khan, Mickey Rooney playing a Japanese or Emma Stone playing Asian Allison Ng.

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