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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Not this garbage again ...and how many TRILLIONS of Baht are generated from Tourism...All the gov has to do is take 0.01 percent from the hotel room tax that has been collected for years and it solved ..SIMPLE facepalm.gif ...Oh but i forgot thats not the real reason is it .. its about some muppet making billions from selling ALL tourists medical insurance on arrival bah.gif


    "The country providing the most tourists to Thailand was China, with around 8 million in 2015. Malaysia came in a distant second with more than 3 million, and Japan, third with 1.4 million."
    How come no stats on Chinese, Malaysian or Japanese tourists? Maybe they have mandatory travel health insurance?


  2. Once we start nominating on.the basis of race - the real ( white ) talent will.go elsewhere - and then the Oscars will be even worse after the white flight! I am so tired and bored with black issues

    By diversity, they always mean blacks only. A cast can have white, brown, yellow & red ppl only and they would say it's not diverse enough. However, if a cast has white & black ppl only, then it's ok.

  3. U.S. Population - 323.314,342

    Thailand Population - 68,082,473 (roughly 1/5 of the U.S.)

    U.S. Gun related deaths per 100,000 = 3.5

    Thailand Gun related deaths per 100,000 = 7.48

    (2013 statistics)

    So, a country with roughly one-fifth of the population of the U.S. has over twice as many gun related deaths.

    You tell me which country has a "gun problem".

    But, hey, it's always good to bash the U.S., even if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

    But the US is an advanced economy/society (#1 in the world) vs Thailand, which is a developing one. Not an apples to apples comparison.

  4. Whilst you're at it, can you deposit some money into my bank account as well, as I'm struggling to pay for the health care premium of me and my family.

    Nice perspective..

    So you think it's ok for all those people that visit and live in Thailand to have no health insurance? If they want to save money on that, why don't they deal with the fall out as a consequence?

    For me it's a indeed a struggle to pay the insurance premium every three months, at the moment. I still consider this to be important though and keep paying these bills and keep taking out the insurance each year, to not be in a situation as this person and plenty of people before him. Sorry for not feeling sorry if I don't feel compassionate for people who think they can get a free ride here.

    I rather not have to ask my family to bail me out. It's a choice I made, a very long time ago, when I decided to come and live in Thailand.

    Personally I haven't got any health insurance, but I know if anything serious happens to me the good folk on Thai Visa will pay my bills, if I ask nicely.

    Of course we will, as long as the bills don't go over BHT1,000.

  5. Bloody Ruskie nutters. Anywhere else in the sane world they would have been charged with affray, or being a public nuisance. Anywhere else in the sane world the proprietor of the restaurant would have demanded action against these idiots for loss of business, and had the right to do so.

    The fall of the Ruble ? Please hurry.

    Have you never seen a prank TV show? These things do go on in other parts of the world, and guess what, they do not get charged with affray and they do not get sued, do you know why? It's because most people can see the funny side of comedy. Never mind mate.

    So what goes on in other parts of the world should be acceptable everywhere? Wigga please!

  6. He won't have to worry about renewing his tourist visa I can see a 50 year extension stamp in his passport already !

    had to laugh at that comment, good one thumbsup.gif but I still feel a bit bad for him, yeah he knew what he was doing and he knew the consequences, but he s going to either be dead soon or wish he was. I do not wish that kind of suffering upon anybody who does something as trivia as trafficking cocaine. Punishment yes, 50 years in utter hell, no

    you have to be complete brain dead to even think about doing this. he is a threat to himself and society. brainless. he got what he was asking for. secret compartment.

    He was probably high when he (she?) wrote that comment.

  7. In other news, Chinese tourists collectively spent 2,000 baht in 2015.

    i can remember, the other report (from China) said that an average chinese tourist spends 170 US Dollars per day on holiday in Thailand

    i never trust any figures put out by a thai because they are not really fit in counting

    $170 per day is not that high. Based on this report, Chinese tourists spent an average of $6,000 per visit.


  8. Him and hundreds of thousands of other teachers over the decades here to exploit children, hardly news. I have a friend with a US Army security clearance and he will not travel on vacation to SEA as it is seen to be the norm male holiday makers will engage illegal prostitutes- women and men. Transvestites are particularly a practice which would affect future clearances. Big security issue having a transvestite gf blackmailing them.What it must be like to be a citizen of a nation renowned as he world's (cheap) brothel.

    Most seem to think the Philippines and Cambodia are cheaper.

    Cheaper even than Rwanda or Ethiopia?

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