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Posts posted by copa8

  1. No robbery attempt?

    I am sure we are getting less than half the story here.

    People don't often get attacked with a knife at 4.30 am for no reason.

    Russians and Aussies, most likely alcohol played a part in this.

    More like drugs on the part of the Thai youths such as meth etc played a real part in this. The place is rotten with illicit drugs. Another bad memory for the visitors.

    Should've gone to the Capetown, S. Africa or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for some safe vacationing. tongue.png

  2. I would immadine that outside of Thailand,India and a few other places,The US has one of the most dangerous rail system in AMTRAK.

    That's a pretty broad statement. Outside of India, Thailand and a few other places? Actually the U.S. has one of the world's lowest railway accident fatality rates.

    Nice try, but here's a link to the top 10 worst train accidents. None of them happened in the US. Europe has two of the top 10.

    The US has one of the lowest high-speed rail lines in operation. It has only 28 km vs the highest, China, with 19,000 km. No surprise the latter will have a higher rate of accidents.

  3. If this had happened in America she would be in jail now,and for a loooooooooooooong time. This would be automobile homicide and with nine people dead she would that would be a (like I sead before) a very long time in the state prison.

    Are you sure? In the US, even though it's not a developing country like Thailand, money & power works the same way too.


  4. Death due to heat.

    This was the same excuse police used in the death of a Dutch guy in prachuab khiri khan yesterday.

    I'm sure we'll see many more similar excuses between now and rainy season

    Like when they found 2 Swedish guys dead on the floor,in Mae Jo quite

    a while ago, verdict from the police, Hypothermia well it makes a change

    as it was in December.

    regards worgeordie

    Hypothermia for Swedish guys in Thailand... they must be joking as the quicksilver was still north of 0.

    Just to compare us Swedish people an Thais: In Sweden we shower in the morning before going to work even if it's -30 degrees, here in Thailand many people don't shower at all if it's below +20 degrees because it's to cold...

    So Swedes are used to cold weather and not hot, while Thais are used to hot weather and not cold. What's the big deal?

  5. More than likely, the Thai girl on the scooter changed lanes without looking and thats how the accident happened.

    And as usual. thais always blame farangs and that is why people say that farangs (even bikers), kill thai people...

    when the actual fact is that thai stupidity kills people...

    OK then, we'll take your "more than likely" as fact. whistling.gif I'm sure you were an expert eyewitness of the event.

    As usual, farangs always blame Thais for blaming farangs.

  6. The report says about the murdurer: "Even though Somkit came to help me, I realized I was not going to win the fight because both tourists were stronger than us so I decided to use the weapon". (http://www.thephuketnews.com/patong-pub-security-guards-arrested-for-fatal-stabbing-of-frenchman-56741.php)

    We all know that most international tourists (Westeners and North Africans) are stronger than locals. Just not going into a fight is the best option, as they are unmanly cowards to whether outnumber you or use a weapon in a fist fight.

    You're telling me there's something somewhat similar to the Geneva Conventions in fighting? Wigga please!

    If you do get into a fight, you fight to win (survive)...by any means possible.

  7. Only in Thailand. Oh no wait

    Wait and see how the UK deals with this incident. Guarantee lessons will be learnt, changes will be made and the people responsible will face punishment. Unlike if it had happened in Thailand. That's the big difference.

    The UK is a developed economy, so one should have higher expectations. Last time I checked, Thailand was still a developing one. You wouldn't expect, for e.g. the U.S. and India to have the same safety regulations & enforcement.

  8. "All visitors to Koh Samui are advised to be cautious about swimming in rough seas and asked to pay attention to red flag area"

    Chinese adhere to common sense?...hahacrazy.gif

    Stupid comment. Do you have any idea how many Europeans drowned on Samui the last few years? sad.png


    Pretty quiet (comment-wise) here for a drowning news. Likely b/c victim is Asian.

  9. Literally makes me sick to my stomach to read about the general abuse of women in India...and especially this specific case...

    These is no punishment that will equal what this dog Indian has done to this family...

    The police should let him go...so the community can deal with this scum bag...

    India is a tough place to grow up as a woman...

    But India is often touted as the next global superpower...supplanting both the US and China.

  10. A perfect example that the average Thai person has no working knowledge how to help another person with medical needs. So, simple the ( Hi mick (bad spelling), maneuver I learn that at the age of 8 in my school. So, no one in the noddle shop knew what to do? So, sad.

    You were probably brought up in a developed world. Education is free. No need to constantly worry about making ends meet? The average Thai is not so lucky. You should also state how the average Rwandan or Bangladeshi wouldn't know either.

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