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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Can only happen in Thailand, I blame the lack of education, the uncaring attitude, the corruption, Thaksin, Thai Police and Immigration officers, Amulets, the staff of my local HomePro and the carelessness of the Thai population in general, this sort of thing could not and would not happen in a Western Country.

    Rant Over.

    I missed your sarcasm at first.

    Fact is that corrupt police, uncaring attitudes and lack of education are a factor in so many things bad in Thailand, but probably not a factor in Western accidents.

    Accidents do happen.

    Perhaps this train derailment was due to the staff at the local Hungry Jacks? Do you think?

    By "Western", hope you mean those countries that are somewhat at similar levels of development as Thailand like Albania, Moldova, Armenia, etc. Apples to apples comparison.

  2. And for the detractors, I have two questions.

    1. Who else can you name, that has made the kind of impact that this women made, on so many lives of desperation, in our lifetime?

    2. What great acts have you devoted yourself to, that allows you to question the lifetime of achievement, of this great woman?

    Not responding to #2, as I'm not questioning her achievement(s).

    But for #1...

    Deng Xiao Ping. His policies directly/indirectly "led the greatest poverty alleviation program in the history of the world. During that time, an estimated 500 million Chinese were lifted out of extreme poverty."


  3. I think there is an ulterior motive...give the people more celebrations and they'll forget about other things. Not a new ploy...the ancient Roman Emperors did it all the time.

    Who needs gladiatorial combat to the death in front of bloodthirsty baying crowds when we have Thai roads.

    Is it really that bad? Based on road deaths per 100,000 vehicles, Thailand is somewhere in the middle @92.

    India is @207. Nigeria @425. Central African Republic @13,472 (yikes!).

  4. Just a thought but does anyone know if Britain still gives India aide ?

    I remember a couple of years ago it was announced the aide package would be gradually phased out. Complaints at the time were that India was boasting about being rich, was in space etc etc but Britain was still helping with basics such as education and medical care in poor rural areas.

    The BBC has reported that Britain isn't as popular with students seeking higher education and featured a lady complaining about how much she paid to study for a good degree but then wasn't automatically allowed to stay on and work. Poor girl had to take her good degree and go home.

    Would be odd to still give aid to a country that some consider will supplant both the U.S. and China as the next superpower.

  5. If your people where not fags they would vote for the right side... the extreme side... and all this shiiite would not happen !

    Let Russia and China clean the world, this is your only chance, even US is useless now...


    I am french.. All this due to our excellent President Hollande and thanks to all sh.. associations allowing those people to enter France and settle.. Islamic Sate said a lot of jihadists were mixed with real refugees.. AND anyway we have enough arabs in France for years not to need outsiders to have this sort of problems..

    We cannot make Xmas trees anymore in most schools or towns... Women go around with Hikad, Food in schools has to be Hallal...

    When will this stop ?

    To answer to some posts here.. You in UK are not better than us.. You allow extremists to stay in UK and mainly in Hyde Park any islamist can and does talk in public saying whatever nonsense and shouting his hate for non muslims..

    NOBODY will have the strength and balls to throw all those people out..

    For the moment Hollande only speaks about victims... BUT give him a few hours and he will come out saying muslims are very good people and we shouldn't generalize ... only some exceptions are bad.. Bulls...

    Have a nice day

    Agree...but when, for example, China cracks down hard on terrorists (numerous bombing and knifing attacks) in Xinjiang Province, the China-bashing Western media comes to the side of the terrorists...claiming China infringes on their human rights. rolleyes.gif

  6. I'm guessing that they are black, and the child will be convicted of murder and sentenced to LWOP, as America does to so many other children.

    what a wonderful World....


    That was a lucky guess eh?


    What a beast. How drunk would you have to be to impregnate that?

    Dag...farangmick?!? Halloween is over already. No need to scare people like this. Nearly barfed out my breakfast.

  7. Another situation where a low life scumbag has a child she can't care for. She was staying at the place where the child died waiting for Section 8 housing. She and the other girl who's place she was staying left 4 or 5 children top age 8 while they went out to a club. Court was trying to force the father to pay child support. So totally dysfunctional family situation (probably for both women). If only there was a way to fix these types so they could not have children. Maybe an IQ test before being allowed to have children would be a good thing.

    Welfare kids.

  8. Many black people are just as prejudice and racist against caucasians and other races. They play the victim card but have no problem victimizing others with the same prjudice.

    It is charming and accepted for blacks to call us crackers whitey etc etc on a TV show.

    They call each other the N word in an almost affectionate manner.

    That squeaky wheel has gotten too much grease.

    So sick of the double standard PC world we live in.

    Agree. Almost all my Asian-American friends have experienced casual racism growing up. People used verbal insults (ching-chong, chink, etc), doing karate/kung <deleted> poses in front of them, stereotype/racist jokes, etc. Guess what? Majority were done by blacks.

  9. I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

    I am interested to know, why do you feel he is a "great man" ? I find him greatly entertaining and if the potus were only a ceremonial position he could be fun. Strange days indeed.

    The black factor maybe?

  10. I have to admit, when I lived in Japan years ago, there was a subculture of really hot Japanese girls who were totally into black guys. And I mean these were smoking hot Japanese girls, unlike the lo-so bargirls in Thailand who are into foreigners. I was jealous.

    The same goes on here in Thailand, too. Smoking hot Thai women who prefer (usually AMERICAN) Black guys. I personally know of several professional (non-BG) who really want to get with American Black guys. Especially those who personally know of other Thai women who have married American Black men.

    It is not a phenomenon. It's simple, uncomplicated personal preferences. What is laughable is when people (and we all know who those are) think it is unusual.

    You basically described many European countries too. Many are drawn to African-Americans.

    I think its more to do with the promotion of race mixing in the celebrity media that so obsesses the youth of today...ie its cool to have a black b/f

    Kim Kardashian married Kanye West

    Khloé Kardashian married Lamar Odom

    CoCo Austin and Ice T

    Elin Nordegren was married to Tiger Woods

    True. Also, seems like there are many of these "What's it like to be black in (Japan, Germany, Sweden, Korea, Argentina, etc)?". Waiting for the "What's it like to be white/yellow in (Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, etc)?".

  11. I have to admit, when I lived in Japan years ago, there was a subculture of really hot Japanese girls who were totally into black guys. And I mean these were smoking hot Japanese girls, unlike the lo-so bargirls in Thailand who are into foreigners. I was jealous.

    The same goes on here in Thailand, too. Smoking hot Thai women who prefer (usually AMERICAN) Black guys. I personally know of several professional (non-BG) who really want to get with American Black guys. Especially those who personally know of other Thai women who have married American Black men.

    It is not a phenomenon. It's simple, uncomplicated personal preferences. What is laughable is when people (and we all know who those are) think it is unusual.

    You basically described many European countries too. Many are drawn to African-Americans.

  12. This man has brought this problem onto his own head.

    Allegedly he has lived/worked in Saudi for 25 years so he should know what the "rules" are.

    The Saudis are remarkably tolerant of Western lifestyles as long as it is kept within the gated compounds where most expats live.

    By transporting alcohol he knowingly broke Saudi Law.

    But their own go to farangland to do what they can't do in their own country...Even hi-so's..........coffee1.gif

    Seems similar to expats in LOS.

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