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Posts posted by copa8

  1. I can guarantee more than 1 shooting per day in the U.S. Almost anyone can get a gun in this country. There are tons of cases you'll never hear about (low income areas, projects, gangs, etc). And if a mass shooting by definition (more than one), or the FBI's 3- 4, or more people (doesn't mean they have to die during the event); I would certainly believe this as well. Turn on anyone of a number of city news broadcasts per night, and start adding them up.......

    Tru dat. Many shootings are not reported/covered as much or sensationalized (e.g. front page news), since they are common (aka don't sell or generate enough interest).

  2. Of course the Chinese keep coming. Stay at home and be blown up by a explosion at a chemical manufacturing company wiping out a few square kms and face cyanide poisioning or risk a small fire cracker in Thailand.

    To the Chinese, Thailand is much safer!

    This has got to be a top contender for the forum posts version of the Darwin Awards.

    Almost like saying Americans will keep coming to Thailand or risk getting shot by fellow gun-armed citizens or trigger-happy cops at home.

    Of course, if you were being sarcastic, then your nomination will be withdrawn. biggrin.png

  3. Noting that this attack was at Erawan, not Soi Cowboy, maybe it's aimed primarily at Chinese tourists, not Western tourists. Possibly some strain of Thai nationalist anti-Chinese tourists? Admittedly seems far-fetched, given the amount of Chinese blood in Thais, but this is a new age.

    It doesn't seem far-fetched, since it is far-fetched.

    Regular Western tourists don't usually go to Soi Cowboy. Only sexpats and sex tourists.

  4. You go Slovakia and da hell with politically correct immigration policies, this Is your country, the country

    that your fathers and forefathers fought, sweated and bled to make it what it is today...

    I wish more country around the world would have done the same....

    Thanks for being honest, we are enemies.

    My father fought for Nazi Germany, my mother was a refugee from the Nazis, and I refused all Nazi heritage in the 1960's. If a NATO officer would put a gun into my hands, I would shoot him.

    My heart is with Asians, no matter what religion. But in case of a successful religious division (which is obviously intended by Slovakian government) I would fight the "Christians"

    West, South or East/Southeast Asians? Big difference in religion, culture & politics between these 3 areas.

  5. There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

    Farang now is it. Stroll on! Looks more Asian to me from that pic but hard to be sure with such a grainy image.

    Damn son...you need glasses or if you already have them, then upgrade to bifocals.

    Unless by Asian, you meant West/South Asian (Iraqi, Indian, Pakistani, etc). He definitely doesn't look East/Southeast Asian (Chinese, Thai, Korean, etc).

  6. #BREAKING: Thailand's national police chief says it appears #Bangkok explosion was caused by a bomb: http://fxn.ws/1IWujh3

    BANGKOK (AP) - At least 1 dead as large explosion rocks major Bangkok intersection; cause unclear.

    i'm reposting my last comment from my Forum Blog (as my forum thread was closed adn redirected to here)

    I live very close to there.. (a few minutes walk)

    its really buzzing with sirens.

    and yes,, i felt the blast sound (vibrations of it) through my body in my condo.

    tonnes of emergency services now I can see...

    but really.. I must say how pathetically SLOW they were to arrive. (especially as its a couple of minutes drive away).

    at least Emergency Bikes should have been the first ones to the scene... (but I heard NOTHING until at least 15 minutes after the blast).

    that in itself is a story.. the shocking response time!

    it has taken more than 40 minutes (since the blast) to free-up a lane of traffic so that emergency services vehicles can hurry to and from the blast site.

    You chose to live in a developing country. Can't compare Thailand to say, US or UK. Apples to oranges.

    Plus you should already know the notorious traffic/congestion in BKK roads. There's no such thing as "a couple of minutes drive away".

    Anyway, RIP to all the victims.

  7. The U.S. has more restrooms, per capita, than anywhere else in the world. Try to find a restroom in Thailand or anywhere else in Asia, except Singapore.

    More restrooms per capita would do you no good when you gotta go. In my experience, I've found plenty more access to restrooms (mostly in the many malls) in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Guangzhou, Taipei, than in NYC, for example. Trying to find one in U.S. cities is equivalent to a scavenger hunt, unless you begin knocking on private residences.

  8. The leader of a Pensacola-area Wiccan group, responding to comments by the sheriff about ritual killings, said the victims were not associated with any of the area's pagan or Wiccan organizations.

    Nor do the murders relate to any tradition followed by pagans or Wiccan organizations, said Keith Vallas of Three Moon Wiccan Grove.

    "The entire pagan community is outraged by what the sheriff is saying," he said. "No one I've ever been exposed to in the community would do anything like this."

    And posters go on about some of the seemingly weird beliefs the Thai people have!!

    Notice how "silent" posters here are. Had this killing been in Thailand, the Thai-bashers over at Thai News would be all over this.

  9. No duh. A black man gets pulled over for a nothing of a traffic violation and is shot to death. Justified by cops every time. A white multiple murderer in SC gets handled with kid gloves and bought a fast food meal because he was hungry. Racism imbrues every aspect of American culture. Disgusting and Shameful.

    More often than not, many of these blacks have multiple prior arrest records/warrants.

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