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Jean Pierre Jacquot

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Posts posted by Jean Pierre Jacquot

  1. Very easy my dear:

    Either you love her or not. If you do love her you would not care too much about her being uncomfortable having too strong physical contact with you at this time. If you do not love her you just give it try, you might win or loose but if you loose, you at least know it already now so do not need to waste more time on her.

  2. Well, the goldmine starts to dry up after 30 years. So many people, including Sally for half of her life have been profiting from lavish funding on the border. Her statement is the statement of a businesswoman.

    There have been always an immense number of Myanmar nationals in Thailand with only a very small part of them in the camps, just about 7% of them. Now as life is better in Myanmar they just go back or share the same kind of life than others in Thailand which is not as bad as that as they have at least access to basic education and healthcare.

    Why not? There is no justification for running these camps for many more years. Help is needed where it is really necessary and that is definitely not the border Sally!

  3. It always amazes me that on this forum many people just sit behind the argument that the present government has been elected and therefore should stay on. Do you guys really believe that an elected government can do everything just because they have been initially elected? Democracy means that an elected government still has to listen to the views of their population.

    With the hard stand of Thaksin against the majority of people in Thailand, it is unfortunately inevitable that the army will have to step in. This in order to prevent blood is being shed.

    Most of us are against a military intervention, so me. But if it is the only option to get rid of this terrible government which is going to indebt Thailand for many years, why not. It is purely in the interest of Thailand.

    • Like 2
  4. Great! So finally there will be civil war because the red shirts are going to fight non-red shirts.

    Thaksin wants to keep in power with all means though the majority of people are against what his government did since been elected. So he is going to fight his own people. Lovely, finally he shows his true colors of a real dictator.

    Though he had some ok policies like the 30 Baht healthcare, looking over the last few years we have to admit that since he extended his business empire into politics, we only have troubles here. Let's get rid of him!

  5. What do you mean waiting for court? Have you received a formal accusation paper or not? Has it gone to the prosecutor yet or not? How many days ago has it happened? Are you first time offender? What have you so far discussed with the police?

    Some info is needed if you want us to help

  6. Dear friends,

    Want to buy a tablet for my 9 year old boy. Saw D-Mobile A800 and at 3900 Baht looks good.

    Anybody of you out there can share his/her opinion or review about this Tablet. Do you have other tablets in that price range to recommend?

    Thanks so much!


  7. Dear experts,

    Thai Visa forum has loads of great info on the visa issue and a great guide for residence permits but I can't find anything comprehensive on becoming a Thai citizen.

    As I live about 1200 km away from BKK and rarely visit our beloved capital (could go to inform myself at Police Headquarters) would greatly appreciate comprehensive and concise info on gaining Thai Citizenship.

    Who is eligeable to gain Thai Citizenship? Need a residence permit first or not? What's the process? When are applications being accepted? Etc. Etc.

    Thanks so much!


  8. For once the usual stereotype - on a holiday, just rented a bike, intoxicated and late night - does not come into force at least for this accident.

    He was wearing full protective wear, a seasoned driver, it happened in the morning so hardly not intoxicated especially as there is no all night time entertainment where it happened. He made just a mistake of appreciation of the curve ahead of him, a moment of being not mindful and crash. That's how it can go when riding a bike. One mistake and you pay with life, may happen to a new rider more easily but can happen as well to a guy having rode bikes for long time.

    Be careful when riding your bike out there!

    • Like 2
  9. We all know what this means:

    1. We are making clear to the world that we are taking appropriate measures to ensure safety and the wellbeing of all tourist through a 50 Mio fund, so that even needy tourists can get assistance. We are eradicating all these crooks which cheat tourists. So please visit our wonderful and safe country.

    2. Two or three examples of helped tourist will be widely publicised around the world, the other 48 Mio are going straight into the pockets of some red shirts.

    3. Nothing but nothing at all is going to change. Thailand's touristy places are full of these con artists since the first time I came here, so 30 years, and nothing ever has happened though the police know exactly who is doing what. Why should something change? Why destroy a little and nice non-taxable income of all of them? Everbody knows that we all do our best and have even a fund for assistance. Policemen are not silly!

    Continue to dream....

  10. Dear friends/experts out there,

    Plan to sell my condo in Bangkok which I owned for 3 years. Now I saw that there is a 3.3% business tax called SBT (Specific Business Tax) if the owner did not held the property for a total of 5 years, unless the property was the principle place of residence of the owner for at least 1 year. There is something mentioned of my name needs to be included into the ‘dtabian baan’ which seems to me rather difficult as a foreigner.

    Anyhow, I am wondering what kind of proofs are accepted. I was there with my family for a total of 1.5 years before going upcountry again and would have all sorts of proofs. Like I could ask the building manager to acknowledge that I was there, my son went to a school nearby and my one year ‘Thai Wife’ visa was extended in Bangkok on base of me residing in this condominium. My wife was as well registered in the dtabian baan for about 7 months.

    Do you think this is enough in order to avoid that tax? I think that they should especially accept the extension of the one year visa based on my proof that I do reside in that address with my family, no?

    Thanks so much!



  11. Dear friends out there,

    I would like to inquire if anybody has some experience with the so-called 'temporary work permits'.

    My case is the following: I am on a 'Thai Wife' visa+extension since a few years and am in the process of getting a yearly work permit for teaching and doing research at a local education institute.

    Now a consultant company based in Bangkok would like to hire me for five days to review a report in my capacity as education expert. This would be home-based but anyhow due to tax related issues the company prefers me to have a work permit however I don't feel at ease to use my very soon to get one as it is linked to another position of mine.

    Would I be eligeable for these temporary work permits (my work is just for a week) which are being issued in between 24 hours and I hear are free of charge? If yes, can the company do the process in Bangkok (I live upcountry)? Anybody can share some facts and experience with me?

    Thanks so much...!


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