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Jean Pierre Jacquot

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Posts posted by Jean Pierre Jacquot

  1. The Israelis might have the upper hand at this time but the world and especially the Palestinians will not forget that they deliberately killed children, bombed UN protected schools and steal the land of the Palestinians since decades.

    Things are in continuous evaluation and the day will come that they have to pay for the crimes against humanity committed, these scumbags deserve that punishment fully.

    Israel has killed NO arabs in this war, hamas is wholly redponsible

    What's this shit of Israel not killed any arabs? No need to even argue ....

  2. Maybe we should have a radical solution to the problem. The creation of Israel was well intentioned but a mistake. Obviously Israel is not capable of living in peace with its neighbours. The other side in this conflict is not performing much better neither. So let's aknowledge that importing all these Jewish populations from all over the world was a mistake. In any case they were not originally from that territory but were French, German etc. citizens. So let's dismantle Israel and take back their population.

    I am sure Ulysses and his right wing extremists friends will cry anti-semitism over this...555555555555......

  3. But Mr Inbar believes that President Obama cannot undo close Israeli-US ties. The relationship is anchored in a long history and there is lots of domestic American support for Israel. We will survive Obama.

    He is correct. Americans support Israel over the Palestinians by a huge margin and both political parties are even more adamant. Obama's feckless foreign policy has to be considered, but he is a lame duck and can not ignore his own democratic party.

    As usual you change the truth to serve your hate viewpoints. Americans are not supporting Israel but there is American support. That is a big difference. American support means the US administration and as we all know the American Jews have huge amounts of funds and therefore call the shots what concerns America's stand towards Israel. Not to say that all the American jews do support the hardline right wing Israel government but that's another story.

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  4. Israel has to to leave the occupied territories! As long as they continue to steal the land of others there will be never ever peace. The more Palestinians they deliberately kill the stronger Hamas is becoming in the Palestinian community and the more hate is being sawn. If Israel does not stop their human rights abuses this conflict is going to go on for many more generations.

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  5. Does that include Australia?

    Oh man.. I talk about the bad education in Thailand and you come along and have no idea that Australia is not part of Europe

    Ianatlarge thinks he still lives in a British penal colony, hasn't chewed off his shackles yet. So his confusion is understandable.

    Must be from the US, for them the world stops at their border, might have heard of Mexiko and Canada but that's it. Australia? Is this a new sausage?

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  6. I don't know why people here immediately worry about this working permit etc. thing. As I understand Thailand there are rules yes, but they do not need to be applied to. Is not like in the rigid West. So as long as this guy does a 'na rak' thing and is a decent guy he will not be bothered, though immigration does know about it. Thai people are less rigid than farang and bend rules all the time. Now of course if he would do a lot of money and be in direct competition with a restaurant owned by somebody influential, that's another thing. But this is here obviously not the case.

    So I am pretty sure the happy Swiss will be happy cooking Thai dishes for many more years, even with a simple retirement visa. No problem

  7. We need to break any diplomatic relations with the terrorist, racist, child murderer and human rights abuser Israel, and of course expel its citizen and supporters. Other countries have done it (mostly rather left wing countries in South America), so why not us in Thailand.


    No, it is impossible. How can Jewish controlled US not support Israel? Oh well, hold on for a moment, it already happened at least once that Jews did something against Jews. At the end of Second World War II, the Allies, so the US or in other words the jewish controlled US, was instrumental in bringing many Nazi leaders to US controlled South-America. So business-savy Jews did save Jews-killers. Should we call these american jews now anti-semite? 55555...

    The "Jewish controlled US". Boy you are an upfront one. You are really talking turkey here.

    It is interesting that no one else on your team seems to have any problem with your sentiments. After all, so many claim to be "anti-Zionists", rather than anti-Semites, but you don't bother with those petty distinctions. tongue.png


    I understand that you are directing these words to your friend Sharon who has said exactly the same, aren't you? Or are you denying that he said it, you who are so keen on historical facts?




    Because of some feeble criticism of Neta-Nut-Job by Obama, the Zionists have made Obama a target. Don't ask Ulysses why - he does not know either - its just part of the Zionist playbook he has been given.


    The truth is that Obama has been as compliant as any other US President when it comes to blindly supporting Isreal. Heck, he just gave the IDF new supplies of weapons to continue the blood sport of killing women and children, and bombing schools and hospitals. Instead of being grateful, the Zionist keep complaining. 




    Do you - and others like you - really think that any rational personal  who reads these dishonest, hate-filled rants is convinced by anything that you have to say? Thanks for being completely honest. It is the Spinmeisters who pretend to be "neutral" who bother me..




    You are certainly being a great example of producing honest comments filled with compassion and self-critical. Aren't you?

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    Their loyalty is to Israel, not to America.


    We get it. Blame the JEWS. giggle.gif



    We could certainly do that. As you know well american politics is very influenced by what the powerful american jews are dictating and in Israel it is certainly the Jewish population (at least the extreme zionists) who are to blame for the murder of the palestinians.

    Of course we have to blame as well Hamas and blame the non-unified Arab countries who seemingly couldn't care less for their palestinian brothers being screwed by the crazy Israelis. And plenty of others to blame too. But certainly the Jews have to take their blame for what is going on at the moment.

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