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Jean Pierre Jacquot

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Posts posted by Jean Pierre Jacquot

  1. ShannonT, on 26 Feb 2014 - 06:29, said:

    Do these guards have the authority by law to detain people at will now?

    She was detained on a public street, not on private property. Siam Square doesn't belong to the Suthep militants.

    Sick bunch of people.

    This was preventive protection as it was not clear if she would be bothered by some protesters. She is a police officer and part of the Red Shirts who are the ennemy of our nation, she should have known that it is not wise to get near to the protest site. Either she is plainly silly (which is possible) or she deliberately staged this knowing that the guards will have to protect her and the illegitimate government able to profit from its news.

    • Like 2
  2. Strange how suddenly Mr Suthep is so worried about the farmers when just a few weeks ago, he and his associates 'on the stage' were screaming that there had to be electoral reform "because the stupid, uneducated rice farmers" continued to vote for Thaksin parties at the expense of the 'Bangkok, educated, middle-classes'.

    Are you sure he said that? Link pls.

    "......he and his associates 'on the stage'" Blue Sky TV every evening, if you can understand Thai you will know what they say, If you don't understand Thai then you will not know.

    I understand Thai very well and I have never heard anything like this out of their mouths. You are making this up my dear!

    Besides they are politicians and politicians would never say something like that. Think maybe but say....

  3. Dear experts,

    Aware of the fact that I need to have a bank statement with 400 K balance during the last 60 days in order to get a one year extension on my 'marriage visa'.

    Now wonder if it needs to be from a commercial bank only. What about local saving cooperatif or what about salak omsin (Government Bank Lottery)? Would that be fine too? Or what about 400 K in a mutual fund from a commercial bank? Obviously these options would more interesting as they pay better interest rates than the usual 3 months fixed accounts.



  4. Dear All,

    Wondering which Thai Credit Card is the best (meaning cheapest) to use outside of Thailand.

    My BKK Bank one is charging hefty 2.5% on any purchase made outside of Thailand. At the same time I hear from Credit Cards issued overseas who do not charge any fees (like Schwab). Must have a good Thai issued one as well, no?

    The thing is that if I walk into all the local bank branches in my place, they usually have no clue whatsoever on these charges....

    Thanks so much!


  5. HaHa...Haha...these Red's always good for a big laugh, if only they would be less violent and intimitating....

    Anyhow, their position is that Chiang Mai or Northern Thailand actually wants to become Thaksinland. And this is based on an election 2 1/2 years ago, which by the way shows that the reds did not have the majority in all northern provinces...

    Well guys, the tide has turned and I am sure that many of the initial sympathies which Thaksin received like 'let's give them a chance, maybe things become better' did turn the other way around due to the dismail performance of his people.

    So in other words, Northern Thailand does not want to become Thaksinland!

  6. Clearly EC wants to postpone it as much as possible so the fascist yellow shirts will have a higher change of disrupting the vote.

    FASCIST yellow shirts? First of all which yellow shirts are you talking about, can't see any on the scene anymore for a few years. And in any case they were Fascist? You must be nuts sorry, if any political group tends to use fascist tactics like intimitation, violence etc it is Thaksin/Red Shirts.

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