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Jean Pierre Jacquot

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Posts posted by Jean Pierre Jacquot




    'Terror tunnels', 'Rockets' 'wipe off map'

    Perfectly good reasons for putting a stop to Hamas terrorism. Thanks for pointing them out.


    No country on earth would allow a terrorist group to fire thousands of rockets at them, tunnel under their border and call for their destruction while targeting civilians on a regular basis. The civilian death toll is mostly on Hamas. 


    The Israeli propaganda on Hamas rockets exposed





    Al Jazeera trying to claim that these thousands of rockets aren't all that bad. No other country in the world would put up with them and Israel is not going to either. At least there is one honest paragraph in that opinion piece. 


    None of this is to suggest the rockets are just or harmless. They have killed an estimated 22 Israelis since 2004 and injured more, indiscriminately. There are reports of Israelis being treated for shock. The public sirens that signal incoming rockets and send people to bunkers disrupt daily life and cause great anxiety. 



    Ulysses G., you have so much anger in you, why you just don't start to choose the love option you will see that the anger in you will be reduced gradually. There is plenty of information in books and online. Give it a try!

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  2. People can have different opinions if Israel's boming of the Gaza strip is justified or not. But I think we all have to accept one historical fact: you cannot win the hearts of others with war but only with love, well sometimes with money too as did the US, but anyhow.... So in respect of this unfortunately neither the Israeli extremist government nor Hamas has done enough efforts, by faaaar not enough. If they continue like this there will be a conflict between them for another few centuries. Sad but true.


    Personally I think that the side which has more power and had to endure less difficult times during let's say the last 40 years, so clearly Israelis jews, should do the first step. They are crazy fools thinking to be able to control the Palestinians with arms. How can they be so silly? If they do not know love so let them at least use the $ strategy of their ally the US.

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  3. Good news? I do not see this as good news!

    Thailand is already very nice with foreigners letting them stay legally for years, very different than other countries in the West. Anybody just overstaying for long periods (because 20K for them is the better deal) does not show even the slightest respect to Thailand and rather low moral and ethical standards. Why give them a grace period. Kick them out and let them not in anymore!

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    Terror groups or freedom fighters ?

    "Terrorism is the deliberate use of violence aimed against civilians in order to achieve political ends."

    Hamas are a terrorist group. They purposely target innocent civilians.


    Something Israel with the help of the US is of course not doing, right?


    Right. Israel does not target civilians. Hamas DOES. You really should read the rest of the thread before responding.


    Total rubbish my dear! If Israel does not target civilians, so why UN: 77% of the dead in Gaza are civilians ?? Bad, non-functioning weapons? Some civilians by pure chance standing in front of military people? Just some non-important collateral damage? Go ahead and put your justification out here or just shut up!

  5. The actions of Israel and their allies the US (who is controlled as we know by Jews) show clearly that they are the ones who are the Terrorists. They are in power and do no but really no step towards reconciliation at all. Why do hundreds of Palestiniens need to die in retiliation for 3 dead Israelis. Why this excess? Why treat the Palestiniens as worth less than dogs for years? A little gesture would certainly be helpful to ease the anger on the side of the Palestiniens. But no, we are the ones in power and if we want to kill hundred thousands in retiliation for 3 dead of us we will do it! Fuck Israeli and the US!

  6. lee b, on 10 Jun 2014 - 08:08, said:
    Naam, on 10 Jun 2014 - 07:32, said:
    lee b, on 10 Jun 2014 - 07:10, said:

    Glad to know they are ok..Don't fly there, Don't go there, what do they offer to Thailand? Oranges? Best bet is to stay away. Emm I will await the replies now, but if you are going to yap on saying i'm wrong, please state why...

    you are wrong because it's none of your business to advise people where they should travel or not.

    That did not take long smile.png A country like that likes no other, almost impossible for the locals here to get visas, if they do they are treated like dirt, why oh why?? And the other way around im trying to figure out what Pakistani nationals offer Thailand? If people wish to go there it is up to them.

    I have been, not nice..AT ALL. Before you say what do i offer to this country, well alot, ive made it a hell of a lot of money. And its none of your bussiness how ive done it

    5555555..........obviously in a bad mood today, aren't you? Not that Pakistan is on the top of the list of countries I want to visit, but tell me are you going to advise everybody not to visit the US after each incident of a crazy guy killing people in public places, just shooting anybody he can? You aren't, right?

  7. rebelplatoon, on 27 May 2014 - 13:20, said:

    China s true colours shining through. Picking fights with the Phillipines, Vietnam, Cambodia and even as far as Malaysia. Slowly taking over, spreading its influence, sucking this earth of its resources and destroying our habitat. Wake up people!

    So what? Were you dreaming that China is better than the others, like the US liberating Kuwait (under god's name) from those so terrible Irakies who did dare to take the US oil from Kuwait. We in the West definitely have nothing to complain to China what regards sucking the resourcesand destroying our habitat...

    Wake up guys! China is not better nor worse than others. They are now just stronger than before and therefore do claim their rights as all the other do who are able to do it. Apart of that the Vietnamese were not really the nice guys neither in attacking and killing chinese citzens in Vietnam....

  8. This story has it all....... re:

    -Thaksin's intent to fight to the death, the Red's and his private army deaths, not him of course.

    -Thaksin's growing madness.

    -Slime Robert Amsterdam who earns money from Thaksin and other petty dictators and tyrants world wide, is the same man who Post quoted as saying the monarchy has to go, and in front of the Red Shirts camp a few days ago. Note that no reports of Reds condemning Amsterdam's comments, signaling Reds real intentions.

    -America and its tv networks want their puppet Thaksin. Take names of the networks.

    -American govt and biz interests want puppet Thaksin.

    -Foreign news formerly dismissed as too few the thousands of protesters with whistles, but now credits a hundred as representative of anti coup feelings.

    Robert slime "lawyer" to Thaksin says:

    Lets see, where to set up a govt in exile? Gosh, maybe Somalia, uh maybe Nigeria with Mr. Goodluck, let me "think," where can Thaksin buy a spot.... oh oh, this is not as easy as it looks.......North Korea, nah too cold for him..... uh uh, let me get back to you on this."

    Way way too much tolerated of Thaksin's madness. My reality tv show script is in development as per this msg.

    Please do not say America and Americans want the puppet Thaksin. It's the corporate globalists stationed there.

    Wishes in America for a coup there to save them from these kind of enforcing globalists are getting louder by the minute.

    I can assure you that America has no interest in supporting your idiotic plutocratic , militaristic paradise chump. Our government has placed sanctions against Thailand for a reason, and us Americans support it. smile.png

    This American doesn't... even as trivial and inconsequential as the sanctions are.

    Who cares about the US anyhow these days?? They are not number one anymore out here. And in any case history has proven that they might give some lipservice about democracy and blablabla but don't care at all as long as they can still make business with any dictatorship on this earth.

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