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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. If I wasn't using air-con I very much doubt I would even be looking at solar energy . The whole point is to have a comfortable environment and with the heat and humidity for a good few months of the year a few fans in the room are not going to help much I'm with crossy on this.
  2. Tried that but no chance much prefer air-con.
  3. Yes i thought that who can use 40-80 units a month with aircon ? They must use the air con for 15 minutes a day and what are you cooking a brussel sprout?
  4. You use more on some days that some people do for the month. Is that all solar?
  5. Soi 6? Looking for elusive birds?
  6. Well 25 years ago, Thailand was very appealing Cheap flights Chilling on the beach all day and beach huts were 100 baht a night or less Movies playing in the restaurants while having a beer and some pad thai Not a mobile phone in sight Sat on the beach istening to bad guitar's until 5am or all night at the full moon party. It's not just Thailand that's changed If I was in my twenties now I don't think Thailand you be as appealing as it once was and I would be looking at many other countries to visit. My nephews in the UK said they heard Thailand was "Nice" Now that's not what I heard before I first visited in 1997
  7. Many thanks for the info just checked our consumption 9am-4.30pm 16 units We are using around 26 units between4.30pm-9am This is only when its this time with April-July around the highest Saying that our eldest son just finished school so the aircon in his room is taking a belting
  8. I thought that How hard can it be? Here hold my beer! 😃
  9. This sounds ok but it's our air cons that use the most electric. Wouldn't mind just having air con on solar .
  10. Now that's great. DIY set up sounds good What sort of price would this be?
  11. I will do this tomorrow many thanks
  12. Many thanks crossy for your advice. I will check about day/night usage but will not be off grid as will need it sometimes for sure. Maybe worth looking at doing a smaller system and no battery to start with and I can always add more later. As we don't usually go over 25 units for around half the year a smaller system might be better but will need to see the size and consumption of a swimming pool as it would surely bring the usage back up Was that 40-50 panel's needed as might need a bigger garage roof Well worth the investment
  13. Takes ages to warm up? Press the buttons and nothing works? need a trade in i think Plenty out there ,new models turn on so quick and are ready for anything you have
  14. At the moment we are looking at building a new house which will be similar to our usage currently. We are using around 40-50kwh a day What would an approximate cost be and how many panels would be needed with a suitable battery? We have 2 inverters running 24/7 (at the moment ) When it is not so crazy hot we probably only use 25kwh per day maximum We will have a swimming pool which will also use more energy but will keep using the meter when needed Many thanks just trying to price everything up
  15. Being a cyclist your asking for it and not just during songkran
  16. I thought that , He was swearing in english but more german/french /swiss accent spitting when using the f word
  17. Many years ago a friend and his girlfriend were in a tuktuk with 2 suitcases in bangkok going to the airport during songkran. My friend was getting so pi77ed off at getting wet and shouting at everyone. They were both soaked and covered in powder All there clothes in the suitcase were soaked and were just about to have a flight back to the uk worst part was it was not a direct flight so that added to the nightmare His girlfriend said he was going crazy telling everyone to fk off I would have loved to have been in a taxi next to them
  18. You can sell anywhere never shown a receipt when selling This right here is the reason to never listen to bs on asiannow
  19. Have you even bought gold?
  20. You don't need any recommendations Any large gold shop is safe.
  21. I can understand he why he did not want to be an American but to choose to be a German is if anything worse!
  22. Then buy 2
  23. need to play it backwards for the hidden message
  24. 3 cold leo's always works for me
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