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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. Not sure about Defenders but personally thing new Range Rover Evoque is one sexy looking vehicle.

    I saw one in Pattaya today, yes I agree 100%.

    Man I would love to drive one and then catch a T. Tuna at 160 on the toll way and flash the lights and then floor it.

    Okay it would be a bit inhuman, the poor guy might commit suicide when he gets home with tears on his cheeks, lol

    That is the one I'm talking about. It looks like they have dropped something very heavy on its roof and squashed it and at 4m that finishes it.

  2. I will never understand why on an island that suffers from a water shortage that all the rain water we get goes to waste. Guttering and a tank is cheap and easy to install yet very few people have it. Even if you dont want to go the whole hog and install a full system then a water tank is cheap and with water priced at 500 Baht for 6000 litres it isn't what you call expensive.

  3. A little off topic but still Landrover based. The new Range Rover Evoque. I have had a few Range Rovers but this looks like it has been squashed and doesn't look at all right. I hate to think what they want to sting you for one here? w00t.gif

    I stopped today to look at the Discovery i have seen and it has a D4D Toyota engine stuck in it.

  4. If you mean the LandRover defender they are a few kicking about. The trouble with the ones I have seen is they have ripped out the original engine and fitted a Toyota into it. At that point I have walked away. Did see a nice looking Discvery the other day for sale and keep meaning to drop in and have a look under the bonnet biggrin.png

  5. Back home when I worked for a living I used to travel all over for telcoms company. I found my self in the wilds of north Wales once. In the only pub there was I got chatting to an old retired doctor. A very ameable chap and very knowledgable. We got talking about dieting. He explained that if you want to lose weight then eat fat. I thought it was the other way round but evidently not. He went on to explain that the human body was designed to survive through the ages through good times and bad.

    During the good times when there was plenty of food around and lots of fat the body would burn the fat first as it is the easiest to transform into energy. During the lean times though when food was scarse then to protect itself and to try to survive till the good times came round again it would hold onto the fat and only as a last resort would it use this.

    When explained like that it seemed to make sense. So if you want to lose weight eat fat wink.png

    Just remember to exercise some after eating it of course !thumbsup.gif

  6. I can't help thinking you would need to be colour blind and illiterate not to notice these things.

    If I was colour blind and illiterate then I would never have fallen for the subtle scam now would I ?

    Think about it JEEEEEES !

  7. Oh I forgot to add.

    my attitude here in Thailand has meant I can go anywhere at any time even alone and drunk, never have even an argument and not feel the need to carry a gun at any time.

    I don't think I have a attitude problem, especially one that needs a gun to back it up !

  8. I know there are plenty of bookshops around the island. If I didn't I would have asked where to find one. The idea was to meet and socialise at the same time as swapping some reading matter. it appears the forum members here don't do socialising too much. Not too worry. I will save them till I move.

    There is a Carlisle bar in the nightly walking street market in Lamai, where book can be exchanged free of charge, would be polite to buy a beer though.wink.png

    I think all are missing the point of OP this is a good idea so people can meet and swap a book or a story and say hello.

    Actually Eric1949 is not missing the point, a lot of the regular customers at the Red Fox Bar that he is talking about, do talk about the books they have just read, and recommend ones that they liked.

    They also say hello to newcomers.

    It's not a book club by any means, but that wasn't what the OP was after.

    Actually as the OP I can tell you that Eric1949 is missing the point totally. I know there are lots of secondhand bookstores all over the island. I also know of many bars I can go to like the one you are plugging and swap a book for a book whilst I partake in a beer. I can already do this without the need for others to join in.

    The whole point of the exercise isn't simply to sell, swap, exchange books bit to do a little socialising whilst you do the same with fellow Farang who are after doing the same thing.

    Now do you understand ?

    I have lived and worked all over the world at years but have never lived in a place where the expats seem so anti expat as here.

    • Like 1
  9. My car is a 4 year old M5 BMW. I don't see any of this particular model for sale at the BMW dealer in Bangkok.

    Main reason I do not want to part with the car is that because of the high paper value, I can get the Singapore government to pay me about S$125,000 to export it (they call this scrap value). Then I effectively have a free car if I export it to myself.

    Unfortunately, my company will not help me with my car and I will just need to drive something else.

    In that case export the car to Malaysia, say Penang and then do what I posted before and you are on a winner.

  10. You have to be an American to come out with something like this ? What do you need to carry a gun around with you for ?

    As already said it is a very hard process to go through just to obtain a permit never mind one to carry a concealed gun. I think you have to be able to prove that you are in the gold bullion business or gems business and so have an excuse to need to carry a gun for protection.

    Chiang Mai isn't exactly Dodge city

    • Like 1
  11. If ever you fancy a weekend away I have a friend who has a fishing lake up in Chumphon which has some decent fish in it. Drop me a PM for his details. catch and release or eat what you catch. up to you as they say. There is always top cats here on Samui as well if you are into big fishing and there is some very good big game fishing to had from here as well.

  12. This is an 'egg sausage'


    Its also shown in jcw's post, centre left.

    Still on the subject of branding have just bought a lawnmower with a HYNO engine.

    Not the ones I was looking at. They were more like the small sausages you get in the 7/11 maybe an inch long. I will get a pack tomorrow to have a taste.

    I also have a generator with the same Hyno engine.

  13. At present I am keeping it moist with Dettol antiseptic cream with moisturising formula. Would bettadine be better ? No sign of any infection under the blisterand not really painful just uncomfortable. Cheers for the advice

  14. Yes those are the ones. As I said my post wasn't knocking them as the quality is top class. I especially like the jumbo sized eggs. I just preumed they were KFC products and had a little giggle when the penny dropped. Whoever designed the logo deserves a pay rise thumbsup.gif

    I still haven't found out just what an egg sausage is. Perhaps I should have bought some to try ?

  15. If you were riding beside the car when he decides to pull over how do you know that he wasn't indicating ? It is something that is done all the time here. maybe a little too on the horn to let the driver know what you are doing would have prevented this ?

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