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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. Moderators. Please do your job. Is there really room for mundane topics like this?

    get a life you miserable so and so !!!!!!!!!!

    He has a point in a way. What next ? Where is the nearest 7/11 ?

    The guy has moved to a new country to live and he is having trouble finding T bags blink.png

    I was here one day and spent it exploring the islands shops. It is part of the fun of moving somewhere. Yes forums are great for those hard to locate parts for your lawnmower or motorcycle, I have just posted looking to get a Jack Russell dog but everyday items which are everywhere ? blink.png

    Sorry if this means you think that I'm miserable. I'm not, I'm just honest !

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  2. Hi. I have been a dog man all my life. I spent most of my earlier life around farms. I had several Jack Russell dogs during my youth. I was wondering whether anyone knew if getting one here was feasible ?

    I have a few soi dogs which I feed and they tend to hang around and act as a very good doorbell but would like a dog for a pet. I always found Jacks to be very loyal, smart and intelligent.

    So I leave it up to the TV posters to let forth with their advice as to whether this is a goer or a dream Cheers

  3. Yeahhhhh Deputy Bert has a certain ring to it I suppose. wink.png

    Hi, The names Bert, DP to PS on TV. I'd like to say more sweet cheeks but you know, cough, cough. national security and all that you know whistling.gif

    Anyway beautiful, another Baccardi breezer ? rolleyes.gif

    Yeah it might work

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  4. Whenever you plug something into a Windows computer that has any storage capacity on it like a phone or memory card you will get the same message. It simply refers to the option of using this device as a Ready Boost to speed up your device IE computer by using the memory space in the plugged in device to add to the installed RAM memory.

    No fault and no problem simply close and ignore or use as Ready Boost

  5. Not just Thai food but a range of recipes. Over the past week I have made some spicy Mango chutney, Chilli apple and date chutney, Spicy chilli jelly,a batch of Naan breads and some crumpets. I also knocked up some very nice duck pate. As well as some Thai curries, Malaysian curries, Indian curries and of course the monthly Sunday roast dinner.If I do say so myself I am a bit of a Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen !rolleyes.gif

    Not in the results of my cooking but there tends to be lots of cursing and swearing coming from the kitchen when I am having a session whistling.gif

    I find it a very pleasant way to spend a day thumbsup.gif

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    As I have what could only ever in a court of law could be loosely called a brain that surely means I have the upper hand as I wouldn't need a permit.

    Just when I thought I had it in the bag.

    I've spent all day looking for my Tarot cards but can't seem to find them which was surely an Omen sad.png

    I suppose I will just have to go drown my sorrows for yet another of life's injustices rolleyes.gif

    I know when I am beaten by the better man wink.png

  7. Great ! When do I start ? rolleyes.gif

    Are there any perks as no pay I presume ? whistling.gif

    I don't even mind getting some hands on time rolleyes.gif

    Having to ask these questions Bert means you don't have much chance of getting the job. You should have assumed you know the answers already.wai.gif

    Mind you, I'm surprised a spell checker is an advantage, there is a slim chance we shall be able to understand the winners posts.laugh.png

    I was always told that if you don't ask you don't get. it has served me well throughout my life.

    I have been on may a job and asked the guys how much dig money they were gettiong and they all said none. Which was strange as I was getting 25 quid a night. it turned out that the supervisor was pocketing their money as when they started they didn't ask about it so he never gave it to them. those that asked got it. whistling.gif

    So am I through to the next round of selection or am I binned sad.png

  8. There is far too much put on best by dates. I consider them just a con to make you buy more food from the shops and manufacturers. You even have best by on water. preserved foods etc. I had the urge for some pasta the other month. After raking round the back of the cupboard I found some. It had a best before date of 2009. It was duly boiled and eaten without any unpleasant after effects. Have drunken many a bottle of beer here that is out of date just the same.

    The big stores tend to be better at reducing stock like this to shift it but you are not back home now so if this is of importance to you I suggest checking everything you buy.

    I personally can't be bothered biggrin.png

  9. Before you choose where to live in Thailand ask yourself what you are looking for from Thailand. Samui has its pros and cons as do all islands. Don't listen to the doom mongers here. I have been in Thailand over 9 years and never had the slightest trouble anywhere. I say trouble often finds trouble makers. Crime here is far less than back in the UK and you can leave bags of shopping hanging from your motorcycle whilst you look round the market and it will still be there when you return.

    Do a little on line research and have a look about. Thailand has some wonderful places each with their own benefits. Just find one that suits your needs. Browse some of the different regional forums here. There is a wealth of information to be had and if you can't find what you are looking for ask biggrin.png

    I have never looked back thumbsup.gif

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  10. Did you know that you are 10 times more likely to have an accident walking home drunk than you are driving home drunk. blink.png

    That aside how can enforcing the law be in any way classed as a bad thing here ? Lots of comments on drunken cops and Tuk Tuk drivers as if this in some way justifies others doing it ?

  11. Whats wrong with handwashing clothes ?

    We have a fully automatic front loading washing machine and my wife still does a lot of the washing by hand. Do I need to throw her out on the street then ? whistling.gif

    Go to any major city in the world and you will find scam artists at work. London for one is full of them. BKK no different.

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