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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. I once dropped my phone and it came apart. When I put it back together and switched on all seemed fine till I tried to make a call from the address book. It was empty yet all my numbers were stored on my Sim. After the initial panic a friend took my phone, went into the settings and simply set the phone to use the Sim card as default and not the phone as it had gone back to the factory settings.

  2. I don't understand why you call their announcement a threat ? In what way is it a threat ? They are entitled to broadcast the channel or not. I long ago stopped using the BBC for news. try Al Jazera, far better

  3. I have the unlimited package with true. It uses the HSUPA system or sometimes drops to 3G for a little while. I get a fair use download of 7GB then they throttle it back a little. Up to now i'm very happy with the speed and have downloaded several films and the F1 and still going well and am coming up to my month end. This costs 1100 Baht a month pay as you go though you can get it pre paid. thumbsup.gif

  4. The recipe for crumpets is here. Very easy to make and with a little practice you can get lovely fresh crumpets to smother in butter. link here


    Jimmy i am working on a design for a Tandoori oven using one of the big clay plant pots. I will let you see the finished article when I finish it. Till then i cheat and just use a griddle. Again very easy to make and you can do all sorts to them and they freeze well. I did a large batch and made some Garlic and onion, garlic and herb, Kashmiri with raisins and sultanas and some plain.

    Also my cooking may have a way to go before I am anywhere near his dishes but I am on par easily in the cussing and cursing department thumbsup.gif

  5. I'm very happy with my paid for Eset. I have found it to be very good at preventing attacks rather than detecting them after. It also stops me from accessing any website it deems to be unsafe. Cost me around 900 Baht for the year. Got it from the bookstore shop you get near Tesco's

  6. They are very easy to make and once you have made them a couple of times you can get them spot on every time. I came across the food processor whilst looking for a camera tripod in the utility room and have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen of late. I made some very nice Naan breads yesterday and today I am going to make some a banana loaf. If I do say so myself I am a bit of a Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen.

    Not that anything I turn out is like his cooking but there tends to be lots of cussing and cursing coming from the kitchen when I am in it whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  7. After days of scouring through the utility room I have finally tracked down my Tarot cards. I did a quick reading for you ROOO. here it is

    You are a handsome and well meaning man that has only good in his heart. Your partner is also good of heart and strives to take care of you in these hard and stressful times. Your life is full of many decisions that sometimes make you wonder just why you do what you do. The cards say you have a big decision coming and this will make things either better or for worse. Choose wisely my friend because sometimes all isn't what it seems in this land of sunshine and smiles.

    Apart from that all looking sweet Rooo thumbsup.gif

    I wish we could get a bit of the wet stuff though as the garden could do with a drink wai.gif

  8. Hi, My spell checker problem seems to have solved itself as it is working fine now. My other problem though still persists. When I open a topic I have already read it takes me always to the original post even if I have read 2-3 pages of postings. this also happens to posts that I have added to. Some posts give me the option of going to the first unread post but most do not. As I remain signed in can I not simply go to the last post automatically ?

    Cheers in advance

  9. I would never stop to help, too much risk getting into loads of trouble and I know the Thais would be more than happy to drive over my body if I was lying in the middle of the road

    Having read some of your postings here on TV I think most people would willingly do so with a smile !

    A more negative person would be hard to find !

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