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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. I have stopped to help at several accidents and have never been more than thanked. What if your wife was the one who had an unfortunate accident ? Would you want people to simply ignore her and just drive past or try to help her ? It takes a hard person to simply ignore the distress of others on a What if basis. sorry.gif

  2. And exactly what relevance has this to here in Thailand ? This has no relevance in the UK as it is obviously complete and utter nonsense so why repost it here ?

    Where are the Mods when you need them ? blink.png

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  3. Nanaburi hotel, I know because my wife and I walk past her often, when we went to give her some money one of the local vendors spoke to my wife and told her where this person stayed, the vendor told my wife what time this beggar pscks up each day, so my wife and I went back and watched her pack up and walk into the hotel, we then watched her go up in the lift.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    never heard of the place and I know Chumphon well ?

    That plus no Thia that I know, scam artist or not would be paying over 26,000 Baht a month rent blink.png Not when renting in Chumphon is so cheap. That is an awful lot of begging and there isn't that many stupid Farang in Chumphon. The ones that are there tend to be tight, cheap charlie backpackers who may slip her the odd 10 baht but certainly not the cash you seem to think she makes

  4. My previous post was an example, there is big press about people who fleece a few people for alot, but nothing about the ones who get a little off the many, one example here in Chumphon is an elderly woman who lives in a hotel which costs 850 naht per night, she pays for the hotel, her meals and everything else by dressing in rags and begging all day, how much more do you think the professional beggars in the larger cities would make in a day, or in a year? More over the long term than a con artist would in a short time, and much less likely to go to prison. Think about it.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    And you know this for fact because ???????

    Just which hotel does this Thai con artist stay in in Chumphon which costs 850 baht a night because I don't know of any Thai con artist that would live in such an expensive hotel if making the money you are saying she does.

    I go to Chumphon on a regular basis and have never seen this lady nor have paid more than 500 Baht for a very clean, air con hotel whistling.gif

  5. They are not all that well known outside suicidally depressed cliques

    "It's so easy to laugh, its so easy to hate,

    It takes guts to be gentle and kind"

    Now I wonder who said that ?

    As for your opinion that they are not well known !?! thats laughable - one of the most influential bands of the last 30 years.

    I'm sorry but they produced the most vomit inducing drivel the Uk band scene has ever produced and when the big fat has been opens his mouth today the same crap ushers forth.

    Influential ? blink.png

    maybe more people have thought about committing suicide after listening to them then yes !

    Buy local. I have a woman for my chicken, one for my pork, a very nice man for my beef and another nice woman for my seafood needs. I use them all the time and they know this. They all know me and take care of me. I have never been sold a bad bit of anything since taking up this method. thumbsup.gif

  6. Slim to none. Without a copy of the previous owners ID you cannot take ownership of the bike and cannot ask for a replacement book. Depending on where you are though would dictate what problems you may face getting it back on the road.

    This is Thailand as they say whistling.gif

  7. Thanks for the recommendation. The website does use flash as it was designed 5 years ago. The website certainly needs an update, and the redesign is in progress, however I always put client work first. And we ensure client websites are iOS friendly.

    No offence intended here but if the first impression you are giving on your own website is dated and cannot be easily accessed by mobile it cannot be good for business. How many people are looking here and just walking away.

    I would suggest keeping the website updated first and maybe you will have a few more clients to take care of wai.gif

  8. If it is for a track day then I would have thought that the track could point you in the right direction for this service if it isn't already included ?


    I intend to enquire, but my buddy has been to this track a few times with no evidence of the services present.

    Gary, back home this has to be provided before they are allowed to do track days though this being Thailand it probably comes as an extra, paid for service. I know one of the guys here who works for or helps with the samui Rescue Foundation. i will ask him if he can assist wioth an organisation.

  9. I don't disagree that on paper and doing the math it works. Real life is a totally different matter altogether. You do the math. How many times can the chicken lady scam a customer for 11 Baht ? Not everybody is going to let her scam them so lets say 2 per day. Work it out she is never going to get rich is she. JEEEEEZ

    And as said when it boils down to it it is 11 baht. pay it then just don't go back again.

    It happens the world over learn to live with it.

    Life is much happier with less stress thumbsup.gif

  10. I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

    Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

    Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

    its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

    How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

    Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

    I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

  11. Again how is buying a Rolex watch for 1000 Baht a scam in the first place ?

    Buying a 1000 Baht Rolex for 250,000 baht is a scam but not the first.

    I have found that having lived here for several years people always call everything a scam even when it isn't.

    Scam artists work in every city. And they fleece gullible idiots for thousands. The scam works because the person getting scammed is greedy and thinks he is getting the better part of the deal. He isn't but that is why it works.

    A few extra Baht from a taxi ride or food hall happens the world over and always will.

    I charge more for renting my villa to a Russian or Chinese than I do for renting t Brit or American. It isn't a scam but I have learned that the russians or the Chinese will cause me more grief than the others so I charge accordingly. No scam just economics ! wink.png

  12. I'm sorry

    And remember the standard Government insurance is not worth the paper it's written on - get a minimum of 3rd Class voluntary insurance !

    I'm sorry but it is worth the paper it is written on. What do you expect for around 200 baht ? it provides the rider with the minimum 3rd class insurance to ride the bike on the road. It is what 90%or more of scooter riders have. If you have a big bike and want first class insurance you are looking at 15- 20,000 Baht.

  13. I fell for the 'temple is closed today' scam (whilst on holiday), and my ex-husband fell for the 'my g/f was not a b/g, she was just working in a bar to earn money for her family'.

    Think the second scam could be more expensive biggrin.png

    It was, for both of us - but not for the usual reasons.

    The usual line is " she is only the cashier, she doesn't go with customers, only me "

    They say thai ladies are good at fleecing the Farang but the ex wives back in the UK could teach them all a thing or two whistling.gif

    The old saying " hell hath no fury like a woman scorned " Is so true

    I always said I was never going to get married again. just find a woman I didn't like and buy her a house thumbsup.gif

    The house I didn't mind but selling my 1972 Kawasaki Z900 hurt real bad sad.png

  14. No need to apologise Bertie, you're spot on pal...

    The one that gets me is the " it isn't about the 10 baht it,s the principle " crap.

    Once, just once I would love someone to post that it is all about the 10 baht and they are p#ssed. If it wasn't about the 10 Baht they wouldn't be posting on a forum moaning about it would they. whistling.gif

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