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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. Any dogs around? Female dogs are in heat twice a year, part of which is a bloody discharge that lasts for around 2 to 3 weeks.

    @ Gulfsailor: I reckon THAT is what's causing these systematic drops; female dog in heat: happens all over the world.

    And out of all the theories I tend to favour this line but then why have I not seen it around where the dogs tend to stay. They hang around the car port which has a polished concrete floor which would show up these splatters clearly but I have seen none before. The dogs have been here since I have. blink.png

  2. I didn't nor would have paid a Satang and in fact my Father in law gave me 6 Rai of land after a year of being married. Some people do pay a lot of money and a lot refuse. My belief in it is that it is given for show at the wedding ceremony and returned after. If you are marrying in the States then there will be no need for a show of wealth.

    There are post after posts about this subject if you look.

    Just my 2 satangs worth !

  3. Check your Tarrot Cards Bert.

    I can't. Nipped to 7/11 and I didn't foresee the rain that soaked them while I was on route sad.png

    I like the alien theory. Maybe be me not remembering what happened last night after 10 wasn't due to the copious amounts of beer but rather I was abducted by grays blink.png

    Who left the splatters whistling.gif

    All clear this morning as well by the way.

    Another day in paradise biggrin.png

  4. John I have never ever seen one of the big Geckos on the floor at anytime here. Plenty on the walls and ceilings but never on the floor. Also some of the splatters have obviously been dropped from a height and not simply deposited on the floor. They are of liquid content and simply wash away. I get Gecko droppings all the time, sometimes very big but they are more like rat droppings than this.

  5. For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

    You have posted some <deleted> in this topic, but the above takes the biscuit!

    The word Christmas and Christmas tree have never been banned by anyone in the UK.

    However it won't change the fact it sets a dangerous precedent on censorship had the jailing been based purely on his T-shirt

    And if my Auntie had testicles she'd be my uncle.

    But she hasn't, and it wasn't, so your whole ridiculous argument is built on sand..

    I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

    You obviously have no experience of just how politically correct the UK is today.

    Rather than built on sand his argument is built on a rock steady, concrete foundation of fact !

  6. If you look at the picture with the multiple splatters there are several large and lots of small splatters. The pattern also doesn't look right for a flying bird and there isn't a roost of any sort above the splatters. I also have two large roofs next to the pool which are free from any splatters also. Surely if it was birds they would manage to hit one of the roofs at some time ?

  7. Bat Crap .. ? or maybe they spit .... ?

    Have similar on the side of my house when an overhanging tree has fruit ...from bats I think .

    No overhanging trees anywhere near the splatters and no overhanging roofs. The nearest tree that is shedding fruit is maybe 20 meters away and is behind a two storey house. The berries are very small as well.

    I was tending to go with the dogs theory but then thought that surely I would have seen the same thing before where they hang out near the carport.

    No still a mystery for me at least. biggrin.png

    Good Lord its beer O'çlock already wink.png

  8. Why just the last few weeks though Rooo if it was birds surely I would have had this since I moved in years ago ? Same trees, I presume same birds and the pattern doesn't look right for birds either. Also bird crap has some fibrous material in it of some description. These have nothing but liquid.

    I have lots of bats here. Vampires maybe blink.png

  9. I can fully understand why single men go to Pattaya. It is Disneyland for adults. I have nothing against this. What I have never understood is why couples and families go there when Thailand has so many beautiful places to stay and offers so much to do and explore ?

    Lots of people back home think Thailand is how they have seen it in Pattaya and it isn't.

    Not Pattaya bashing but go explore the rest of Thailand.

    It really is the most beautiful and stunning place there is ! thumbsup.gif

  10. While he celarly asked for 'it', I would have made him pay a fine instead.

    As the worthless piece of scum is probably unemployed and on benefits he wouldn't be paying any fine but rather the stupid British taxpayer would be even at 2 pounds a week for the next ten years.

    Free speech is fine bit offensive and insulting behaviour should be dealt with. He was !

    I wonder if he is still smirking like he was just before going to court ?

    • Like 1
  11. For the past few weeks now on several occasions I have woken up to find mysterious splatters around the pool area and on the stairs up from the utility room. dark red in colour and look like blood splatters and normally 6-8 of them at a time. There are no overhanging roofs or trees and I am at a loss as to what is causing them. I wondered if anyone else has been getting them or if there was any amateur Sherlocks out there who may have an inkling as to what is causing them ? blink.png

    Some pictures below. Cheers chaps biggrin.pngpost-164027-0-56111900-1350098409_thumb.

    I only seem to be able to attach 1 of the 4 pictures as I jus get error 10? blink.png

    Aw well will try again later

  12. So the marina knew the vessel was taking on water and was owed money so why didn't they simply take the vessel out of the water ? There she couldn't sink or be a hazard to other shipping and they might have been able to sell her for a reasonable price to recoup the money owed ?

    How also does the vessel belong to the police ? It may well be used as evidence but just how have they become the new owners ?

    Lots off things don't add up here. blink.png

  13. I just went into the True shop and the girl there sorted it all out for me. I'm now coming up to month end and am still getting 3.6Mbps download speeds. As said I'm quite happy with it as it does all that I ask of it.

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