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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. The sad thing for Thai society is that for better or (usually worse) a part of Thai Buddhism is the belief that those with material riches have earned those riches through good karmic deeds performed either in this life or past lives. So therefore having riches now bestows the owners with an aura of religious kudos on top of anything else.

    This is a shame, and I have inwardly wept at the palatial home of one well known Thai industrialist with links to the highest strata of Thai society. Wept for the corruption and mafia links considered enviable in those circles, wept for the appalling people his kids have grown into, and wept for those good Thai people who look up to them and believe that money in and of itself demands respect.

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  2. If it is true that the US and the world doesn't properly understand Thainess or the ridiculous concept of 'Thai Democracy', perhaps the Thai government should do better in trying to explain it. The problem of course is that if they did actually try to explain it properly, they'd all be thrown in jail for lese majeste.

    I guess they've got a point when they say this is a unique situation in the world.

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  3. I wouldn't have any problem with Yingluck being up before a legitimete court, of democratic basis, but up,in front of Prayuths baying puppet mob?

    Come on now, you would soon change your tune if it were you.

    And let's be honest you needn't have committed any crime for you to be there.

    Yes, quite. I was wondering what law Yingluck is suppose to have broken.

    Incompetent Prime Minister with more money and lawyers than sense? Probably. Technically a criminal? Yet to be proven, clearly.

  4. The headline in post 87 says PM threatens to shut down local Thai daily.

    but I don't see any quotes from him to confirm this. Did Prayuth threaten this or not? Reminds me of the kind of anti-red/PTP reporting during earlier troubles which similarly appeared to be stirring up situations without concrete quotes.

    Goes to show the extent to which news media can foment disquiet.

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