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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. I was shocked when I went there. Small bike parking area, with other "pockets" among the cars. All car parking full. Aside from unfinished, nothing looked architecturally interesting. Huge wasted space inside and populated with the usual mall shop suspects, none of which stand out.

    You can only access the mall from one side of the road, so if you are coming from the ring road, you have to pass it, and make a U-turn under the first flyover and come back.

    There is nothing in there (and what is coming) that makes it worth a visit when you have Airport Plaza and Kad Suan Kaew.

    I assume the ice skating rink is a joke that people are taking seriously.

    The whole thing is a joke.

    If you are coming from the ringroad that runs around the side of Promenada, you just do a U-Turn then look left for an entrance into the Promenada carpark. If coming from the direction of Sankampaeng, just turn right at the junction before Promenada and then look left for the same entrance. It isn't well signposted, but you should be able to find it within around 100 meters of the junction.

    Not that I'm a fan of the place. It's like a couple of aircraft hangars hosting a coffeeshop expo.

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  2. I'm looking at going for the 3 year (1 of which free) deal, but I'm not sure how things will change during that time.

    Have CTH got EPL guaranteed for 3 years? Is there a likelihood of major channel changes - new ones added or existing ones removed? I suppose it's like an 'is it a good investment' question.

    If anyone knows any of CTH's future, I'd be most grateful for some insight.


  3. Hi All

    I'm trying to put together a pinhole camera with my son but need this old style camera film which I haven't been able to find in the mainstream retail outlets.

    Does anyone know where I can get some and then also get it developed in Chiang Mai? Specifically, what's needed is:

    ISO 200/400 35mm color/bw negative film - or as close as possible to this.

    Many thanks for any advice.



  4. Over the last couple of weeks I heard 3 students from Varee and 3 from Lanna Polytechnic died in motorbike accidents. I drove past one dying young woman lying in the road near Big C, Hang Dong and another on Sunday morning who looked seriously smashed up on the road that cuts through JJ Market/Kamtieng Market. Both were being cared for by very distressed friends while waiting for an ambulance.

    I remember a comment from Nick of Mad Dog many years ago after I told him I planned to buy a car and get rid of my motorbike. He told me very earnestly that I had just extended my life expectancy by 30 years.

    I wonder if any were wearing helmets.

    The three Varee students were all wearing helmets. I'm not sure if Loaded's info is more up to date than mine, but I heard that two died with the third receiving serious injuries including brain damage. From someone claiming to be a witness, they were traveling west trying to come off Mahidol road just before the flyover at Airport Plaza, when they collided with a car in front which had cut them up and slowed down. Two of them were thrown straight into the fast lane at the foot of the flyover where a female driver moving at high speed was unable to slow down in time. Initially she didn't stop but later made herself known to the authorities. The poor kids received fatal head injuries and the road was stained for days later, which I saw myself.

    The helmets they were using provided no protection at all.

    Absolute tragedy. RIP. By all accounts they were good students. The world is less without them.

  5. Just how will anew Minister of Commerce turn a stinking dunghill into a rose garden? Will he be a magician who can conjure the millions of tons of missing rice and the hundreds of billions of baht?

    BTW the suggestion that Chalerm will be dumped is ludicrous; he is Thaksin's man and will not be moved. A fat leech bloated with wealth stolen from the taxpayers of Thailand, only fire will loosen his grip.

    I'll give you 8/10 for chutzpah, but your appreciation of the mechanics behind this government is evidently suspect.

    Got any more predictions for 'Thaksin's man'?

    I'm interested to see if he will become PTP's angry young man or in his case angry drunk man, will he take every opportunity to snipe prefacing any outburst with " If i was in charge ", " when I was in charge " or will he do the unthinkable and keep quiet, well as much as he can ?

    I'm sure he will still find any reason he can to talk to the media and when they want a quote they will go to him irrespective of the issue.

    If he decides to take potshots at Yingluck how far can / will he go before really annoying his hero in Dubai, after all he will just his just rewards when Mr. T is back and is true worth recognised. Maybe !

    The way I see him, he was like the government's wet nurse for the early years. Wielding authority to project strength in areas where such posturing was at least tolerated by the army.

    Now the army are onside with the PTP and more mature types are being drafted in - and taking into account an accumulation of embarrassing episodes he's been involved in - he is less needed. After all, he's also beholden to the same people who control the PTP just like all the other PTP politicians. Maybe he's just been reminded that in fact he's not actually that special. As a footnote, the red shirt contingent never particularly liked him either.

    • Like 1
  6. Just how will anew Minister of Commerce turn a stinking dunghill into a rose garden? Will he be a magician who can conjure the millions of tons of missing rice and the hundreds of billions of baht?

    BTW the suggestion that Chalerm will be dumped is ludicrous; he is Thaksin's man and will not be moved. A fat leech bloated with wealth stolen from the taxpayers of Thailand, only fire will loosen his grip.

    I'll give you 8/10 for chutzpah, but your appreciation of the mechanics behind this government is evidently suspect.

    Got any more predictions for 'Thaksin's man'?

  7. If the goverment lasts that long...one suspects in the next months everything is going to go pear shaped

    People on here have been saying everything is going to go pear shaped since the day this government took office. Two and a half years ago. I know, I know, this time its REALLY going to go pear shaped, right?

    Two and a half years ago the PTP didn't have the problems they have today. Massive would be an understatement.

    The pear is rotten to the core. Innit?

    People were saying there would be a coup within weeks or months of them taking office. Never happened.

    All governments want to stay in power. In order to do so, this government has had to keep the two major providers of power - the people and the army - onside. It's just about to crown its 2.5 years of cosying-up to the military with Yingluck's planned appointment to Defense. Could you imagine her taking that position 2.5 years ago? It would have been unthinkable.

    With the army now onside, PTP will soon be back to expending the rest of their political capital fixing damaged public perception due to rice scheme etc in time for the next general election.

    Saying they've got massive problems is an overstatement. they're just juggling their priorities as any government would. Business as usual.

  8. My insider says red-shirt affiliated members of the cabinet are going to lose out across the board in favour of old Thaksin-era guys that had been banned. Red shirts won't be happy about that even though those coming in will be more able technically.

    Other rumours include Chalerm being moved to the Labour ministry and Yingluck herself directly taking over Defense. You heard it here first (unless I missed it in the OP's article).

    Given the unhappy north eastern farmers, now would be the worst time for PTP to ditch the red shirt Ministers.

    They just seem to keep digging.

    You're right, and I gather there were some last minute maneuverings yesterday that prevented the complete absence of red ministers in cabinet, which was apparently the initial PTP plan.

  9. My insider says red-shirt affiliated members of the cabinet are going to lose out across the board in favour of old Thaksin-era guys that had been banned. Red shirts won't be happy about that even though those coming in will be more able technically.

    Other rumours include Chalerm being moved to the Labour ministry and Yingluck herself directly taking over Defense. You heard it here first (unless I missed it in the OP's article).

  10. what is there to argue about here - everybody with half a brain knows the reds were armed to the teeth and were responsible for deaths, if a journalist was taking pictures that were forbidden (doing his job) it wouldn't surprise me that the reds shot him along with several others in an effort to hide the truth

    move on please - this egotistical discussion is getting boring

    Nick you've voiced your opinion - nothing much more to add, is there ?

    Actually, no, i haven't voiced an opinion, but a few questions to clarify details of a poster's claim.

    I have not received a satisfactory answer yet. I don't care what "everybody" believes to know, i look for my own answers.

    If my posts bore you, or unsettle you in some way, then please, there is no need for you to read them - just put me on ignore.

    every time you post you are voicing an opinion or view

    in fact kindly refrain from including the word "US" in your replies as you certainly don't speak for me or anyone else for that matter on here - your views opinions are your own - very much your own

    I don't know why you are getting on his back. He's already agreed with your own mantra countless times - that some red shirts and their sympathizers were armed - but there is still some reason you continue to attack him and seek his silence on this forum. All he's doing is asking for detail from someone who claims to be a witness. Standard procedure for any agency or individual in an investigative role. And he hasn't been rude about it either.

  11. Another point that seems to have been missed is the white masks get their support locally so therefor have the ability to rally in many different parts of the country at one time.

    While the reds not only have to pay for support but have to bus their supporters around from one place to another to make it look like there are a lot of them.

    A case in point :


    Half a dozen buses full of red supporters in Singburi this morning from somewhere going somewhere.

    They also had a couple of lead utes with red and PT insignia to make sure they couldn't be mistaken for anything else..

    I see. Does that mean they've got mobile 'red villages' too? Perhaps they're like turbo-charged traveling circuses, zooming up and down the country so fast as to give the impression that there are hundreds if not thousands of them all over the place at the same time....

  12. So with all these rallies over the weekend but no stories about violence at any of them, are we to believe that the cutting edge of Red Shirt mayhem was represented by the handful of Chiang Mai nutters involved in a scuffle the other weekend?

    Either they are 'paid to cause trouble' or they are not. Either they are organized, or they are not. Can one of the knowledgeable members on this thread please let me know how we should interpret this dearth of bloodshed over the weekend? Did the money dry up? Are the red shirts not violent? Something in between?

    Well the red supporters didn't turn up for the big 100,000 red shirt rally, the reported reason was that they weren't paid.

    Possibly you could use that as an indication.

    Okay, so could we therefore conclude that the person with the big money didn't pay them since he/she didn't want violence to occur?

  13. So with all these rallies over the weekend but no stories about violence at any of them, are we to believe that the cutting edge of Red Shirt mayhem was represented by the handful of Chiang Mai nutters involved in a scuffle the other weekend?

    Either they are 'paid to cause trouble' or they are not. Either they are organized, or they are not. Can one of the knowledgeable members on this thread please let me know how we should interpret this dearth of bloodshed over the weekend? Did the money dry up? Are the red shirts not violent? Something in between?

  14. Red shirts attack peaceful whitemasks - this violence is deplorable.

    Whitemasks attack peaceful redshirts - this violence is understandable.

    hhmm...I think I'm getting the hang of moral supremacy 101 a la TV now.

    Well now try to grasp some advanced concepts like "quantity" and "intensity".

    Okay, I'll give it a go.

    Violent red shirts pictured yesterday - 6-ish?

    Violent whitemasks pictured today - 2-3?

    Verdict - red shirts are worse.

    Red shirt intensity pictured yesterday - very angry with sticks, fists and boots

    Whitemasks intensity pictured today - calm with metal rods

    Verdict - whitemasks are worse due to deadlier weapons, although possibly a tie since the reds looked so angry

    Feel free to pass judgement if you wish.

    That's great Peter, you will soon pass kindergarten at this rate. In first class you will learn that history extends beyond 2 days.

    And how long will it take me before I can condone - as you do - the use of violence against peaceful demonstrators, as reported in the OP? Not sure I want to graduate from your school of thought...

  15. Personally I don't care who are the organisers of the various groups who protest against a Thaksin style dictatorship not a lot different to a military dictatorship.

    What no one can say is that all V-mask protestors are (former?) yellow shirts. Attempting to put all these groups in a single category, apart from their fear & dislike of Thaksin, is just smearing them. Just the same as what the PTP do.

    The red shirts have an awful record of intimidation, violence & even killing. They are hell bent on trying (& too often succeeding) in disrupting any anti-Thaksin, anti-PTP and Democrat party meetings in any part of 'their' territory. It is not surprising that the V-mask protestors have had to resort to guards to protect themselves as the police - under Chalerm's control - are unwilling to protect them.

    As Ozmick has said, I will support any group (KKK, Hizbollah, Red Brigade, Mau Mau) that wants to get rid of Thaksin from Thai politics - although Ozmick may not agree with my selection.wink.png

    P-move, for example, has made quite clear that they are not part of the yellow shirts, even though some of their organizers have been once part of the PAD. Even though there were attempts to instrumentalize P-move by the protesters camping out at Sanam Luang, P-move rejected these attempts. Therefore P-move has established itself as a group opposing the government on certain issues, yet clearly outside of the yellow universe.

    The white mask group may claim that they are separate (as the multicoloreds have done in 2010), yet they use the same networks, the same guards, the same leaders, the same locations (Sanam Luang, right now in BKK, after their Sunday march through the center), share the same protesters as the yellow shirts do/did. Some participating individuals may claim to be a separate group - maybe some out of naivety, and some others out of attempting to fool the media - but aims and ideology are yellow shirt aims and ideology - which most of the guards and leading figures openly admit to in private chats.

    As to the kinds of groups you would be willing to support in the ouster of the government (which, i am sorry, is quite hysterical) - this is the exact reason why the PAD has collapsed, and yellow shirts now are having to invent new artificial incarnations (and strategies), as their support for the military coup in 2006 and their government house and airport occupation has discredited this movement inside Thailand and outside. Their alliances with figures and groups with a known anti-democratic track record is well known (military, old right wingers such as Prasong Soonsiri, etc.)

    This can be clearly seen by the massively declining numbers of the yellow shirts from their peak in 2006, down in 2008, and further down in 2010/2011, and even more down in 2012.

    Lets wait and see how they are going to fare with the white mask stunt, if they get the numbers, or if it peaks at the 10 000 or so Pitak Siam (another such incarnation) got.

    ..but whatever, if you believe that the white mask people are still not yellow shirts, then be free to do so, if it makes you happy.

    You seem to be preoccupied labelling people as from the yellow universe or red universe? Is this profiling common amongst journalists? I would have thought a journalist would have been more objective and less propagandist. I prefer to class groups by what they stand for, how they conduct themselves and what their objective are.

    Doubtless you would therefore not find any fault in the equation PAD = Siam Pitak = Whitemasks.

    If I've overlooked some glaring differences between 'what they stand for, how they conduct themselves and what their objective are', do let me know.

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