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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. How much business is she going to be doing if she's taking her young son? ...doesn't say her husband is going


    Perhaps it's a legality issue of some sort.

    While Supasek "Nong Pipe" Amornchat is Yingluck "Poo" Shinawatra's legal son, Anusorn Amornchat and Poo have never legally married.


    Those old fashioned "values" of yours just have a habit of popping out don't they.

    Do you really think the fact that they aren't married is

    i) of relevance to her meetings or

    ii) anything to do with this thread?

    In other words yet another off topic post from buchholz.

    I don't think its a big deal either way. He was answering a post about Yingluck's 'husband'. We all know his style, but I think you're being a bit touchy here.

  2. An example of the current government planning ahead where possible and letting people know they are on the case.

    This kind of public service announcement garners greater public participation in the functioning of the nation and makes people feel more included in government policy. A kind of wartime spirit that pulls people together and reminds everyone that this government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

    By announcing the potential problems ahead, the government will look more stupid if the shit does hit the fan with the power outages since they will have had prior knowledge and still wouldn't have been able to handle it, so here we have an act of pure public service at the potential cost of significant political capital if it goes wrong. Well done Yingluck. A show of confidence in yourself, your government and the Thai public. Your popularity will rise even further after this!

  3. I think there is method in their madness. The man in Dubai might want to rid himself of Chalerm who is a liability and actually doesn't want him to come home, since that would mean he would be pushed out of the limelight immediately and probably dealt with in the same way as Purachai was when he got too big for his boots. Send him down to the South and arrange for a spectacular assassination with only small fragments remaining to make it harder to investigate who was behind it. Chalerm is gone forever, .while the government has an excellent excuse for an extremely robust crackdown in the South. Perfect.

    That's fascinating! Do you have a publisher yet?

  4. Once again it is possible for someone to die in Thailand and for the perpetrators to get away the crime. (be them regular army or red shirt army)

    Mana - aged 24 - probably had children, who will now grow up fatherless in a family without a breadwinner.

    So now what happens? The whole affair is swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten as an inconclusive verdict is of no political value to either side and therefore has outlived its usefulness - tragic.

    The most tragic thing is that the blood of all the innocents killed are on the hands of one man.

    That's absolutely fantastic news for everyone that pulled a trigger or fired a grenade during the violent times.

    That dog won't hunt my friend.

    Oh well, back to the kennels then.

    • Like 1
  5. Once again it is possible for someone to die in Thailand and for the perpetrators to get away the crime. (be them regular army or red shirt army)

    Mana - aged 24 - probably had children, who will now grow up fatherless in a family without a breadwinner.

    So now what happens? The whole affair is swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten as an inconclusive verdict is of no political value to either side and therefore has outlived its usefulness - tragic.

    The most tragic thing is that the blood of all the innocents killed are on the hands of one man.

    That's absolutely fantastic news for everyone that pulled a trigger or fired a grenade during the violent times.

  6. If only YS and her government would take a leaf out of Bulgarian gov't book.

    ''Bulgaria's government is resigning following nationwide protests against austerity and high electricity prices''

    Edit for source:


    And your statement will make sense just as soon as any nationwide protests are observed.

    The last serious attempt at an organized anti-government protest fizzled out in less than a day and it was in a single location.

  7. I've heard this too. We bought a house the other day on the road from Bo Sang to Doi Saket - nearer to DS than BS - and a friend of the wife's

    who works in the Ton Pao 'tessabaan' (local authority) near Bo Sang says there will be a ring-road built somewhere around there within the next couple of years.

    There are still some good deals around there. Just to give anyone interested an idea, we paid 1.8 mill for about 200 talang-wa, 3 buildings (two of which are basically large sheds) including a main house with 3/4 bedrooms. Needs about 0.5 mill of work done on it though. It's not new.

  8. Dropping in to comment on how pathetic TV posters are now. The first three comments are ridiculous political motivated comments with no value or reference to the topic of Bangkok's plight with sinking. TV, what a waist of time with moderation aimed at nothing but spanking bad little boy for swearing at each other. What a waist of time.

    If they start topics with vacuous articles devoid of any in depth analysis, facts or figures, then it isn't surprising if the posts that follow continue in that vein.

  9. Thanks for the advice.

    I've done it twice now and both times the home made yoghurt came out very nicely. First time (0.5 liters) I left it for 6 hours at 34 degrees, next time (2 liters) 7 hours at 32-33 degrees. I think it follows that the lower the temperature, the longer you need to leave it - within a certain range of course.

    So I'm now thinking about how to develop this further and am wondering the following:

    1) Can the yoghurt be eaten after it has been frozen, like a kind of icecream? Or does anything have to be added to it before freezing?

    2) If I wanted to flavor the yoghurt, what would be the best way. How and at what point in the process would the flavoring be added?

    Thanks a lot for any ideas, yoghurt-making pioneers!


  10. By the way I got bored of reading this thread because of the constant bickering between people. Is there a single TV thread that does not resort into name calling etc.


    I know. I started this thread because I was in a very similar situation to you and needed a bit of advice - to go with the advice I get from other sources of course - in order to get a basic understanding of the current situation regarding GBP/THB exchange rate. Some people who genuinely know more than me, and some who just think they know a lot find it difficult to stop themselves scoffing at others' opinions or questions. Don't worry about it. Sometimes it just comes down to how a person phrases their answer - a question of style rather than substance.

    As for you situation, what I've gathered over the month or so I've been following this exchange rate is that if you are holding GBP then you should avoid trying to buy Baht for at least the next few months. If you simply have to buy baht, then look out for spikes in the rate (which may last less than a day), and be ready to go online or get down to the bank at short notice to do the transfer. But since the trend of the exchange rate is continuing downwards, spikes will not see rises to anywhere near the level of a month ago ie even the spikes will trend downwards.

    If you want a better exchange rate than a direct transfer from a GBP account in the UK to a THB account in Thailand, open a foreign currency account with a Thai bank in Thailand and move the money there first from the UK, then you get the TT rate, which is better than the 'retail' rate you'd get otherwise.

    You might get an even better rate contacting market traders directly, but I know nothing about how this is done. Maybe you could ask more experienced people here how to do that, but the feeling I get is that those who do best with this kind of thing are loath to give away their secrets, with the exception of Fletchsmile, who I think seems to have contributed handsomely to debates surrounding this and related topics.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm in the middle of my first ever attempt at making yoghurt, following the advice from this thread - thanks to all posters. One thing I wasn't sure about is after you add the starter yoghurt, do you keep the mixture in an airtight container, or should it be ventilated?



    Airtight container room temp for 7 hours or so (I left overnight) then refrigerate and enjoy

    Thanks for that. Okay, it's been at about 34 degrees for 6 hours. Just had a look and it's still very runny but smells like normal plain yoghurt. Should it be thick at this stage, or does it only get thick after you put it in the fridge?



  12. Today will see the release of over a dozen UK economy-related reports, including Retail figures, Productivity figures, Consumer Price Index plus a Quarterly Inflation letter. Looks likely there will be a lot of movement in the exchange rate over the next 24-48 hours. For those who held off selling pounds following last Friday's spike and now feel they missed a chance, there may be another opportunity to offload. I hope. whistling.gif

    go and visit the temple.

    why, are they offering better rates there?

    Guaranteed haircut.

    err....right you are....

  13. Today will see the release of over a dozen UK economy-related reports, including Retail figures, Productivity figures, Consumer Price Index plus a Quarterly Inflation letter. Looks likely there will be a lot of movement in the exchange rate over the next 24-48 hours. For those who held off selling pounds following last Friday's spike and now feel they missed a chance, there may be another opportunity to offload. I hope. whistling.gif

    go and visit the temple.

    why, are they offering better rates there?
  14. I'm in the middle of my first ever attempt at making yoghurt, following the advice from this thread - thanks to all posters. One thing I wasn't sure about is after you add the starter yoghurt, do you keep the mixture in an airtight container, or should it be ventilated?



  15. Today will see the release of over a dozen UK economy-related reports, including Retail figures, Productivity figures, Consumer Price Index plus a Quarterly Inflation letter. Looks likely there will be a lot of movement in the exchange rate over the next 24-48 hours. For those who held off selling pounds following last Friday's spike and now feel they missed a chance, there may be another opportunity to offload. I hope. whistling.gif

  16. Not sure if its the same with other banks, but with a Bangkok Bank FX account it is very expensive to withdraw the money into the THB account of any other bank (into a BKK Bank account, there's no charge).

    The BKK Bank lady who set up the account highlighted this to me straight away and advised that if I wanted to do this it is much better to withdraw into a BKK Bank account first and then use a Bank Draft or Cashier's Cheque to move the money to another bank's account.

  17. Chalerm: 'I won’t give interview for seven days if Pongsapat loses'

    Another hollow, empty promise from the Bangkok Godfather of hollow, empty promises.

    I couldn't find the bit where Chalerm actually promised anything.

    I would respectfully ask you to refrain from artificially upping the moral ante by attributing his saying that he was going to do something as being the same as him promising he was going to do something. If I say that this evening I will go to 7-11 - is that a promise? If Abhisit says next year the Thai economy will weaken, is that a promise?

    See what I mean? By adding more to the story than is actually there, you are putting all your hard earned integrity and criticism of PTP and its supporters at risk, and that would be a shame as you are doing such a fine job.

    Back in Kentucky where I come from a man's word is his bond. You could call that a promise but there is no need. I suppose things are different where you come from right?

    What it's like where you or I come from is utterly irrelevant, except to serve as a reminder of how alien we are to this land. What it's like in Thailand is what actually matters here. Have you forgiven your parents for the Great Santa Claus Hoax yet?

  18. Chalerm: 'I won’t give interview for seven days if Pongsapat loses'

    Another hollow, empty promise from the Bangkok Godfather of hollow, empty promises.

    I couldn't find the bit where Chalerm actually promised anything.

    I would respectfully ask you to refrain from artificially upping the moral ante by attributing his saying that he was going to do something as being the same as him promising he was going to do something. If I say that this evening I will go to 7-11 - is that a promise? If Abhisit says next year the Thai economy will weaken, is that a promise?

    See what I mean? By adding more to the story than is actually there, you are putting all your hard earned integrity and criticism of PTP and its supporters at risk, and that would be a shame as you are doing such a fine job.

    Did you read the headline? "I won't give an interview for 7 days if Pongsapat loses." Is that not a promise? It's certainly not a threat.

    Chalerm certainly appears to be an awful and quite scary person to have as a politician, but is it beyond the realms of possibility that it was a throwaway line, a joke or - given his..err.. appreciation... of the press - wishful thinking on his part? Lapping up purely the printed word without actually knowing the 'soft' facts - personality, context, etc doesn't always give one the clearest perspective.

    How can I think that Chalerm is awful and yet still offer an alternative viewpoint on those words of his that were printed? It's a multicolored world out there.

  19. Chalerm: 'I won’t give interview for seven days if Pongsapat loses'

    Another hollow, empty promise from the Bangkok Godfather of hollow, empty promises.

    I couldn't find the bit where Chalerm actually promised anything.

    I would respectfully ask you to refrain from artificially upping the moral ante by attributing his saying that he was going to do something as being the same as him promising he was going to do something. If I say that this evening I will go to 7-11 - is that a promise? If Abhisit says next year the Thai economy will weaken, is that a promise?

    See what I mean? By adding more to the story than is actually there, you are putting all your hard earned integrity and criticism of PTP and its supporters at risk, and that would be a shame as you are doing such a fine job.

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