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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. "Ongart said Pheu Thai's move to have all senators elected and remove appointed senators would greatly affect the country's political structure, since the ruling party would easily acquire a parliamentary mandate through a majority."

    ...and the problem is what, exactly? You can't prevent the ruling party acquiring a parliamentary mandate? Grow some balls and win an election, then!

    While we're at it, why not abolish the party list system which sees MPs and the PM appointed by whoever has enough money to buy a few popular politicians. We can consider ourselves lucky Thaksin has siblings, otherwise he might have appointed his horse, or more likely, his dog.

    Come to think of it, a bitch might have done a better job.

    And doubtless you'd be conjuring up some other shrill conspiracy theory if PTP did abolish the party list system, the merits of which are not a part of this topic.

    Honestly, if all the ranting on these threads is to be believed, people who share your views actually have quite a lot in common with Thaksin. None of you appear to trust in the democratic principle when it comes to Thailand.

  2. "Ongart said Pheu Thai's move to have all senators elected and remove appointed senators would greatly affect the country's political structure, since the ruling party would easily acquire a parliamentary mandate through a majority."

    ...and the problem is what, exactly? You can't prevent the ruling party acquiring a parliamentary mandate? Grow some balls and win an election, then!

    If you have the senators filled up with drones who say yes to everything that Thaksin says, than you don't need them at all anymore.

    I would have thought that having the 'senators filled up with drones' would be far more likely in a system governed by appointees than elected individuals.

    Why don't all you on here who criticize this move by PTP just bite the bullet, have the courage of your convictions and openly admit that it is the democratic principle itself which is the cause of the problems you perceive?

  3. "Ongart said Pheu Thai's move to have all senators elected and remove appointed senators would greatly affect the country's political structure, since the ruling party would easily acquire a parliamentary mandate through a majority."

    ...and the problem is what, exactly? You can't prevent the ruling party acquiring a parliamentary mandate? Grow some balls and win an election, then!

    • Like 2
  4. The PTP scum don't seem to understand that Yingluck isn't royalty and can be criticized, especially since she's a bimbo who doesn't do anything except Skype with her brother. It sickens me to think eventually, the Shinawatra lackeys are going to clamp down on all free speech. TV posters beware. We're next.

    "TV posters beware. We're next."

    So it won't be all bad news, then.

  5. Thai News, fighting started in BKK---protesters-police 3-30pm

    I can already feel the reactionaries getting excited. Do tell us more. The people that were tweeting on the ground at parliament house earlier evidently haven't got wind of it yet.

    Well if you could get away from using infantile labels for a moment, you could try looking up the other newspaper or switching on a local free-to-air TV station.

    So far it's only a skirmish - the red shirt intimidation squad hasn't arrived yet.

    Thank you. I feel appropriately admonished whilst also informed at the same time.

    UPDATE: I've just flicked through Spring News, Thai PBS, ASTV, Blue Sky and a couple of other news channels but nothing on the fighting - just the parliamentary debate. Would it be possible for ginjag or anyone else to name the source of these reports of violence? Or is it against forum rules to do so?

    UPDATE: richardbarrow tweets that the People's Army have decided to remain in their barracks at Lumpini park - no march on parliament house. No violence reported with them involved.

  6. Also possible that folks are frightened that there will be violence and stay away, and IMHO the core fanatical reds are very capable of

    serious intimidation of other protestors and violence, and all with the silent backing of the pt.

    I think there is something other going on. Only if the Democrats want they can bring a 100.000 on the street over night. They are strong in Bangkok and they can mobilize half the south. It is just too little to be true....Keep it small to make the government overconfident so they make a big mistake?

    555 That's so funny. I'd love to have seen that press release...

    'Haters of Thaksin. We are planning a demonstration in early August to show our displeasure with the forthcoming talks on amnesty. Please do NOT come.'

    The reactionaries on this forum often cite the fact that there were no demonstrations following the coup which ousted Thaksin as meaning that the vast majority of people backed the coup. Are you same people now going to interpret this feeble showing at Lumpini as meaning most people don't mind an amnesty for Thaksin? It was well publicized weeks in advance. What excuse will you come up with?

    Keeping it small to make the government make a mistake? Only the most fanatical yellows could countenance this extraordinary idea.

    As for lobbying the outside world, history shows us that that is usually the final gambit of desperate groups. The reds did it when things were turning sour circa Rajaprasong, and other political groups have done it in many other countries over the years, usually to little or no effect.

    Good points although I think h90 is also right that if they wanted to, the Democrats could mobilize several thousand from the South without much effort (just as they did during the 08 PAD protests). I do think they'll bus more people in for Wednesday, which is supposedly going to be the day of action - I assume they'll move on government house. Anyway, my friend had a look behind the stage yesterday, said the organizers seemed pretty content with the way things were going so far. As things stand though, it's a complete washout that no one would consider any sort of threat to the government. The reds get more protesters for events barely mentioned by the press, never mind something like this which has been built up for weeks.

    I don't doubt that the Dems could bring more people to a demo than the 'People's Army', but evidently they don't have the appetite to organize one solely on an anti-Thaksin platform. Why not? Maybe it would make the Dems look like a one-issue party, not serious about the other concerns facing the country. Regardless, the reason for Sunday's gathering couldn't have been made clearer. It was all about Thaksin and people had the choice to show their agreement by turning up or not.

    The low turnout could then only have been because either:

    1) people are not that concerned at the moment about amnesty for Thaksin.

    2) the characters involved in organizing it are well enough known to most people and for whatever reason, people dislike them enough to stay away from their rallies regardless of what they are specifically campaigning for.

    Either way, the anti-Thaksin platform is looking less and less viable as a vote-winner for the Dems and I think they know it - apart from Abhisit who I imagine owes quite a lot to those who want to keep Thaksin out of Thai politics. To be fair, I think the anti-Thaksin platform was somewhat foisted on the Dems ever since they came to power with the help of the army. Another poisonous and lasting legacy of the coup.

  7. I wonder if the lack of demonstrators shows a realization that TS is taking things too far.

    Maybe a bit of TS fatigue is setting in?

    Also possible that folks are frightened that there will be violence and stay away, and IMHO the core fanatical reds are very capable of

    serious intimidation of other protestors and violence, and all with the silent backing of the pt.

    I think there is something other going on. Only if the Democrats want they can bring a 100.000 on the street over night. They are strong in Bangkok and they can mobilize half the south. It is just too little to be true....Keep it small to make the government overconfident so they make a big mistake?

    555 That's so funny. I'd love to have seen that press release...

    'Haters of Thaksin. We are planning a demonstration in early August to show our displeasure with the forthcoming talks on amnesty. Please do NOT come.'

    The reactionaries on this forum often cite the fact that there were no demonstrations following the coup which ousted Thaksin as meaning that the vast majority of people backed the coup. Are you same people now going to interpret this feeble showing at Lumpini as meaning most people don't mind an amnesty for Thaksin? It was well publicized weeks in advance. What excuse will you come up with?

    Keeping it small to make the government make a mistake? Only the most fanatical yellows could countenance this extraordinary idea.

    As for lobbying the outside world, history shows us that that is usually the final gambit of desperate groups. The reds did it when things were turning sour circa Rajaprasong, and other political groups have done it in many other countries over the years, usually to little or no effect.

  8. The guy in the brown shirt, looks like hes up for kicking off right now haha

    Indeed...looks like just the kind of guy who'd take a chair to a hanging corpse. Thammasat '76, anyone?

    In the interests of balance though, he may equally be a lovely family man who just happened to be controlling an uncomfortable bout of wind as the shot was taken.

    That's Captain Pookem. I think he's a complete nutjob lol, but also quite amusing. He's the guy that threatened Sombat with a grenade if he held a talk show on December 5. Also negotiated with the police on behalf of the PAD during the 08 protests. Believe he claims to have had a fist fight with Seh Daeng at one point too, which is pretty funny, given their similarity (Pookem has apparently been training some of his own 'ronin' for this protest). But I think he was discharged from the military... in any case, I don't support what he stands for or his actions, but it's almost hard to dislike the guy. There's a sincerity that shines through the madness that makes him stand out from the cynics manipulating things for their own benefit.

    In that case, lets hope all the seating is cleared away before people start getting shirty.

    • Like 2
  9. The guy in the brown shirt, looks like hes up for kicking off right now haha

    Indeed...looks like just the kind of guy who'd take a chair to a hanging corpse. Thammasat '76, anyone?

    In the interests of balance though, he may equally be a lovely family man who just happened to be controlling an uncomfortable bout of wind as the shot was taken.

  10. People's Army. The leader already making excuses for violent behavior (blaming others before anything has even happened).

    This group is clearly counting on a show of brute force. Seem like trouble makers to me. Hope I am proved wrong.

    Wasn't it Chalerm a couple of months ago warning anti-government protesters not to protest because "third parties" were going to cause trouble?

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Absolutely - I agree - these leaders of the mischievously and inaccurately named 'People's Army' are about as competent and trustworthy as Chalerm.

  11. They say when the Computer recognises your driving Style it sets itself. Are Fords not a Family Car.? driven by Old Grandfather,and then by My Son,....Flatout!!. .Seems Cobblers to Me.coffee1.gif

    More of a publicity gimmick, in my view. It ends up perpetually hesitating on the gear to choose, from what I hear.

    I've had a focus titanium plus for a few months now - done 4000Km - and haven't experienced any problem with the gearbox at all. This car has more torque than anything else you can get for the money and the 'funny gearbox' makes it shift from standing still to 120 in an apparently very short time - quicker than any other car I've seen on the road apart from your porsches etc.

    i too doubt it learns your driving technique but software controls a lot of what happens and you can do a lot of ingenious stuff with software, i'm told.

    • Like 1
  12. I use Silver Gold Garden, about five or ten minutes from the airport, with free shuttle van both to/from the hotel.

    I book via sawadee.com and the rate is usually B650/night, but sometimes it can be B750 or B850 if it's a busy time and/or they are almost full.

    The hotel is clean, wake-up call is reliable, and there are Tesco Express and 7-11 stores out front for beverages and snacks. I've stayed there at least 10 times, and have always felt safe and welcome.

    Thanks so much. That looks like a great tip. Will definitely take a look at it when I get down to BKK. Cheers.

  13. PTT is a large international oil company and it hasn't coordinated with the government for just this?

    Unbelievable and shameful.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And Thailand want to run high speed trains, Nuclear power stations !!!!

    And of course there have never been oil-related disasters off the US and UK coasts courtesy of US and UK firms.....pffff...
    • Like 1
  14. Thanks a lot for the replies.

    I just checked and it appears I was in Idiot Mode when I booked the Etihad flight from BKK to LHR because it leaves at about 8:30 in the morning, so no chance of getting a domestic flight from CNX-BKK at about 3-4a.m. which I guess is what would have been needed to do a realistic transfer.

    Oh well, I will just have to go CNX-BKK the day before, take my bags from Suvarnabhumi and get a hotel.

    Thanks again to all posters for the advice and hopefully it will be useful to others.

    By the way, if anyone can recommend a half-decent hotel around Suvarnabhumi for around 1,000Bt per night with reliable wake-up calls and possibly even transport to the airport, I'd be most appreciative to know.


  15. Hi all

    Later this year I'm going to the UK from Chiang Mai. Already got Etihad ticket from BKK-LHR-BKK but still need to get tickets from CNX-BKK-CNX.

    Since it seems unlikely that my bags will be automatically put on the Etihad flight at Suvarnabhumi, I'm wondering what is the process when I land at BKK from Chiang Mai. Do I go through customs and baggage reclaim and then have to check in to Etihad at the main checkin desks, or is there another way, perhaps using a transfer desk?

    Most importantly, how long before my Etihad departure should ensure that I land at Suvarnabhumi from Chiang Mai so that I don't have to panic in a hurry or wait half a day?

    Thanks a lot for any advice.


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