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  1. you sound like a nice friend are you not? ITS ALL ABOUT ME....
  2. I have unsubscribed from his youtube channel. How does he have so many subs?
  3. The price goes up with less supply. Basic economics. Its the whole reason btc is so valuable. It has fixed supply. Due to the halvening process every 4 yrs the amount of btc created is cut in half. Its incredibly smart code and an extremely valuable asset.
  4. Another person who really should not have had children. One must feel sorry for the child who will ultimately read about her loser mother later in life.
  5. Braindead idiots flying to the uk via singapore? wtf. why not just take a direct flight to the uk to avoid the risk of an additional customs check in singapore. How incredibly stupid of them and the kingpin in the uk. Yes, if you are him reading this in the uk you are stupid.
  6. You need to understand that life, in general, is a merical really. To. be born in a human body on this magnificent planet and live in this amazing Thailand which is just the right distance from the right sized star which has a magnetic core that gives us protection from the sun, the water, the moon. Its impossibly perfect to be born in this situation. I recommend that you take your wife to the bedroom and give her an oil massage. Make love to her. Maybe make a baby. You will be happy then. I have a child and its the best thing in life. I do not focus on myself at all. If this advise doesn't help you please go and see a psychiatrist.
  7. They had a 30 yr lease and did not buy the land as you say
  8. I watched the video. I cannot believe what I saw there. 2 complete ferals taking it out on a nice old English couple. Unbelievable.
  9. it is a smart strategy 'power of the press'. Ive never heard of this guy before. But some of his videos have millions of views.
  10. do you have a link that has the video on this attack
  11. Please watch this long video to the end and tell me if you still agree or disagree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3-5GQfeJ68 There are hundreds of videos on the keto diet improving memory / brain issues. The body burns fats rather than sugars. If you still have your head in the sand go and eat all your cakes, potatotoes, bread and fake carbs. Up to you
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