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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. When in St P I stayed at a home stay with a russian guy. He asked me several times if I were gay. No I said. Im into ladies. He had a saying on his kitchen table. It was so negative. I wish that I had taken a photo. No wonder he was such a miserable bastard. Back home I had a russian gf. I decided to fly to LOS to celebrate my bday. She persuaded me to pay a return ticket to come and meet me. She didnt turn up to koh san road. The morning of her return ticket I cancelled her flight back home. Som nom na. Not a big fan of russians. Not many good experiences
  2. why dont they have security deposit boxes at all the 12 retail banks in thailand. A lot safer.
  3. They are really nice people in surin that is for sure. Drivers are very considerate. Best people in thailand I think. Opposite of the thai scum in phuket
  4. I think its true if one is looking in Pattaya or Phuket central. But if one moves to a normal regional non tourist thai city and lives there. Then I disagree with your statement.
  5. Boring place to live. Nothing to do actually. Dry and lots of rice fields. Run down old infrastructure. Old traffic lights. Why do you live there?
  6. I only just heard about this. RIP Joe. You helped me many times via PM's
  7. No, go to homepro and look at the bike parking section by the side of the building. Hundreds of mopeds.
  8. Our local district amphur office also has a lot of bored ladies with empty desks. Might be able to get free SS health system if you hook up with one of these fine specimens.
  9. There are armies of single, bored and desperate girls at hardware stores such as HomePro, ThaiWatsu etc across Thailand. I was recently at the latter shopping for a bathtub. I asked the girl, aged in late 20s, if I could take my shoes off and get in. After I got in, she smiled at me and I said to her 'come in and join me'. I thought to myself if I were desperate and dateless I would probably pull this girl. She could be mine. In Homepro I noticed groups of girls standing around bored as hell. Home ceramic and SCG have normal staffing models and thus one will not succeed there. If you are not into P4P girls at the local bar why not go to a hardware store and find some loven? I think even someone with no friends (Bob) might be able to get lucky. cheers.
  10. You sound white and entitled. Go back to the nanny state where your mummy gave birth
  11. I think you dont understand or maybe have never been to a thai govt hospital. Its all budget control. Low standards. crowded. Old rooms. Old equipment. Old surgery rooms. What about the quality of the actual mesh? You come out of the anesthetic. Any complications? In a private hospital you will have better care. ICU is available. Dr comes to check on you after surgery. Never happens in a govt hospital. It sounds like you cant afford a private hospital. Please let us know your experiences in the govt hospital. Report again 6 months down the line.
  12. If you are in good health ie no heart issues and no other problems with your body then I would go for it at a govt hospital. If you have ANY risks due to health issues pay the 180k like I did. I have heart disease and had to be monitored after I came out of sedation.
  13. I bet the revenue dept would do nothing. Actually I didnt mention something. If either the tenant or the landlord go to the rev dept with the lease agreement and buy legal stamps from them and stick them on the actual contract then you know 100% you have to pay taxes. This is the only circumstance by which any thai pays taxes on rent.
  14. My 2 cents worth is that if you dont want to get prostate cancer then you must ejaculate more than 21 times a month. Its on google dr.
  15. More scummie russians living here than ever.
  16. just keep changing the bank account to another bank every 6months or a year. You can have 12 different bank accounts here ie yellow bank, pink bank, ktb, scb etc. Change the bank so that theres not more than 1 mill per yr deposits.
  17. haha. stop thinking like a westerner. Its thailand You do not have to pay taxes on rent here. Do you think rich Thai people who own multiple properties do that. This is not a western country. Rev dept here is incompetent. My accountant says as long as in a 12 month period.... theres not more than 200 transaction and/or greater than 1 million deposit to a bank account then dont have to pay tax. If you get close to this criteria just go open an account at a different bank and start again. Nuff said.
  18. Dont be rediculous. You do not have to pay taxes on rent here. Do you think rich Thai people who own multiple properties do that. This is not a western country. Rev dept here is incompetent. My accountant says as long as in a 12 month period.... theres not more than 200 transaction and/or greater than 1 million deposit to a bank account then dont have to pay tax. If you get close to this criteria just go open an account at a different bank and start again. Nuff said.
  19. Unless he is on the SS system paying 400 baht a month ie an ex teacher. Then he has nominated his hospital and therefore has to abide by the rules I presume?
  20. I think you are a bit immature. please stop posting rubbish.
  21. Bumrungrad has to be your best option. Probably as expensive as oz but just as good. Bring all evidence. 7 years ago I watched a 70 year old south african die here from Prostate cancer. I saw him in his final days. Not a good thing...RIP Tony. Dont piss about. Get treated quickly and dont question the dr unless you have a MD.
  22. duh, you dork. It was public land. the steps were demolished. keep up with the news please
  23. No one cares what you think Bob let alone where you go
  24. I think your posts are boring and you are hijacking this forum. Please get a life and some real friends. Try to not look at this forum for 2 weeks. It will be good for your mental health
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