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Everything posted by bluemoon58

  1. Unterwasser Panzer Fahrer mit Senf!
  2. bluemoon58

    San Mig ZERO

    Same in Makro Hua Hin Patriot.
  3. The benefits of living alone as an older man Simples, no f***ing nagging!
  4. Yep, I'm similar to you. I'd love to bin it but it's the only way I keep in touch with old military brethren.
  5. Piece of p1ss mate. I've lost 8kg in the last 5 months.
  6. Yep, what a geezer!
  7. I'm into the thriller/suspense genre and am currently reading Thomas Perry's series of books. I got into him after being gripped by a drama on tv called "The Old Man". Highly recommend him if you are into that genre.
  8. Nah, I think he's just a kn0b!
  9. What a totally inane post that bears no relevance to the actual title of the post!
  10. Absolute BS! You're on the wind up. Firstly, there's no difference in the sizes and secondly, you threw nothing!
  11. I'd urge people to watch a UK Channel 4 documentary called Dispatches:The Truth About Temu if you can before considering using them.
  12. Thanks for that. I thought I was pretty "down with the kids" but that term seems to have passed me by!
  13. Excuse my ignorance, what's Karen's?
  14. I have a scooter that is in my Thai sister in law's name. She is currently in the UK. Can I do a change of ownership without her being here? I've been on the DLT website and can't find any info whatsoever, not even on how to actually do a change of ownership. Can anyone enlighten me?
  15. What exactly is the appointment for? I've been using HHI for 12 years now and find that if you turn up by 8.15am before they open, if I'm doing my 90 day, I'm usually leaving around 8.45am or, if I'm doing my annual extension, I'm usually leaving around 9.15am.
  16. England have been that bad, they're a knocking bet.
  17. Absolute ridiculous comment unless you elaborate!
  18. A big NO! I edit because I sometimes think of something I should have added and I have to say that it doesn't spoil mine or the posts mood one little bit!
  19. Ooh, I absolutely love a hyphen! I agree with you btw.
  20. Yep, there's plenty in Hua Hin and, they always seem to want to speak louder than anybody in their immediate vicinity!
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