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Everything posted by bluemoon58

  1. I was military and served in war zones and I can tell you that 75% of war fighting is taken up by logistics.
  2. ANY lady who has hairy legs is a turn off!
  3. Yes, definitely. I've lost 12kg this year because I definitely needed to as a 5' 6" fat git! So main personal goal is to keep it off and maybe better it. Secondly, try to speak more Thai.
  4. This spoilt young fella per meal gets 100 grams of chicken breast, 2 x chicken hearts, a teaspoon of blended veg, a serving spoon of rice, a handful of kibble, a shot of salmon oil and a chicken knuckle. He's a very very happy young man!
  5. I've had the misfortune at various times to be on planes loaded with Chinese, Afghans, Nigerians and Indians and the majority of all of them act like self entitled pr1cks with no regard for anyone other than themselves. I'd put them all in the same boat but, I'd say the Nigerians edge it! Even the Emirates staff detested the Lagos to Dubai flight!
  6. Where was it you said you lived? 😉
  7. Only my personal opinion but, I think anyone who doesn't wear a helmet is stark raving mad! There's many many expats where I live that don't and it seems like a badge of honour to them. Look at me, I do what the f*** I want!
  8. I know most IO's are 30 days before. However, where I live it's 45 days before. Check with Imm.
  9. Surf 102.5 fm in Hua Hin
  10. Mmmmm ghetto! I served with the Gurkhas twice, great guys. Never had a problem when I worked with Russians and Chinese. However, I served in the Middle East and also worked there as a civilian and 100% stand by my comment. They are the most hateful and aloof people I've met whilst serving and working across three quarters of the world! Ghetto, really...!!!
  11. So if I've understood you correctly Dr Jack, my expiry this was 18th October but I renewed quite early this year on 3rd September, does that mean I can use some of the funds from 3rd December as opposed to 13th January?
  12. I'm not quite clear on the seasoning for the 800k in the bank for the retirement extension. Does it have to remain at 800k for 3 months after the date you've renewed or 3 months after the actual renewal date?
  13. Herfiehandbag! 😁 I know the meaning of that name sir. Arte et Marte.
  14. Correct. Me, me, me seems to be the majority attitude of Thais. I have witnessed what happened in the article many times over the years. Selfish, selfish, selfish!
  15. Not enough options. I used to drink drive after 3 x 330ml bottles max. Then, after 3 Farang being killed and 1 crippled where I live in a short space of time, all had been drinking and none wearing a helmet, I saw the light and stopped. 90 odd baht into town in a Grab or Bolt! It's a no brainer!
  16. Makro, Villa Market, Tops to name but a few.
  17. Mmmmmm! Not quite the term I would use!
  18. If you have to ask the question, maybe don't wear it!
  19. I can confirm 100% that when I used to fly in to BKK every 8 weeks on Emirates, those that were carrying on to Hong Kong stayed on the plane. Sometimes I was on a flight that was carrying on to Australia and I'm fairly sure that they stayed on too but I'm not 100% on that.
  20. Errrmmm, not quite as bad as watching porn in the House of Commons whilst on the British tax payers dime! Just saying!
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