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Posts posted by jaffacakes1

  1. Does anyone know why some Thai men choose to roll up their t-shirts to expose their stomachs? Also seems only to be the small minority of Thai men with a beer gut that exhibit this peculiar behaviour.

    Does anyone know if this is intended as an advertisement of prosperity or is there another explanation?

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  2. I think the raid you refer to was actually a major farang exporter based in Pattaya (but fled to Eastern Europe). Thais don't seem to be in to the whole body-building thing so perhaps the pharmacy you tried was the wrong location. Find one near a gym anywhere in Thailand and they should be able to offer you a menu.

  3. I wondered when I moved to Phuket if the 90 days I was allowed to remain in the UK was going to be enough. I soon realised it was about 80 days too long.

    This is not to criticise the UK as I had the most fantastic time in London but all good things must come to an end. Since moving to Thailand I actually look forward to returning from every holiday, no system is perfect but there is so much more to like than dislike, the same cannot be said, unfortunately for my former home. Hope you make it back to LOS soon!

  4. OK, if you need Baht and you're trying to maximise your purchase it would ssem that the current rate is a good one, after all, there's no really good reason why the Pound should be getting stronger, is there! On the other side of the coin is the question of whether the BOT is serious about trying to weaken THB in order to protect their export market, THB has weakened for the past few days and that could continue or the markets could say, sorry, we don't believe the BOT threats so we'll take another shot at things.

    So, if it was me and I wanted to buy THB I'd probably do it today but you might see things very differently.

    With the difficulties in Rice exports it's probably more likely they will try to devalue the Baht but then the UK has a great history is financial blunders.

    Unless you are changing many thousands sterling any swing probably wont even be significant anyway.

    Its a house sale. Now that sterling isn't the safe haven it once was so would prefer deposits in BHT just wish I'd acted before Jan this year when it tanked!
  5. more serious... everybody talking about "trend" when a currency goes up for 10 days in a row is plain... unfit for currency trading...

    Not a Forex trader or married. Just looking for a decent exchange rate and interested in any intelligent input..
  6. Am glad you did watch it and took the time to respond. You are entirely correct that plastic bags account for only a proportion of the overall problem. The small chunks referred to are, however the result of plastics breaking up and the bags are very clearly a significant contributor to the problem simply as a result of the sheer volumes consumed.

    I am no environmentalist either, don't recycle or care much about my carbon footprint but I don't need my shopping double bagged and I do support this initiative as it helps to trash the plant that little bit less. The only solution is reducing demand. Ireland have implemented this very successfully with a tax on plastic bags. Would you pay for one?

    Note also this is not simply a domestic problem. Af 37.00 you will see where the US are shipping most of their plastic waste. Asia.

  7. Am glad you did watch it and took the time to respond. You are entirely correct that plastic bags account for only a proportion of the overall problem. The small chunks referred to are, however the result of plastics breaking up and the bags are very clearly a significant contributor to the problem simply as a result of the sheer volumes consumed.

    I am no environmentalist either, don't recycle or care much about my carbon footprint but I don't need my shopping double bagged and I do support this initiative as it helps to trash the plant that little bit less. The only solution is reducing demand. Ireland have implemented this very successfully with a tax on plastic bags. Would you pay for one?

    Note also this is not simply a domestic problem. Af 37.00 you will see where the US are shipping most of their plastic waste. Asia.

  8. I don't care because there's nothing to care about. Far as I can see.

    I don't care what you have seen on TV and now believe to be the truth. I don't care what the mainstream public believes without plastic bags -

    because they have not really thought about the details and just repeat what they see on TV.

    I do care about the environment. But I don't believe bullshit stories in the media.

    Tell me what ACTUAL IMPACT plastic bags have on the environment other than visual pollution in a garbage dump. TELL ME YOUR HORROR STORIES ABOUT PLASTIC BAGS.

    YOUR OWN ONES - not the ones you see on TV that serve their producers to advance their careers with unproven and hyped up sensationalism.

    I bet you (and anyone else reading this) can't tell me any horror stories - because there aren't any real ones.

    PB - I suggest you take a few minutes of your time to watch 5 minutes of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzEQ1FxC0fs (from around 41 min). It is an independent documentary and a real horror story with contributions from National Geographic and Marine Scientists that have spent two decades studying this.

    The North Pacific Subtropical Gyre is a little far for me to travel so we may have to rely upon the marine scientists that have been studying this area for the past two decades and assume that perhaps they are making this up to 'advance their careers'cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  9. Let me begin by stating that I am no environmentalist but after watching 'bag it', a brilliant documentary about the terrible affect that plastic bags are having on marine life in particular I am trying to reduce my consumption of bags as much as possible.

    'Bag It' is available on most torrent sites - highly recommended viewing. There is a LOT of evidence if you take the time..

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  10. Weight loss is actually simple. I arrived in Thailand 7 months ago and have lost 7 inches from my waist (ex boxer and now training MMA). Despite what anyone tells you it is calories in and calories out. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle then cutting down on carbs (as they are higher in calories) will help but a balanced diet and exercise wins over a ''fad diet'. Do eat regularly to keep your metabolism up (small meals as previously suggested). Fasting will put your body into a catabolic state and once glycogen has been used for energy your muscles will atrophy. So you end up a smaller version of a fat person. Exercise in the morning is ideal on an empty stomach as you start to burn fat for energy. Lift weights if possible - more muscle helps you burn calories more effectively. Cardio isn't the holy grail of weight loss.

    Just a basic tips as there is a lot of conflicting information out there. Also just be careful of hidden sugars - there are more calories in most fruit juices than in a San Miguel light!

    Drink lots of water also as sometimes we can confuse hunger and thirst, particularly in this climate!

  11. Really enjoyed Norbus - better than DaVinci which is nothing special and overpriced. Steaks are great at Norbu although have tried lots of other dishes which were similarly positive . Smoked salmon salad is great also as a starter. Funky venue also.

  12. Interested in chartering a crewed motor yacht for 24hr trip from Phuket to Koh Phi Phi and surrounding islands some time in late November (flexible).

    Family of 4 adults (ex-pat couple living in Phuket and visiting parents).

    Looking for a comfortable motor yacht minimum 40ft. Any private boat owners interested ?



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