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Posts posted by jaffacakes1

  1. Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

    Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

    Yep I agree with that,bodybuilder types. Plus many bodybuilders do seem to be not blessed in the facial or personality departments.

    Google: why are bodybuilders so short

    Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

    Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

    Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

    It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

  2. Nai - harn seems like the perfect spot

    Nai Harn is perfect based on your criteria. There are several Muay Thai camps although you'd need a scooter to get around properly. As has been suggested, move somewhere you are going to enjoy living for the first few months and then you can figure out the job situation when the time comes.

    • Like 1
  3. Just go to any Pharmacy and ask for Propecia tablets (Finasteride). It's expensive although you may find generics but far more effective than topical shampoo. That said I would use both and given the shedding has just begun and that it the crown and not hairline this would be the ideal time to counter it and keep your thatch!

    This happened to me (at 37) as a side effect of a steroid course and I had full regrowth within 6 months. Don't stress!

  4. Woke this morning to discover that at sometime early yesterday evening a burglar had prised open the sliding glass doors on the ground floor guest bedroom of our house, rifled through the kitchen and stolen a small amount of Thai money( bowl of loose change), Foreign money and various valueless items and a piece of jewellery (an imitation of my wife's 2ct engagement ring).

    I am on my way to report the theft to Chalong Police station and don't expect anything to happen but just wanted to post this is a warning to those in the Rawai area particularly to ensure that sliding doors are ground bolted even when in the house as they are very easy to open.

    This was the most least succeed heist of the century with the total value at around £50 but could have been a lot worse had my more valuable items been lying around.

    On a positive note this is the first time in a year of living here I have anything to complain about, just to ad

  5. Factually incorrect. Steroids are actually illegal in Thailand hence why they are not displayed or advertised but are available in independent pharmacies under the counter.

    Given that steroid distribution in most countries is controlled by drug dealers the prospect of juicing in Thailand is obviously attractive.

    Sports tourism is very big here in Phuket and the training facilities are excellent.

    • Like 1
  6. Anyone like me depressed and bored by the bar talk comments on this thread? Feel like a dose of intelligence and sanity ? Then read Simon Jenkins's views:


    On the contrary, I find the variety of views, opinions and information shared from most of the contributors on this topic thus far considerably more interesting than reading one sensitive journalists writing.

    I am also greatly encouraged to find such a matter of fact, open and honest conversation which could only be ever had in hushed tones in the UK.

    • Like 2
  7. I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

    Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

    The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

    PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

    Just a thought. You live in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country. There they have there own laws, rules and regulations. Hence a Muslim country with Muslim laws. Nothing wrong with that. I think what pisses people off is that Muslims are infiltrating other peoples countries, challenging their beliefs and way of life. In other words, if you are happy with the Muslim way, stay in a muslim country. Don't come to other peoples country and try to enact muslim laws. That way of course you will incite racism.

    I also like your idea of punishment for those guys........ Stoning!!!! well done!!!!!!!!!

    Yes they have their own laws but others don't have to follow them here. I can go have beers in the many bars, I can go with many women. I can even eat a pork sandwich if I wish.

    The muslim girls are fun, just like any other nationality, they enjoy a good time, some drink, some don't. But they don't wear the hijab when out on the booze though.

    It's quite a multicultural and open society.

    I know what you mean about muslim laws in other countries. What I think would be appropriate is if they commit any crime in that country and they also have sharia law then, say, the UK law can deal with them and when finished they can be dealt with under sharia law.

    In the case of purely muslim related crime, ie: drinking etc well that is not a crime in western countries and if they are dealt with under sharia law then that is their problem.

    But no way should they be dealt with under their own law only whilst in a western country.

    So you are advocating sharia law in UK?

    If you read what I posted you would understand what I'm advocating.

    Sharia Law can be good as long as the UK law is also adhered to. It has no effect on anyone else does it?

    It's kind of a bum deal for women and homosexuals unfortunately. With respect, I don't see the benefit and think the UK law alone is adequate.

    • Like 1
  8. To be a true Muslim, one must take the Quar'an as being the literal word of god. For the benefit or anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to read the full text I refer you simply to the verse of the sword;

    "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them: seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)."

    Gods don't kill people

    People with Gods kill people

    Another shoddy smear attempt. You claim to have read the Quran. At worst, I call unequivocal BS.

    At best, you didn't understand a single word and lack any intelligence to understand context.

    Stop cherry-picking and post the whole chapter. Or people in this thread, read the whole of Chapter 9.

    There is nothing in the Quran that justifies the complete freedom to kill non-believers.

    I guess we've been reading different versions of the Quar'an then my friend. Here are another 50 odd 'cherry picked' examples complete with references. I evidently lack your wisdom so perhaps you could elucidate the context you refer to because it all sounds pretty clear and all a bit sinister to me..


    If you wish to read the chapter i refer to, simply google 'verse of the sword'. It's all there.

    • Like 1
  9. To be a true Muslim, one must take the Quar'an as being the literal word of god. For the benefit or anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to read the full text I refer you simply to the verse of the sword;

    "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them: seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)."

    Gods don't kill people

    People with Gods kill people

    • Like 1
  10. Reading yet another case of a drug bust in Phuket. What I have found interesting about these busts is the speed with which the Thai dealers give each other up. Firstly the users were busted and gave up theirThai supplier - in the same evening a sting operation nabbed him and he, in turn immediately gave up his source in yet another sting.

    I wondered if the notion of the code of honour amongst thieves just doesn't exist within the Thai criminal classes as it does so strongly in most Western countries, or if the 'interrogation techniques' used are simply more effective in this part of the world?

  11. What is interesting to me is the way certain drugs appeal to certain nations and not so much to others. For example in Asia methamphetamine is very popular, but in England for example people don't seem to really like the stuff, xtc, cocaine, heroin and ketamine are popular but not the dreaded methamphetamine. I can understand the attraction to methamphetamine in some Asian countries, like Japan for example where the pace of life is much faster, and it would make sense that a speedy type stimulant may be seen to help with the hectic pace, but Thailand with its less frantic pace would seem to fit something more like Opium or even Heroin by nature.

    Any insight anyone?????

    Meth keeps narcolepsy at bay.

    Might have a point, but then why do the Japs love it?

    The Japanese used to be massive opium producers; an area called Atsumi Hanto where I used to live was one of the major growing areas. Even today they have police go through the area in the spring eradicating wild opium poppies. Even the Japanese army cultivated opium to sell to the Chinese to finance the war against the Chinese! But the Japanese saw opium as a tool of colonization, so strictly regulated its use within Japan (so you could grow it for export, but not for sale or consumption within Japan).

    Amphetamines became popular in Japan during the war, when it was handed out to the soldiers and workers like lollies to get them to go harder. Many servicemen returned from the war addicted to amphetamines, to find their wives back at home similarly addicted. Then with the economic boom of the Korean war, and through on to modern day, amphetamines became the go to drug of choice to keep you working harder and longer.

    Today Japan is the highest consumer of meth by volume in all of Asia, with over 1 million regular users (at last survey in 1997). It is a huge problem there.

    Yes I am familiar with much of the history, as I too lived in Japan for 7 years. I am also familiar with their liking for Meth, what I was trying to get at really was why certain countries like it and others don't. Its relatively easy to see why the Japanese have taken to it, as you have pointed out it fits their hard working ethic to a degree, but it seems less obvious as to why the Thais seem so keen on it. This is not thinly veiled Thai bashing, I'm not saying they are lazy so why would they like Meth so much, I just tend to think to a fairly large degree, the type of drugs that are popular within a country usually reflect inhabitants. For example I find it no surprise that most of the recreational drugs used in the UK can be easily used in a pub or club type setting as British people love pubs as a rule. It also is of little surprise that heroin is so popular in the UK as many British have a very dark side to their nature, no more apparent than when you watch British comedy or even soaps on T.V.

    Thinking about it maybe the clue is in the name Yabba.

    The popularity of certain drugs in certain countries must also be determined by accessibility. The reason Cocaine is so prohibitively expensive in Australia is due to a particularly lengthy and dangerous shipping route from the production centres. Hence meth instead is the bigger problem there as it is entirely synthetic and can be shipped from Burma. Yaba and Ya-Ice are apparently relatively inexpensive and a small amount can keep a user high for several days so a better 'bang for your buck' if that is your thing.

    Perhaps if there was a prominent dance scene in Asia the narco-landscape would look entirely differently but I guess people in general just like to get high and will take whatever is accessible and within their budget.

  12. Thanks for your wishes JRT I am indeed on an antibiotic drip as we speak and very comfot

    ...rtable at the hospital which is excellent.

    Think I might be dressing like a German tourist for a while (socks and sandals) to try and prevent against further attacks in that area. Not pleasant!

  13. Update - currently at Phuket International having had a small operation to remove a large abscess.

    This started innocently enough as a small insect bite but grew quickly into a serious medical issue. I am expected to remain in hospital for the next three days.

    Mental note to take anything unusual like this immediately to hospital and not rely on the advice of pharmacists!

  14. post-166803-13688806593741_thumb.jpg

    This is day 5. Small bite swelled slowly in the first few days - puncture was pin sized. Fever followed but that has cleared now and may not be associated.

    The swelling was unusual as it was hot and very firm to the touch. No itch. No discharge at all and the infected area has receded in the last day or two hence beyond the pharmacy I have not sought further medical attention.

  15. I obtained a 12 months multiple entry 'B' visa in the UK and my Wife has a spousal visa (O visa). It is coming up to expiry time and I was hoping to find out if anyone has experience of extending these types of visas ( I can do from the UK if necessary)

    I had heard that the 'B' visa is only valid for 12 months and then a work permit must be obtained ? Does anyone know the rules or have any advice ?

    Thanks in advance !

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