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Posts posted by jaffacakes1

  1. Drink responsibly

    Responsible drinking is an option if one is not an alcoholic.

    From my personal experience, alcoholics generally don't live their lives responsibility or moderately.

    Alcoholism, much like cancer or diabetes is a disease according to medical science. It is extremely difficult to manage by "responsible" or "moderate" drinking, much as trying to be a "responsible" or "moderate" diabetic.

    Hospitals, mental institutions, prisons and graveyards are full of people who thought and lived otherwise.

    One Day at a Time and Good Luck My Friend.

    'According to medical science' - can you cite your sources? To compare alcoholism to cancer is disgusting.

    The 'disease' reasoning is a convenient way for the weak minded in this pathetic victim culture to excuse their own lack of self discipline. Cancer victims don't bring it upon themselves - alcoholics do.

    It is entirely possible to be a moderate drinker - the majority of people who drink alcohol would fall into this category. When it stops being fun it's probably time to stop drinking.

    Alcolholics have serious difficulties drinking "moderately", unlike the majority of people who are not addicted to,it.

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    After reading your post, the tone and content were indeed astounding. My comparison of alcoholism to cancer was purely to relate them both as diseases. As for cancer victims not "bring(ing) it on themselves", it is an unfortunate fact that tobacco use is directly related to lung, throat and other cancers. Please read the many articles available on-line to support my comment.

    I supposed I could have compared alcoholism to atrophy of the brain or strictures of the bowel (intestine, not a container for food), but I opted otherwise. My apologies if your disgust resulted from this decision.

    Your lack of knowledge and compassion concerning alcoholism is surprising in this day and age. Indeed, your post read like an evangelical tirade from the Victorian Era.

    Alcoholics, from my experience, are neither weak minded, victims, or lacking in self discipline any more or less than someone suffering from intolerance or bigotry.

    They suffer for a disease as supported by the American Medical Association (1956), The American Psychiatric Association, The American College of Physicians, The National Insitutes of Health and numerous other bodies of higher learning and accreditation. I don't know what credentials you possess to support your position and I won't be so bold as to presume that you lack any advanced education in those areas.

    As for moderate drinking by an alcoholic. It's very difficult to moderate an addiction, whether it is alcohol, heroin, morphine or other substances. I have personal insight on this subject, unlike some, who may base their knowledge on heresay, superstition or theory.

    With these thoughts in mind, I do sincerely wish you the best of health and a speedy recovery from your present condition."Easy Does It"

    Thanks for clarifying, I am amongst those who have lost otherwise healthy relatives prematurely to cancer (not lung cancer) and these I feel are true victims of a disease and deserve all my compassion.

    Unlike Cancer and Diabetes and the other examples you cited, sufferers cannot cure themselves by controlling their own self indulgent behaviour. Alcoholics could. Today. There is help out there.

    Furthermore, there are no medical tests for the 'disease' of addiction, addiction is simply a behaviour, rooted in the human condition and manifests itself in a whole spectrum of different ways depending upon which substance or experience fires off our dopamine receptors.

    Does a shopaholic deserve more sympathy than an alcoholic ? Oniomania is also considered 'by medical science' to be an impulse control disorder, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, a bipolar disorder, or even a clinical disorder. Following your logic a shopaholic should never venture into a retail outlet again, I suggest instead exercising self control. I know many alcoholics who have managed to return to moderate drinking. Works for some, not for all.

    You have your own entirely subjective

    experience of substance abuse which would suggest the latter and I have mine. Neither should be proposed as a solution but absolute abstinence of any intoxicants seems somewhat drastic and unrealistic in the modern world.

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  2. I'll just throw in the fact there are a lot of good restaurants with a wide variety of good food on St. 172 from Norodom to the riverside (St. 5, actually). You will want to check out the riverside bars and restos but I personally never go there.


    Yea there are several good, cheap places to eat along there, particularly the block of St,172 between St.19 and 13 as it seems to be the new backpacker hotspot since the closure of the Lakeside backpacker area

    Thanks for this - sorry the 'closure' of Lakeside?

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  3. Drink responsibly

    Responsible drinking is an option if one is not an alcoholic.

    From my personal experience, alcoholics generally don't live their lives responsibility or moderately.

    Alcoholism, much like cancer or diabetes is a disease according to medical science. It is extremely difficult to manage by "responsible" or "moderate" drinking, much as trying to be a "responsible" or "moderate" diabetic.

    Hospitals, mental institutions, prisons and graveyards are full of people who thought and lived otherwise.

    One Day at a Time and Good Luck My Friend.

    'According to medical science' - can you cite your sources? To compare alcoholism to cancer is disgusting.

    The 'disease' reasoning is a convenient way for the weak minded in this pathetic victim culture to excuse their own lack of self discipline. Cancer victims don't bring it upon themselves - alcoholics do.

    It is entirely possible to be a moderate drinker - the majority of people who drink alcohol would fall into this category. When it stops being fun it's probably time to stop drinking.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Well, considering the large number of convicts in relation to the total number of immigrants, chances are high that Aussies are descendants from murderers, con men, robbers and rapists. Higher than any other nationality. So whether you like it or not or even fail to recognise that fact, she probably DID school you...


    Did you know that folk were sent there for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their family.........?


    I knew they were convicted of crimes. But if you have a name and a record of the sentence I'll be happy to take your comment into consideration.


    Here's a link to the entire register of convicts:




    So, who was the geezer?

    That database is incredible! 160,000 convicts is a lot of dads

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  5. Bravo. What a terrific story.

    The vast majority of people wouldn't have the cunning or the balls to take matters into their own hands after reporting this crook to the authorities.

    Am certain this story will be picked up and widely read. Suggest contacting your local paper also. Probably more effective than the legal process for the reasons you already outlined.

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  6. There seems to be a disconnect here between the old guard and new expats.

    The economy has changed, in the case if this couple who are as has been mentioned relocating for economic and lifestyle reasons, many of the pitfalls that have befallen and embittered some of the 'destined to failure' posters here are unlikely to apply (barring visits to sexybar).

    If an income can be generated from a digital business the traditional geographic boundaries are irrelevant, hence 6 months and possibly move elsewhere. Thailand is an excellent choice due to relatively high standard of living which has already been well documented. If fact their business is more likely to grow and succeed if their outgoings are reduced.

    By developing their business they are indeed looking after their future very effectively. Even if the business only enjoys moderate success only physical or mental disability would actually prevent them from continuing to provide these services. No chance of being fired, retired off or made redundant.

    Naturally this does all rest of their business being solid which is the absolutely most important point here. Money does tend to resolve most problems (particularly here). If they look after their business and each other, Thailand will look after them.

    The fact that a clever bit of PR has generated so much interest is quite a good sign.

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  7. Seems an odd choice of all the places in the world to come to with all the visa runs work permits and crap every 90 days to stressful to live / work here full time.

    Jumping on a budget airline 4 times a year to enjoy another wonderful SE Asian country? I can think of more stressful things in life. Fortunately none of them here.

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  8. Welcome notangrumpyoldman please stick around, I feel like I'm a dingy bar at happy hour watching sad looking old men counting out coins.

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    LOL! Just a bunch of old farts that can't actually take advantage of anything fun Thailand has to offer when you are 20 - 40. Probably scammed by their ex-prostitute wives and now left with a sour taste in their mouth.

    I have a feeling I won't be around here much longer! haha

    The times are a changing. Expect to see more couples like the ones in the article slowly changing the face of the expat community.

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  9. That's a load of crock shit,  why freelance jobs,,,find a real job and work, get you hands dirty if you WANT to work you can work, especially in your own country which language you speak. Coming to Thailand ,how are they getting jobs? they speak Thai ?,if they struggling now for money they will be broke and live on the street in a month ,not very bright (my opinion)  Posted Image[/

    Why have ambition and dreams? Back to coal mine and quickly.. before you're homeless.

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  10. You are 100% wrong on that score! MSG has side effects that can be harmful to you if you have a low tolerance to the stuff. MSG is a flavor enhancer and as such is in many items that we buy and consume on a daily basis. The side effects it can generate are many and they will affect people in different ways and maybe even not at all. It all depends upon the individual's system. But it FAR from being "myth"!

    Surely the key word here is 'if'. People have intolerances to a wide range of different foods but that does not necessarily make them harmful to all. Too much sugar or salt, however, and the effects are universally bad.

    If you have an intolerance to MSG then avoid it, just as you would if you had a nut allergy.

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  11. Salt is a taste. So is umami which you taste via receptors for glutamate, mostly in 'salt' form of MSG.

    Sodium is found naturally in plenty of foods, particularly meat so we could live without it, Umami also. But food is tastier with these additives. That's why they are added.

    I think the big issue here in Thailand is not hidden MSG nor salt - it's sugar. I'll take a headache and a thirst over diabetes and obesity.

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  12. I think the nano is also thinner so you would need to sand down the plastic as well as being ultra precise.

    Had the same issue with my DTAC Sim. Took it to a store and they replaced the existing SIM with a nano. Whole process took less than 5 minutes and was free.

    If the contract is post paid, you will need to bring your passport.

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  13. Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

    My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

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  14. I wonder how long the list of potential health hazards would be if you offered up your decision to drink alcohol every day.

    Xanax is the most widely prescribed psychiatric drug in the US with over 50m prescriptions per year so I feel the dangers stated are somewhat overstated. I was prescribed Xanax some years ago suffering from symptoms not dissimilar to your own and did not become addicted or zombified as a result.

    This isn't a place for diagnosing or recommending although I did want to offer up some balance to these horror stories and share my own experience. I found it invaluable against anxiety and insomnia - an old problem from a previous life.

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  15. Before I begin my complaint, I am aware of the 1965 "Child Protection Act" prohibiting retailers from selling alcohol between 2pm-5pm.

    However, in over 18 months of lunching everywhere in Thailand from street kitchens to luxury hotels I have never once been refused a beer with my lunch. Does anyone know if this law applies to all businesses serving alcohol, I assumed it was 'off premise' sales only?

    For the record, I was impeccably presented and entirely sober. This was in a Japanese restaurant in Central festival, Phuket.

    Anyone else experienced this outside of retail ?

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