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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. Best market at north Pattaya road roundabout has a good selection of breads, especially German breads. I believe they have some wholegrain and wholewheat breads. Also, big c extra, on Pattaya klang, has a nice selection of fresh baked breads. Some new varieties of dark rye and "healthy" grain breads have showed up recently. They are not cheap, however, at around B 100 a loaf.

    +1 on Best.

    No, there's not much market here for healthy breads as you describe. Should be, I agree, but the great majority of tourists and expats aren't health conscious.

    Wholewheat bread is not very good for you surprisingly.

    Evidence? Compared to what?

    Jing, get your own bread machine & you can wake up to the smell of fresh bread ready for breakfast. HOWEVER, I doubt that you will be able to make 100% WW as there is little gluten in WW flour. I think you will need at least 20% gluten flour. Or the CO2 just escapes, no cohesion in the dough.

    I even took my machine back to maker complaining that it didn't work - next day they had a perfect loaf cooked from it. I was trying to do 100% WW, all I got was bricks.

    Now can bake a great loaf -

  2. Check that they have a DHL or FEDEX where you are. If not they may be slower as they rely on contractors to deliver to them to send on. If you send from their office it should be quickest.

    Fedex. Find local office, deliver to there. Call first (Ph 1782.) to find local office location and closing time - otherwise you could be a day later sending.

    I would send by Sat (3rd) - they will prolly have it Monday or Tuesday if no customs. Don't leave it too late.

    BTW, you can't email & print there?

  3. Many of these boats are driven at breakneck speed with their huge diesel engines and the "drivers" often leave no margin for error when passing other vessels or bridges or canalworks. I have been terrified on occasion. On one occasion I got off an unlicensed "illegal" longtail boat way before I planned to as the driver appeared to be driving very dangerously, not caring about passenger safety. As always in Thailand routes are protected by thuggish gangs rather than regulated by bodies charged with enforcing safety standards. If you don't believe me, start up a rival longtail boat operation in Bangkok Noi and see how long before you are shot at.

  4. Yes these dispersant's are only viable in specific circumstances. Their use should be confined to approval by an expert in spill control, after all the relevant facts have been analyzed. Likely someone with little expertise just gave an order to use the chemicals so it appeared at least something was being done. Same situation in Gulf of Mexico. Panic containment makes for good media, idiotic implementation. I fear white beaches is all the governments is concerned about for tourism, while under the waters toxins abound, out of sight and out of mind. Typical #greenwash.

    Eventually, this will get cleaned up by mother nature. To do this,you need surface area on the oil. Ever seen the sunlight washing up liquids adverts where they turn oil on the surface of water into billions of little droplets?

    That's what corexit does, enabling the bacteria to get increased access to the oil and degrade it. 35cubic of corexit is literally a drop in a very big ocean.

    "In 2012, a study found that Corexit increases the toxicity of oil by 52 times.[8][9][10]"



    • Like 2
  5. When will it finally happen that one of those so-called Thai "experts" is bludgeoned to death in a public place with piles of computer printouts of their stupid forecasts and expert opinions?

    Wasn't it "experts" too who proudly stated that all will be gone and back to normal in 7 days - something not even a three year old would believe?

    Best was some years ago when weather bureau guy said Thailand didn't have to worry about ice caps melting - on account of how far away they are - ;-(

  6. A simple example of the value of bitcoin is in international money transfers. Now poor workers typically have to pay Western Union ridiculous fees to send money back to their home country. With BTC they can do it at a fraction of the cost. This is something that can be done now. BTC has a long way to go as far as having a decent user interface and decent saturation in the markets but it will happen eventually.

    Forget everything else, the technology is going to change the world.

    I am genuinely interested in how this works and would like to make a cost comparison of the various ways available to a Thai worker to send money back to his home country and compare the exchange rates and fees. Let's assume I am a Thai worker in London, UK and want to send GBP 600.00 to my Krungsri bank account in Bangkok, Thailand.

    Option 1: Western Union

    1.1. What is the fee charged by Western Union in the UK?

    1.2. What is the fee charged by Western Union in Thailand?

    1.3. What is the exchange rate for GBP used by Western Union in Thailand today?

    1.4. What is the fee charged by Western Union in Thailand?

    1.5. What is the net amount paid by Western Union in Thailand into my Krungsri Bank account?

    Option 2: Bitcoins

    2.1. Where and how do I buy Bitcoins (BTC) in the UK?

    2.2. What is the exchange rate for BTC used by the Bitcoin trader in the UK?

    2.3. What is the fee charged by the Bitcoin trader in the UK?

    2.4. Where and how do I sell BTC in Thailand?

    2.5. What is the exchange rate used by the Bitcoin trader in Thailand today?

    2.6. What is the fee charged by the Bitcoin trader in Thailand?

    2.7. What is the net amount paid by the Bitcoin trader in Thailand into my Krungsri Bank account?

    Option 3: SWIFT transfer from my NatWest bank account in London

    3.1. What is the fee charged by NatWest?

    3.2. What is the exchange rate for GBP used by Krungsri Bank today?

    3.3. What is the fee charged by Krungsri Bank?

    3.4. What is the net amount credited by Krungsri Bank to my account?

    I have numbered all questions so that you may simply use the same numbers and put the corresponding answer next to it.

    What did your last slave die of?

    • Like 2
  7. Prosecute why??? Is Thaksin a government official? Or some kind of celebrity ?

    No, he is a convicted criminal on the run, just an individual.

    If he has a problem with people making the clip, he can file charges with police in the country of his residence

    Clearly you're NOT a Thaksin fan. Point is he still IS a HUMAN being, no matter what you think of him, and as a human being he has the same right to protection than you have and than every other human being has. Not so? Oh yea, and by-the-way, Mr. Thaksin just so happens to be a GREAT person and the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had this far. The 'convicted criminal' fact you pointed out was merely conviction by allegations only, not ONE of these were proved beyond doubt to be actually factual accurate OR valid for all that matter.

    If he is "the very BEST Prime Minister Thailand EVER had" why did a small group of housewives shout him out of Siam Paragon? - (& that was when he was PM!)

  8. "There is no way I would ever set foot in a 3rd world bus or train - the maintenance levels are generally so poor it's laughable. It's disconcerting to see a reasonably new bus with a great paint job,"

    Often these buses are rebuild from previous accidents - I get to see the roof of a lot of buses, 20 - 30 % have little to no paint on the roof, meaning that they are repair jobs made to look just enough good to get the cash.

  9. You could replace the transformers with equivalent VA rating - not difficult if you are handy with a soldering iron. Have a look inside - main power wire will go to transformer.

    Just change tran from 110 V to 220 V. Have done this myself - but if you are not confident then ask around when you get here for the best local repair man - they should be able to do it for you.

    Also look at specs for rec. & sub - sometimes the tran will be dual input, just change to 220V. Or perhaps input is multi voltage - 110 - 240 VAC.

  10. One thing I'm wondering about all this... which I doubt very much the Thai media will ever address...

    1. Did all this chemical-contaminated rice stuff arise now because, because of the big glut of unsold rice, the processors and storage places have been applying more pesticides and fumigants and/or applying them over a longer period if time, thus raising the exposure levels.


    2. These same chemicals have been contaminating the rice all along, pretty much the same, and it's only now that any one's started paying attention to the issue because of the political mess about the government's rice pledging program and unsold stocks.

    Some of the bags in the SIam rice video showed dates of 2001 - surely that must be the date the bag was made? Can rice keep for 12 years?

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