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  1. I believe the question should be “if Harris is elected what would that say about the IQ of Americans”. As a Brit whose own government is a laughing stock I would say how could anybody with an ounce of intelligence vote for that incompetent woman. love or hate Trump his 4 years in office were in the main pretty good with no new wars, low inflation, strong economy (until Covid hit) and the southern boarder wasn’t being overrun with illegal immigrates. Harris and the democrats have had their term in office and what have they achieved? The country is in a mess and if you vote for her again its only going to get worse so my answer to this question would be this any American voting for Harris would have to be either completely brainwashed or incredibly stupid and you can’t fix stupid I’m confident though that there’s enough intelligent people in American to know this so I’m pretty confident Trump will be elected president again. god help us all if he’s isn’t
  2. If that statement was true can someone please explain to me why the vast majority of inventions in the history of the world is credited to men. I’m not saying there isn't smart women but the above statement isn’t true.
  3. Been to South America many times especially Brazil and I agree with you Bob. Visit a gentleman’s club in São Paulo or Rio and you’ll be blown away by these women. I’ve never seen so many beautiful sexy and sensual women in my life before and I’m very well travelled however I couldn’t live there as the crime is too high for me. A great place for a gentleman’s holiday though so can’t recommend it highly enough.
  4. I live in pattaya and I’ve been struggling with this issue for a few years now. Last smog season was just awful here and lasted on and off for nearly 5 months so I finally decided to sell up and move south. Relocating to Maenam on koh samui in October which is a quieter part of the island where the air quality is good most of the year. I did my research before making this decision though as I’ve been monitoring the air there for the last year and there’s a massive difference. Most people including many friends don’t take this issue seriously which is a big mistake as prolonged exposure to this toxic crap will mess up your lungs and cause you major health issues later down the road. Retired to Thailand to live an healthy lifestyle by the coast and enjoy an outdoors but unfortunately for 4-5 months of the year I’m having to use 2 air purifiers, wear N95 face masks and stay home when the air is extremely bad. Not an easy decision but for the sake of my health it had to be made.
  5. They finally replied and the subscription was delivered to my email after I selected the pay by credit card linked to PayPal. only other way to pay is by crypto or bank transfer my advice is to give yourself a good few weeks before the subscription expires before renewing as they are extremely slow in responding.
  6. When I went on their old web page this is what I found. Tells you to go to ATV who have taken over the company. I’ve probably sent them 10 emails so far and I’ve not received one single reply, not even an acknowledgment of my emails. I’ve sent the email’s via their website and direct to their email address in the past once you paid for your package you’d get your subscription code within an hour but not anymore. Their website doesn’t allow you to pay when purchasing the package. Tells you the order is pending and that payment info will be sent to your email address which I’ve yet to receive. Even tried the 3 day trial so no payment to process and I still didn’t get a code. Maybe it’s just me and you guys don’t have a problem but I’ve tried everything without success. pls let me know how you get on cheers
  7. Is anyone using Air TV streaming services. I’ve been a customer for best part of 10 years and their service has been great but just recently they have been acquired by another company, ATV which are based in California. They have a nice fancy website but so far I’ve not been able to renew my subscription. I’ve placed 3 orders and not one subscription code has been sent to me, not even the 3 day trial. I’ve sent numerous emails to them but so far not one single reply. Their payment page is the problem as it doesn’t let you pay straight away. It’s gives u 3 options credit card with PayPal, bank transfer and crypto. Once you select one of the options then you have to wait for them to send you the payment process to follow but unfortunately that info never arrives. As anyone else who has an account with them experienced the same problems? I really don’t want to change provider as they offer a great selection of uk channels with all the sports and movies plus 7 day catch up and VOD however at this rate I may not have choice so if anyone can recommend any other providers It would appreciated cheers tony
  8. Any animals life is worth trying to save and 1000 baht isn’t a lot of money to do that. I don’t know where you live but here in pattaya we have an animal hospital which is very cheap. It’s the animal army hospital in Bansaray tel 0850935954 Dr Kwanchai. the cats urgently needs fluids and antibiotics which don’t cost that much. pls do the right thing and take the cat to a vet ASAP
  9. Another stupid predicable comment from a keyboard warrior.
  10. I’ve lived in pattaya for 12 years and you’re right it has become a cesspit which I can no longer live in so I’m selling up and moving to Samui. the city is at saturation point with constant traffic, road works, disgusting air pollution and what seems like hundreds of large tour buses pumping out their black smoke and clotting the city’s roads. Driving around even on a motorcycle is a pure misery and very dangerous as the roads are lawless. ive been coming to Thailand since the late 80s especially pattaya and it’s sad to see what it has become. I accept everywhere changes but you’d hope for the better but unfortunately not pattaya so I for one will be happy to see the back of it. And for people who don’t know this the air pollution in pattaya most days is worse than Bangkok especially at this time of year
  11. Im currently servicing as a committee member in a large Jomtein condominium and I can tell you that if the painting of the building has been agreed by the co-owners at a AGM then there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it. If he tries to obstruct the work being carried out then get your Thai management company to contact the police and have them come round to talk to him. Most of the management company’s have a contact in the police who gets tea money each month so they’re be happy to assist. It might take just one visit to make this co-owner think twice about his actions however if he continues to obstruct the work he can be arrested for obstruction. Believe me there’s always at least one of these unsavory characters in every condo. We are currently dealing with one ourselves who is actually on his death bed but he is still trying to sue the committee for making improvements to our restaurant. He’s taken out the legal action in his company’s name so even if he dies the legal action will continue. Yes there are a some crazy people around and this fella sounds like one so good luck.
  12. I moved to Thailand (Pattaya) 12 years ago and I was completely unaware of the bad air pollution. Living by the ocean I never gave it a thought but once I became enlightened to this health issue I went out and bought 2 air purifiers which I run 24/7 at this time of year plus I always wear an N95 pollution mask when riding my scooter but unfortunately the toxic smog still affects my health and you’re right you can actually smell it. i love to swim, walk and do other types of exercise outdoors but unfortunately I just can’t do that at this time of year. Anyway I started to do some proper research into this subject and it made realize just how serious a problem it is especially in parts of Asia like Thailand. long term exposure will definitely damage your lungs, worse case we are talking lung cancer and emphysema just to name a few. Yeah it’s really <deleted> up. Got me thinking that I didn't come here to retire only to be a prisoner in my own home for 4 months of the year and to risk my health every time I ventured outside so I finally decided enough is enough and I’m planning my exit for later this year where I’ll relocate south to Koh Samui where the air is good most of the time. it wasn’t an easy decision though as I’ll be leaving behind many good friends and the thought of starting over again is a little daunting but I really didn’t feel I could carry on living In a city where the air is so toxic. Also Pattaya has become an extension of Bangkok with very bad traffic which only adds to the problem especially those hideous tour buses pumping out their black smoke. what amazes most though is that most people especially the tourists are completely oblivious to the air pollution and that’s despite it being reported almost on a daily basis now. if you’re going to live in pattaya and you value your health you definitely need to invest in some decent air purifiers. cheers
  13. Does anyone have any idea as to why the air pollution is so bad in Pattaya right now. It’s been like this for 5 days and the burning season hasn’t even began. It’s affecting Bangkok too but most of the north is fine so where could this be coming from. These levels of pm 2.5 are dangerously high and will cause long term lung damage but to my amazement the vast majority of people are oblivious to it.
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