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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. it already has dampened the possibilities of Thaksin coming home in foreseeable future, according to Pheu Thai ("For Thais") MP Cherdchai Tantisirin.

    He can come home any time he likes....

    Yingluck said, adding that everything in Thailand nowadays seems to be turned into a political issue one way or another.

    My dear Yingluck in case you hadnt realised yet but the postion of PM is political in nature...didnt your bro tell you this when he give you the job ?

    it already has dampened the possibilities of Thaksin coming home in foreseeable future, according to Pheu Thai ("For Thais") MP Cherdchai Tantisirin.

    He can come home any time he likes....

    Yingluck said, adding that everything in Thailand nowadays seems to be turned into a political issue one way or another.

    My dear Yingluck in case you hadnt realised yet but the postion of PM is political in nature...didnt your bro tell you this when he give you the job ?

    mocrat crooks that are bittere that all they managed to whith all their so called political drivel was to deprive

    Yes of course he can come home anytime. But to what? In such an event as his return the the Social Democrats, so far only suceeding in relieving him (fraudulently) of 47 Billion Baht, will first seek to humiliate him further, then a hit squad no doubt be funded by a Democrat who is already a murderer and is corrupt, would blow him away immedieatly Thaksin was released from jail.

    One gets sick of all this Democrat drivel emerging from the mouths of greedy men that orchestrated corruption in Thailand for more than a quarter of a century. Yes they can talk of corruption because they nursed such an exquisitly opaque system of corrupt practice. Sickenly their criminalty sought to extract the greatest extent of Thailand's wealth from the oppressed Thai people during all of that quarter centuary.

    One more time I'll say it; no one has ever publish statement or document that indicate to me that Thakin is or was ever corrupt. This statemnet means just what it says, it does not say That Thakisin not corrupt, just that no evidense of his alledged corrution exists.

    Some help me, a simple and elderlty foreigner, and produce then I won't have to continue reading all this drivel that does not more that to discredit the authors of it.

    Definitely simple. Why don't you go over and defend your hero's wonderful rice pledge scheme, which is bleeding corruption from every pore. Time to step out from the bubble you are living in. He is a Thai politician. By that very fact he IS corrupt. There are no other kinds.

    • Like 2
  2. My msz points this out every week while shopping. The retailers are relying on the famous Thai customer's cunning in the hope that their scheme won't be foiled, as most Thais don't travel with a calculator.

    The most basic mobile phones have calculator function built in and Thai's never leave home without there beloved mobile phone and most of them are cunning enough to shop at local markets because it's cheaper then the big name retailers.

    Lol - do you ever leave home without your mobile? I would guess no.

  3. I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

    I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

    If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

  4. I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

    I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

    If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

  5. I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

    I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

    If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

  6. Ive been to the labour court today. I was working at a private school. I am claiming notice pay, severance pay, and unfair dismissal. We went for mediation, but my former employer offered only 10,000 baht settlement and the case was refeered to court.

    I have an excellent lawyer (that Ive used before) and the judge indicated I have a strong case but it might take time.

    PM me if you need info.

    You can find my story on ajarns, when your face doesnt fit.

    Never had a problem with my face fitting...

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