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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Haha. No such worries. I'm more looking for business opps here.

    You think you will be legally allowed to pursue a business opportunity involving firearms in Thailand - stop bogarting that reefer, man - puff puff pass, puff puff pass...

    • Like 1
  2. Its funny how folks like to use the phrase "many Thai universities". It makes me wonder whether they actually have a sufficient knowledge base to claim to know about "many". I would imagine they actually only know about "a few", or "one".

    Do you know about any?

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    Yup, 1, and even then, my exposure is limited because the university has 36 faculties, of which I am a member of only one. Exposure to graduates can certainly be a telling indicator, but I would imagine even that sample size is small when compared to the whole.

  3. Your job is too complicated - have a beer, relax, and find a more peaceful one.

    This is just the application to get the permits, visas, contracts, and all the other stuff to get me there - The real shit seems to be waiting for me in the factory! (I know for a fact that no one else wants this, they have UK engineers, Singaporean engineers, Chinese engineers - no one wants to touch this, so it does sound like a few months of fun if nothing else) I used to do the same sort of thing back in 1997-2004, it might be complicated but there is never a dull day.

    No one else wants to touch it - hence - Your job is too complicated - have a beer, relax, and find a more peaceful one.

  4. Mahler 7


    Sometimes called “The Song of the Night”, the nocturnal world dominates Mahler’s Seventh Symphony. Chief conductor Gudni Emilsson leads the TPO on a night time adventure of dreams, nightmares, and magical serenades.

    • 24 May 2013 / 7.00 p.m. / MACM
    • 25 May 2013 / 4.00 p.m. / MACM


    Gudni A. Emilsson

    • Thai Traditional Music
    • Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 7 in E Minor

    For Ticket Information - http://www.thailandphil.com/tickets-and-policies/

    For Shuttle Service from the BTS Wong Wian Yai Station - http://www.music.mahidol.ac.th/salayalink/

  5. Another six Thai men were charged on Monday with cheating the Marina Bay Sands casino of nearly $1.2 million.

    On Saturday, eight alleged accomplices, comprising four men and four women, were charged. Seven were Thai nationals while one was a Laotian man.

    All 14 are remanded for further investigations. The eight foreigners charged earlier will return to court on Friday while the case against the latest six in the dock will be mentioned again next Monday.

    Where at once 8 foreigners come from ?

    Oh I know already, from the saving face part of the story.

    You think about it a little more spanky...don't strain yourself

  6. Good to see the concert isn't actually 200 years long - though it may well feel like it.

    As someone* once said "Wagner's music has some wonderful moments - and some terrible quarters of an hour"

    * Quote variously attributed to Sir Thomas Beecham, George Bernard Shaw, Rossini et al.

    If you are listening to full length 4 hour operas - that comment might have some bearing - but when listening to an 8 minute overture or prelude, as we are playing, its doubtful you would feel that way!

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