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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Apisit does, so does Korn. So do countless professors at Mahidol where I teach.

    Countless professors at Mahidol speak fluent English? That surprises me a bit. In any case to suggest that they are representative sampling of the average Thai or anything more than a relative minority would be ridiculous. To suggest that Abhisit is even beyond that (born in England, student there from 11yo, Etonian, Oxford - if he didn't have better English skills than a great many native speakers, it would be extremely odd - and he does.)

    Perhaps you were joking?

    Just noticed you mentioned Korn too - just as funny. Also born in England, also educated there from boyhood at the very best schools and a classmate with Abhisit at Oxford.

    Most "Native English Speakers" have such unintelligible accents the you can't understand anything said. Don't put much currency in the "Great and Powerful Concept" of the "Native English Speaker.

    What has that got to do with my post? Did you even read it properly? (Hint: implicit in it is the acknowledgement that many Native Speakers aren't the best users of English). Or are you now trying to sort of reverse yourself by saying the fact that Abhisit and Korn have arguably better English skills than a great many native speakers, that isn't saying much and isn't all that impressive?

    By the way, that's a ridiculous comment - MOST native speakers are unintelligible? To whom? You use the generic "you" which means that you believe that this is so for people in general. However do the native speakers survive? sign language? How does the English speaking world manage to communicate efficiently for so long?

    And I'm not familiar with the Great and Powerful Concept" of the "Native English Speaker...

    Any response to what I posted that actually refutes it (or acknowledges it as accurate)?

    Nope. Don't care enough.

    Uh huh. You respond twice with a really weak retort but when pressed to actually address what was said to you, you suddenly don't care enough.

    OK then!

    (Don't worry, that did NOT look like a failure of intellectual integrity. Honest.)

    Still don't care ;)

  2. Apisit does, so does Korn. So do countless professors at Mahidol where I teach.

    Countless professors at Mahidol speak fluent English? That surprises me a bit. In any case to suggest that they are representative sampling of the average Thai or anything more than a relative minority would be ridiculous. To suggest that Abhisit is even beyond that (born in England, student there from 11yo, Etonian, Oxford - if he didn't have better English skills than a great many native speakers, it would be extremely odd - and he does.)

    Perhaps you were joking?

    Just noticed you mentioned Korn too - just as funny. Also born in England, also educated there from boyhood at the very best schools and a classmate with Abhisit at Oxford.

    Most "Native English Speakers" have such unintelligible accents the you can't understand anything said. Don't put much currency in the "Great and Powerful Concept" of the "Native English Speaker.

    What has that got to do with my post? Did you even read it properly? (Hint: implicit in it is the acknowledgement that many Native Speakers aren't the best users of English). Or are you now trying to sort of reverse yourself by saying the fact that Abhisit and Korn have arguably better English skills than a great many native speakers, that isn't saying much and isn't all that impressive?

    By the way, that's a ridiculous comment - MOST native speakers are unintelligible? To whom? You use the generic "you" which means that you believe that this is so for people in general. However do the native speakers survive? sign language? How does the English speaking world manage to communicate efficiently for so long?

    And I'm not familiar with the Great and Powerful Concept" of the "Native English Speaker...

    Any response to what I posted that actually refutes it (or acknowledges it as accurate)?

    Nope. Don't care enough.

  3. Does anyone know why some Thai men choose to roll up their t-shirts to expose their stomachs? Also seems only to be the small minority of Thai men with a beer gut that exhibit this peculiar behaviour.

    Does anyone know if this is intended as an advertisement of prosperity or is there another explanation?

    Because its hot.

  4. have a Farang-Friend in Town, that lives here for 25 years. He is a member of the Elite-Card-Owners (membership costs 1 million Bht).


    still he has to report every 90 days and has to pay the regular 1900

    Bht every time he confirms his address (his address has not changed in

    the last 25 years!).



    does all that mean: There must be a growing number of Farangs, willing

    to turn over their passports for days at the time to some dubious Visa-Agencies. = It's cheaper than the official way!

    If a Farang looks "affluent" enough, his passport may get lost in the process, but a well trained "search-team" will magically recover the lost passport. (The Thai-Malaysia Border is getting notoriuos for this), Finders fee is usually around 20'000 Bht.

    So, if anyone is able to document to me on written paper, that his legal visa-expenses including bus-fares, hotel accommodations, etc is less than 25'000 Bht per year, let me know!

    The reward: I will pay anyone that can live up to those demands a truly luxurious and lavish dinner, be it in Bangkok, Hua-Hin or Pattaya. (This offer is limited to the messenger only, and not for the rest of the family).

    I am waiting and I am afraid I will be waiting for a long time.


    I pay 1,900 for visa renewal and 3,800 for multiple re-entry permit each year. I have no other expenses. I have receipts. Get your platinum card out - I like black angus steak!

  5. I never worry about revealing my real name - its Peter North - feel free to google me.

    You know he's bisexual right and has done as many gay films as straight ones?

    Why are you bullying me about my lifestyle choice? Where is my deviant whistle?

  6. So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

    Written? Probably, but more importantly, there is a common sense rule of what to wear. And not wearing a "wife beater" t-shirt to a passport photo session would fall under that "common sense" arena.

  7. Apisit does, so does Korn. So do countless professors at Mahidol where I teach.

    Countless professors at Mahidol speak fluent English? That surprises me a bit. In any case to suggest that they are representative sampling of the average Thai or anything more than a relative minority would be ridiculous. To suggest that Abhisit is even beyond that (born in England, student there from 11yo, Etonian, Oxford - if he didn't have better English skills than a great many native speakers, it would be extremely odd - and he does.)

    Perhaps you were joking?

    Just noticed you mentioned Korn too - just as funny. Also born in England, also educated there from boyhood at the very best schools and a classmate with Abhisit at Oxford.

    Most "Native English Speakers" have such unintelligible accents the you can't understand anything said. Don't put much currency in the "Great and Powerful Concept" of the "Native English Speaker.

    • Like 1
  8. We drive all around bangkok suburbs going to different places at night and I haven't seen any bargirls or scrupulous looking massage parlours anywhere.

    So you are suggesting the "entertainment industry" has only been put in place in Thailand to cater to farangs/tourists only and it doesnt exist outside this areas ?...my my...one could suggest the "Local entertainment" industry catering to Thai's is far bigger...one has to only drive down a certain road in BKK and see the numerous up market "entertainment establishments"..some of which were/are owned by Thai politians..these places most certainly were not established for the tourist market...

    I believe most thais will only speak english given proper motivation, they just don't if they didn't have to. Some of her uni friends speak almost fluent educated english and still they won't speak english with me.

    I believe most Thai's cant speak English, so no amount of proper motivation will get them to.....as to your last statement..how do you know they speak almost fluent English if they will not speak to you in English ?...

    they reason they are not even trying to speak English in the conversation is that they assume you speak no Thai ?...and they dont want you to know what they are talking about...or they are just out and out rude..

    Having been working here almost 12 years with an MNC, I have yet to meet a Thai who speaks "almost fluent educated English", very good English most certainly, lots of them but almost "fluent educated English"..no, of course we may define differently what constitutes "educated fluent English"

    Me thinks its you seeing a mirage..

    Apisit does, so does Korn. So do countless professors at Mahidol where I teach.

  9. I'm in the thick of the Russian tourist population at Cosy Beach. Probably at least 90% of tourists in this area these days. 99% Russian down on the beach. Everything is signed in Russian... and I also spend a lot of time at Central shopping mall which is nearly all Russian too. Even my gym is becoming more Russian by the day....

    Yes, the "Russians are coming".

    So what?

    It's a drag in Pattaya because it is watering down the overall international DIVERSITY of the city. Domination by any one international group would do that. Many people are attracted to Pattaya for its flavor as an international city in Thailand. A Russian city in Thailand, not as attractive unless you're a monolingual Russian speaker ...

    "International flavor" - is that code for cheap prostitutes?

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