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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Its only annoying if you allow it to be. I don't' allow myself to be bothered by it...

    I don't wish to be quite so disconnected with reality.

    I know, you have more pressing concerns, like worrying about getting kicked out of your favorite restaurant for your constant complaining lol wai2.gif Perhaps a little disconnection would be good for your soul?

  2. I'm with the op on this one.

    Also, I stayed at Royal Cliff in Pattaya years ago and they had a Chinese restaurant, the waitress stood directly behind me while I was eating, as soon as I'd finished she was there spooning more in the plate. Again there is a line regarding good service and being over the top.

    Indeed. I have had similar experiences that extreme and I am not above telling them to GO AWAY! Much more common and almost as bad are waiters standing at a distance but STARING directly at you during the entire meal.

    A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.

    Not talking about caring about opinions. It's just bloody ANNOYING.

    Its only annoying if you allow it to be. I don't' allow myself to be bothered by it...

  3. im not a teacher so hopefully someone may post a few more options for you to consier

    Whistleblower, if you PM me I will give you perhaps the only decent, first hand, honest appraisal of Lertlah that you are likely to find on this board. None of this "I heard from a friend of a friend that..." or "I read this on ajarn.com...." lol

  4. At least the OP's avatar is a picture of himself, so I can unfortunately visualize him wearing those briefs...and nothing else, strutting around his studio apartment like a precious fairy...

  5. I'm with the op on this one.

    Also, I stayed at Royal Cliff in Pattaya years ago and they had a Chinese restaurant, the waitress stood directly behind me while I was eating, as soon as I'd finished she was there spooning more in the plate. Again there is a line regarding good service and being over the top.

    Indeed. I have had similar experiences that extreme and I am not above telling them to GO AWAY! Much more common and almost as bad are waiters standing at a distance but STARING directly at you during the entire meal.

    A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.

  6. Along with the potential for commission, they 'swarm' around you as Thai customers typically have no clue what is what and need babysitting. They probably think we're all as equally incompetent. I just tell them mai pen rai with a shake of the hand (like waving off a songthaew), which usually works.

    That kind of sensible response isn't welcome here lol

  7. I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

    As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

    Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

    You sound like a peach, wife must be so proud...

    well as far as personal remarks go, that one seems particularly unnecessary.

    Says the guy giving out crossed eyed rants in public while suggesting that sales people xxxx off. Quite necessary actually...

  8. I have been in and out of Homepro a few times recently buying various bits and pieces (air conditioners, a washing machine, small stuff also). When I know what I want I go directly to the shelf where the stuff is to be found. They have been leaving me alone recently since I did a cross eyed rant after being told that there was no manager available to complain to.

    As stated above, they harass you when you come in and when you get there and there is no bar code on the article (for instance), nobody is around to help. Even my wife got annoyed when the guy refused to sell us nails.. 'mai mee' .. it's a constant battle of nerves when you go to these places. I am slowly finding where you can buy nails and stuff without a fuss although one guy actually counted out 100 nails instead of weighing them, that's another story.

    Maybe the solution is to get a T shirt made with the Thai equivalent of 'xxxxxxxxxxx orrfff'. My 'I don't like plastic' one worked to a certain extent in 7-11 and raised some laughs.

    You sound like a peach, wife must be so proud...

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  9. The disgrace is the eating of these creatures. And these animals were discovered in Thailand, before they were eating. Frankly, with the amount of animals that get discovered at BKK, etc, its a wonder anyone even tries to bring them through there.


    Eating these creatures and most wild animals is extremely distasteful to most of us.....the eating of endangered wild animals is grossly irresponsible especially as it is often a major factor driving the market that is the cause of their endangerment. However I think you misinterpret the situation in Bkk in fact all of Thailand with reference to the numbers of seizures. I think these high numbers are the tip of an enormous iceberg as smugglers and poachers find that Thailand is a soft touch when it comes to their trade.

    I might point too that once discovered the Thai authorities show a singular lack of concern for their charges and many subsequently die from lack of care or find their way backbintobthevtrade.

    I would say the "eating of...most wild animals is extremely distasteful to most of us"...is inaccurate. I have eaten many wild animals in my day, that I have hunted myself. We are at the top of the food chain. But endangered animals should be protected.

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