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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

    learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

    Is that courtieous enough?

    When a sentence runs on to full paragraph length, and the lack of proper resting and inflection points interferes with the relaying of basic content of the idea, then it is not "picking out grammar mistakes". Oh, and you spelled courteous wrong...thumbsup.gif

    Post #19 is just for you thumbsup.gif

    now bore off please unless you have some input on the topic...cheers

    No, no, I like it here - I'm thinking of picking out curtains and staying awhile. wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I am afraid I can't comment until you learn to throw in a "courtesy comma", every now and again.... The run-on sentences make my head hurt.

    learn? there, is, nothing, sadder, than, people, on, a, forum, picking, out, grammar, and punctuation, mistakes, is, there?

    Is that courtieous enough?

    When a sentence runs on to full paragraph length, and the lack of proper resting and inflection points interferes with the relaying of basic content of the idea, then it is not "picking out grammar mistakes". Oh, and you spelled courteous wrong...thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Maybe the fact that his site caters to the lowest common denominator blinds me to his genius

    Did you read his recent column on a trip to Ha Noi ? or the peice on begging in Bangkok ? or the trip to Chinatown ? or the excursions up the river / canals ? or some of the interviews with some well-known Thai-based expats ?

    And I never claimed he was a genius, just the purveyor of an interesting column on life in Bangkok and the surrounds.

    Never felt the urge - the horrible multi-banner flash ads for dating sites, "Ladyboy for You", escort services, etc has never engaged me to delve deeper to find those "hidden nuggets".

  4. By far, my pick is Voranai Vanijaka over at the Bangkok Post. His column is every Wed and Sun. No one else comes close to his cogent insights in society and politics in the English language press.


    Not a Voranai fan Jay?

    I don't disagree with 2uniques summary below but despite this his perception is skewed.He is very much tied to the old regime and although while interesting and worth reading shouldn't be relied on.

    I haven't seen those ties evident - I've always thought he painted both credibly.

  5. +1. I'll agree with that. (Note to the new folks and the uninformed, which is who said writer preaches to -- from what I understand, 55555 is the Thai version of "hahahaha".)

    Really ???? I've been living and working in SE Asia for the last 17 years, in a number of different countries, and I still enjoy reading his weekly columns. I guess we're not all as smart and clued-up as you are though blink.png .

    And rather than criticising other members posts, why don't you suggest an alternative ?

    Maybe the fact that his site caters to the lowest common denominator blinds me to his genius

  6. Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

    Just because the side you choose is criticised by posters does not make us bigots. It means we are participating in a democratic debate and expressing our views on the current administration. I personally find yingluck ridiculous and a lot of what she says is clearly nonsense or made up on the spot. Whether she is to blame or not I can't say, could well be that the whole cabinet is to blame for some of the lunatic policies this govt pursues. Others may disagree and argue otherwise and I respect that and choose to disagree or agree on a debate by debate basis. I don't however heap abuse upon them.

    Check the definition of bigotry, it fits all of us. Where was the abuse?

    You might be a bigot Gator, but I'm not. wai2.gif

  7. Check out our bad a$$ new auditorium. A little architectural eye candy for ya - http://www.op.mahido...auditorium.html (Opening Dec. 2013!)

    Since its more than two thirds of the way through its construction have you got any photos of what it looks like now?

    Architects designs and reality are often quite different in Thailand.

    If you had read further down the thread you would have seen more, but Im happy to support your laziness ;)


  8. Blame someone/something that is out of your realm of control for self induced problems that managment is paid to handle or at least explane. I doubt this facility has ever had a positive P&L statement.

    I have no experience nor personal knowledge of this instituation, but so many Thai public companies/facilities give so many feebies to civil servent, government officials and their extended families that any of them are expected to provide more than a loss/expense sheet is surprising.

    Its a government hospital - not trying to make a profit - its trying to help sick people lol. You statement in bold - my response "Exactly, you don't" wai2.gif

  9. Check out our bad a$$ new auditorium. A little architectural eye candy for ya - http://www.op.mahido...auditorium.html (Opening Dec. 2013!)
    Thats sweet! Like futuristic Thai lanna style. Whats the build cost?

    By the time its finished, 1.5 billion baht

    Sorry but 1.5million baht? thats way to cheap are you sure? not 15 or 150 million baht?

    Our house cost just over a million baht to build and its nowhere that big!

    1,500,000,000 baht lol as stated (original cost was estimated at 950,000,000 but the acoustics weren't up to my boss's expectations to he raised cain until they got Muller Company here (Same firm that did acoustics for Esplanade in Singapore)

  10. Oh good, even more expensive but still shoddy medical treatment.

    Siriraj is one of the best hospitals in the world actually. Sure would be nice if you knew what you were talking about thumbsup.gif . I do, so feel free to argue in futility wai.gif !

    Yes, a little harsh and, of course, an unfair generalisation.

    However, as an ex nurse of some 24 years experience, especially in Accident and Emergency, I have observed and experienced first hand that the standard of care in many, many hospitals in Thailand - both public and private - is shoddy.

    I would not disagree about your assessment of many hospitals in LOS - just wanted to make sure that we weren't tarring everyone with the same brush, there are exceptions.

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  11. Ridiculous story. I have a feeling that the hike in rates will more than cover the increase in salaries. The 300 baht is for MINIMUM wage employees. If the management want to hike for everyone, one would have to conclude they were underpaying everyone before.

    Siriraj is definitely not a profit making entity. lol They give treatment to millions for no fee. My father in law just spend 3 weeks there for heart problems - total cost to him 0 baht.

  12. "Siriraj Hospital plans to hike its fees this year after shouldering an additional Bt800 million in wage costs" How many employees do they have on the 300 baht wage? (1,500 per week) There has to be a lot to push up there wage costs by 800 million.
    Siriraj hospital serves close to 1 million inpatients and 4 million outpatients per year. Its enormous. If you have ever gone and seen the 75 buildings that make up the hospital, you will see that the figure sounds pretty spot on.


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