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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. micky......stand down. This thread is now like taking a scrubbing brush to a bleeding wound.

    Leave things till tomorrow, wander down to the shop and see if she's there, if she is take her in a bunch of flowers and a little note saying that you want to talk, go home and wait.

    When ( if ) she walks in give her a chance to talk........whatever she says to you get her to repeat it two or three times. Let her talk herself out then deal with what has been said. If you listen then things may be repairable, if you don't listen then that's unlikely. So no more ranting.

    Just go and give your wife an invitation to talk to you the old fashioned way and see what transpires.

    Good luck.

    Only useful post in this whole sad thread.

    • Like 1
  2. you are the only poster on Thai Visa who seem to have a problem with EVERYTHING, now even honey

    Leave him alone, I'm enjoying his contribs to TVF. Much more fun than reading how wonderful it is all over here.

    You obviously don't spend much time on TVF if you think that most posts here are "how wonderful it is all over here". lol

  3. I understand how angry you must be about lOsing your phone but I really think the police are playing along with you just to keep you happy until you have to leave krabi,did you actually see this guy pick up your phone if not it's purely your word against his and they are not gonna issue an arrest warrant on that basis

    How or why do you think it was this guy that took your phone and what proof/evidence do you have that it was him,sorry to say I think you have just wasted 6 days of your holiday.

    Amen - spending 6 days on this is such a waste of your holiday. That, plus being dumb enough to charge your phone in public and walk away - show that your priorities are in need of a shake up. Hopefully there were no wife or children having their holiday time diminished by your actions.

    • Like 1
  4. Slowly but surely the gradual melt down of the financial sector is starting here in Thailand.

    Don't worry though, those with money will make another killing as they did in 1997. Some interesting parallels to the 1997 meltdown, strangely a number of names appear yet again of those involved in that financial mishap which was indeed an extremely profitable fiasco for the insiders who subsequently went abroad post haste after taking their profit who now have returned after statutes of limitations had expired with their bank accounts bulging .

    Of course we need to remember that some of the profiteers can't return yet as the statute of limitations is still in force and there are further matters to be considered which will extend even further those statutes of limitations in other areas unless of course the judicial process is changed thus allowing the profiteers to return without fear of prosecution.

    However for those who had to pick up the bill which is still being paid despite the account being offloaded to a different financial entity it was and indeed still is a debt burden which looking at the current banking policies is going to grow from a debt burden to a fully grown debt bondage enslaving monster that will be fed from the Thai people who gained nothing but have to pay the bill in full

    There is a interesting effluvia emanating from the banking sector garden here in Thailand and it isn't the delightful effluvia of roses either.

    Only killing around here is the rampant hyperbole lol

  5. So I am pretty hungry and its 10:15pm... Im far closer to the airport than I am to silom.. so i was wondering if the Subway at the airport is 24 hours? typically i dont goto the airport unless i got a flight.. but this time im thinking of going just for some subway lol... I just dont want to waste my time and find out its closed...

    Cant seem to find the hours in google anywhere..

    Any info appreciated, thanks

    Do you have a boarding pass? Otherwise you are not getting to the airport Subway. Go home and sleep it off :)

  6. Isn't admission to elite universities a function of their university admissions test score? It's similar to the SAT in the US, although in Thailand, I believe it's called the O-NET or A-NET. So how did your student score on the admissions test?

    I'm no expert, but it appears your rant has no relation to reality. How do you know that students with GEDs are selected over those without? You don't.

    I know that students with GED's are selected because I have had numerous drop outs from our school (my former students) some good, some bad, come back to visit in their University Uniform. Many were going to Chula, several others to Mahdol. So I do know, obviously you dont.

    Also, her entrance scores where good enough to warrant an interview. I dont know the exact numbers, but I would guess she did much better than most.

    Some of these other folks are more knowledgeable than I regarding GEDs and such (e.g., Garry, Bangna, et al), so I'll defer to them. But I don't think that you're being fair to all Thai universities in referring to them as "stupid" when you have no idea what the admissions policies of these schools are. But I get it: In Thailand, farangs will rant and rave about the Thais even though they don't have all the facts. Typical MO on these threads.

    I may not know the admissions process through and through, but I have helped students prepare the paperwork necessary for four years. I have had to educate myself to a certain extent and am aware of the general process. All of the students have had to take my class, and many I have had for two years. Our school is not very big, and I get a good sense of a students ability from other teachers and have numerous conversations with many of the parents regarding each students academics.

    That being said, it is amazing they accept the students they do. With the exception of two or three, many of the GED students struggled to pass or were average in the majority of their subjects. Some students that have come to me for recommendations in the past and I turned them down because I did not feel they were ready and had a snow balls chance of getting in anyway. I have been surprised a few times when they come to visit and tell me where they are attending school. Either the admissions exam is not very good at picking up aptitude/intelligence or it is simply a non factor.

    I will say this though, I am speaking from a limited sample. We graduate only 80-100 students per year and the situation may be more than I am seeing. Its just that I need to shake my head at what I see.

    And yet, despite your "limited sample" you felt the need to title the thread "Stupidity of Thai Universities" - nothing like a sweeping unsupported (in your OP) generalization to get a tread off on the wrong foot.

    • Like 1
  7. I've been amazed to see how many men are totally under the thumb of their Thai wives. 45kg of tyranny concealed behind those beautiful hazel eyes and flashing smiles.

    How did you let it come to this?

    ps. I don't have a Thai wife so no blether bashing on this thread for a change eh?

    Just sayin'

    The King of the sweeping generalization strikes again lol.

    Did you miss the bit about no blether bashing. coffee1.gif

    no, but apparently you missed the "lol" - implying a lighthearted whimsical response with a touch of satire....wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Suit....cheesy.gif .....would rather stay home....I have never worn a suit, well just the once, but ended in divorce.

    Don't own a tie either.

    No black shirt.

    Not going out to buy a special outfit for a dead guy.

    I'll wear white pants and a nice striped blue shirt....and sandals....but brown sandals.

    Maybe you should just stay home so no more fashion crimes are committed :)

  9. I've been amazed to see how many men are totally under the thumb of their Thai wives. 45kg of tyranny concealed behind those beautiful hazel eyes and flashing smiles.

    How did you let it come to this?

    ps. I don't have a Thai wife so no blether bashing on this thread for a change eh?

    Just sayin'

    The King of the sweeping generalization strikes again lol.

    • Like 2
  10. Isn't admission to elite universities a function of their university admissions test score? It's similar to the SAT in the US, although in Thailand, I believe it's called the O-NET or A-NET. So how did your student score on the admissions test?

    I'm no expert, but it appears your rant has no relation to reality. How do you know that students with GEDs are selected over those without? You don't.

    I know that students with GED's are selected because I have had numerous drop outs from our school (my former students) some good, some bad, come back to visit in their University Uniform. Many were going to Chula, several others to Mahdol. So I do know, obviously you dont.

    Also, her entrance scores where good enough to warrant an interview. I dont know the exact numbers, but I would guess she did much better than most.

    Some of these other folks are more knowledgeable than I regarding GEDs and such (e.g., Garry, Bangna, et al), so I'll defer to them. But I don't think that you're being fair to all Thai universities in referring to them as "stupid" when you have no idea what the admissions policies of these schools are. But I get it: In Thailand, farangs will rant and rave about the Thais even though they don't have all the facts. Typical MO on these threads.


  11. some interesting opinions and then the expected pull the thread to bits whatever way we can responses, furry muff can't deny that I haven't commented on another thread in the same way in the past....but I can say I have never been as pedantic as to go on about punctuation or grammar, I am sad but don't think I could get as sad as that!

    I don't smother/spoil my wife, I might even have it all wrong but from my observations on the supposed 'happy couples that bother me' the fellas doing the running about here, there and everywhere get no more respect from their wives than I do from mine and have told me, what I have said to them is as long as they are happy then crack on but there is a feeling that they wish they'd never been so easy to do it in the first place and can't say no now?

    You do before why you not do now na?

    You used a couple commas - good job! Now a few more periods and you'll be on to something!thumbsup.gif

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