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Posts posted by sustento

  1. 7% is not a lot of incentive to have a person quit their job to come and work for you.

    Sure, if we were only offering that. But we feel a big incentive is the skills increase they would get.

    That's a two edged sword. If you offer them a job with a big skills increase but a small salary increase you're offering them free training to move onto a better paid job later at your expense.

  2. Loving the increasingly elaborate explanations here.

    Maybe I'm not interested in Thai women because, well, I'm not interested in Thai women.

    Not everyone agrees on everything.

    Quite honestly unless you are a racist how could you not be attracted to Thai women? They are probably the most beautiful women in the World.

    I'm not a racist and I'm not attracted to Thai women rolleyes.gif

    Yeah but you're hot for me and you know it wink.png

    Wishful thinking mate. Join the queue. tongue.png

  3. Loving the increasingly elaborate explanations here.

    Maybe I'm not interested in Thai women because, well, I'm not interested in Thai women.

    Not everyone agrees on everything.

    Quite honestly unless you are a racist how could you not be attracted to Thai women? They are probably the most beautiful women in the World.

    I'm not a racist and I'm not attracted to Thai women rolleyes.gif

    Yes ... but you are our special friend ... rolleyes.gif


    You smooth talking ba**ard! laugh.png

  4. If he's British, and he was born in London, how is he an Indian?

    Just because he has a British Passport doesn't mean he a Brit, not only was it an insult to Brits but also an insult to Thais who hate Indians.

    Anyway his career didn't last long for obvious reasons.

    You mean his posting to Thailand didn't last long. That's because it was temporary. At the moment he's British Ambassador to the Philippines.

  5. You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

    You mean Asif Ahmad - a British citizen, born in London?

    Whatever his name is I don't care how can an Indian represent Britain? But on the other hand Indians are the face of Britain.

    He's not Indian - he's British. I know the fact that he has a brown skin upsets you but he's still British.

  6. That's why I asked you. I've never been divorced in the UK. US, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Bahamas, France, and Italy but never the UK. So I don't know about their laws. Since you wrote, "White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had." I felt duty bound to point out it might be dependent upon location and not only color, age and sexual orientation.smile.png

    I was responding to a post which read

    "White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK."

    I was talking about the UK only and about the self pitying whining that many WHM in the UK claim to have been deprived of rights when they haven't.

  7. You came to Thailand for more rights?

    White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

    You'd probably be fine there.

    White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had.

    The problem that they face is that all sorts of other people now have those same rights too which pisses them off enormously.

    Mate, I'm one of those 'White middle aged heterosexual men' ... I am who I am.

    Apart from 'marriage' (I disagree ... civil union sure ... but leave marriage to us 'White middle aged heterosexual men') ...

    What new rights do you have now that you didn't have before?

    Asking, not telling ...

    Remembering I'm an Aussie and you a Brit, so I don't know the whole History.

    Respect ...

    You missed the point of my post which was that BritMantoo claimed that WHM don't have many rights in the UK which is patently untrue. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just like to whine about the fact that they can no longer beat the wife on a Saturday night.

    If you want to talk about rights afforded to white men and not others you might want to look at the voting rights history of Aboriginals in Oz.

  8. You came to Thailand for more rights?

    White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

    You'd probably be fine there.

    White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had.

    The problem that they face is that all sorts of other people now have those same rights too which pisses them off enormously.

    You might want to check paternity laws. Used to be if you were not the father you didn't have to pay child support now in a number of places you pay regardless of who the father is.

    Can you provide some details of these changes in the UK please?

  9. Loving the increasingly elaborate explanations here.

    Maybe I'm not interested in Thai women because, well, I'm not interested in Thai women.

    Not everyone agrees on everything.

    Quite honestly unless you are a racist how could you not be attracted to Thai women? They are probably the most beautiful women in the World.

    I'm not a racist and I'm not attracted to Thai women rolleyes.gif

    I believe that is an oxymoron. Are you attracted to women?


  10. Loving the increasingly elaborate explanations here.

    Maybe I'm not interested in Thai women because, well, I'm not interested in Thai women.

    Not everyone agrees on everything.

    Quite honestly unless you are a racist how could you not be attracted to Thai women? They are probably the most beautiful women in the World.

    I'm not a racist and I'm not attracted to Thai women rolleyes.gif

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would say that last point is kind of important when you are flapping about 1,000m+ above the ground in single engined wingless aircraft.

    Helicopters aren't 'wingless'. They have a wing that rotates rather than remaining stationary.

    Kind of like kiwis flapping their wings.

    Kiwis can't fly. Helicopters (rotary winged aircraft) can...

  12. I had an email in work saying I had an urgent job to do in Bangkok... I even had to google Bangkok to be 100% where it was..

    So I never came here for the women.. but when I did get here, I resigned and stayed the last 8 years :-)

    American I presume??


    So no apologies for anti American bash? No apologies for trying to stereotype Americans that is typical of the bashers on some internet forums? Not a gentleman eh? If I was wrong I'd say I'm sorry.

    You want apologies because of the strip of land you were born on? What a delicate flower you are? cheesy.gif

  13. Haven't you heard? Parts of England have been annexed by Pakistan or rather the Pakistani Muslims. There are now no go areas for Indigenous Brits.

    There are signs posted Whites cannot enter this area between certain hours. It's completely gone to the dogs a Frankenstein social experiment gone wrong.

    The Police actually support this behavior.

    We raped and pillaged india and pakistan before they knew where we came from.

    There would be no pakistan or bangladesh if it wasnt for us initially.

    Bet you still love a curry though.

    We ? Who is "we"?

    He may be referring to the 1st Regiment of Cornish Pasties, well known for their brutality during the time of the Raj.

    • Like 2
  14. It's a reasonable question, surely?

    Most days this place seems like the farang husbands support group. I'm just curious as to whether that's really the case, or if the membership is more diverse than that.

    Maybe you should have posted this in the "gay" section.

    I'm fairly sure some of them didn't come here for Thai women.

    So your saying you preverts came here to "Pay for sex with a young prostitute??"

    All you guys make me sick, you guys make us all look bad,

    I don't think that's possible in your case...

  15. i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

    just wondering really

    Google no go areas UK.

    What a load of utter tripe.

    I humoured you and googled it, found loads of far right websites all stating it in a frenzy of frothing fury, and some zany bishop (yeah no agenda there), and some reference to someone, somewhere writing 'no whites after 8.30 pm' in spraypaint on a road in a crappy part of Birmingham.

    Hardly conducive to some state sponsored approval and support for muslamic no go zones is it?

    More like a bunch of thick bigoted sadsacks pushing their usual thick, bigoted, sadsack agenda.

    From Leicester per chance?

    I spent a lot of my working time in Leicester and I have to tell you I felt much more welcome that in some of the sad sack white man villages in north Derbyshire.

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