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Posts posted by wealth

  1. I guess I was wrong and Russia is letting Snowden communicate with the outside world.


    The deal is this: he wants me to help him get this fund out of those countries and keep it either a personal of companies account which you have absolute control over. Its a little hard to follow, but you get the point.

    Moving millions of dollars that belongs to the most wanted man in the western world what could possibly go wrong with that?


    Edit: I let wife read article because it was funny and she said: "He is in Russia now. If he has money to move the Russians will happily be moving it for him."

    Perhaps they will buy some more shares of that vk stock for him . . .

    do you always fall prey to Nigerian scams? This is exactly what it is in the link provided.

  2. Germany has cancelled an agreement on information-sharing with Britain and the United States, effective immediately. UK & US claims it will have no real impact on intelligence gathering. This claim is a bit odd as it has been previously claimed German data monitoring and sharing was effective.


    I just contacted Der Spiegel about it. Still, nothing mentioned there. Could be a misinformation until it is confirmed by their sources.

    We will know soon.

    This would have been headline all over the world.

    CNN is famous to be used as a tool for misinformation. I'll apologize when I'm wrong, but I think we just caught them again ...

    so far, not a single German news media reported about this. At least there's nothing to find when I search in German. Der Spiegel is working on it now.

    I hope for CNN they are right and not another "Schindler's List" like report.

  3. Germany has cancelled an agreement on information-sharing with Britain and the United States, effective immediately. UK & US claims it will have no real impact on intelligence gathering. This claim is a bit odd as it has been previously claimed German data monitoring and sharing was effective.


    I just contacted Der Spiegel about it. Still, nothing mentioned there. Could be a misinformation until it is confirmed by their sources.

    We will know soon.

  4. It has been reported that Germany is the largest provider of monitored data to US intelligence in continental European countries. Allegedly by way of volume, second is France. Some additional info at:


    no! it's the UK with GCHQ

    . It even prostitutes itself to the NSA and got $150 000 000.00 from the NSA in secret for it's service. It's on record ...

    I said continental Europe

    I stand corrected on that. But the UK I think still the biggest provider

  5. It has been reported that Germany is the largest provider of monitored data to US intelligence in continental European countries. Allegedly by way of volume, second is France. Some additional info at:


    no! it's the UK with GCHQ within the EU

    . It even prostitutes itself to the NSA and got $150 000 000.00 from the NSA in secret for it's service. It's on record ...

  6. Oh, the NSA allegedly intercepted phone calls from AlQaeda and learned about planned terrorist attacks ... so sweet ...

    ... but they didn't hear about the freeing of prisoners in advance though. - hahaha ... It's fear mongering ...

    ... let's pray not to meet a false flag attack again ...

    and now they are mixing up former Qaddafi supporters and others with Qaeda? Come on ...

  7. See Eye Ey?

    any actionable intelligence?

    if not, ... why?

    Remember threats can be diffused with locals only who know their territory, strangers etc ...

    Otherwise it's an overall 24/7 common threat.


    I see

    Ask yourself hard questions? Who supports AlQaeda with weapons and training in Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq etc ... ? This practice dates back as early as the time of the Templar's ...

    it's all on record!

    • Like 1
  8. They left out Saudi Arabia but maybe they are not open on Sunday.

    good catch, and even there's the Haji

    a quick random search revealed this

    Chancery: from Saturday to Wednesday from 08:00 to 15:30. General for Consular Affairs: from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (French Embassy)

    US Embassy closed though

    Embassy Closure 4 August 2013

    The Department of State has instructed certain US Embassies and Consulates to remain closed or to suspend operations on Sunday, August 4, 2013. In accordance with these instructions, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh and the U.S. Consulates in Jeddah and Dhahran will be closed for business on Sunday, August 4. For more information, see the Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens.

    Happy Birthday Barack Obama! good timing ... whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  9. The attorney general in Germany opened an investigation(paragraph 99 Penal code which covers "Agent activities at the expense of the Federal Republic of Germany") and eventually considers to have Snowden questioned and placed under witness protection in Germany.

    Lets wait and see how that works out.

    It looks like the first real serious action on extensive spying from Germany's own brand BND, America's NSA and others. To check the facts could take a while but eventually it will happen.

    Haha, really think Putin gives any consideration to what Germany might think. Too funny. Right now, facts are as Putin says they are and conveyed by Kucherena. Putin will not allow any versions to come out any differently. Too much at stake now including Putin's own word.

    I think the timing is just perfect. With the temporary asylum for one year and after that has expired the attorney general from Germany is also ready to have finished it's investigations and start the trial(s).

    Something that also would come in handy for Putin, since he will be hailed as the savior tongue.png

  10. The attorney general in Germany opened an investigation(paragraph 99 Penal code which covers "Agent activities at the expense of the Federal Republic of Germany") and eventually considers to have Snowden questioned and placed under witness protection in Germany.

    Lets wait and see how that works out.

    It looks like the first real serious action on extensive spying from Germany's own brand BND, America's NSA and others. To check the facts could take a while but eventually it will happen.

    • Like 1
  11. According to wiki there are around 2.8 billion people in the world who use the Internet.

    Me, SinglePot, is just one of those 2.8 billion.

    I am not important.

    Xkeyscore has no relevance to me and places no imposition on my life.

    If it helps prevent terrorism, I am in favour.

    What's all the drama about?

    That's where you're wrong. Here's a story from earlier this week:

    At about 9:00 am, my husband, who happened to be home yesterday, was sitting in the living room with our two dogs when he heard a couple of cars pull up outside. He looked out the window and saw three black SUVs in front of our house; two at the curb in front and one pulled up behind my husbands Jeep in the driveway, as if to block him from leaving. Six gentleman in casual clothes emerged from the vehicles and spread out as they walked toward the house." This was one of about a hundred times a week these same armed men in SUVs arrive at someone's front door. What exactly led them to Michele Catalano's house? She had been researching pressure cookers online. Her husband had been looking for a backpack. That combined with their son's news reading habits led to the visit...


    Those who have wanted to control others have always used the line: if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.


    There's nothing in the article you link that connects what happened to XKeyscore, which is a legal foreign intelligence program.

    Because Edward Snowden took much more than NSA domestic activities - to include how and against which foreign enemies of the United States intelligence is gathered - I feel more comfortable about XKeyscore, which is what we're talking about here. However, who knows whether XKeyscore will soon appear in Wikileaks, much to the cheer of Vladimir Putin and America's virulent enemies.

    The unfortunate and scary experience of the family you cite is an honest mistake. The family was using key words of items used by the Boston Marathon bombers, which is still a vivid recent event. Let's not get hysterical about all this. As a nation we must and need to protect ourselves.

    When I was an adolescent my best buddy was wrongly identified as another kid who'd done some willful property damage. The matter was quickly cleared up, in large part because of the personal attention the police gave to my buddy's credibility. Police questioning was a necessary (and required) part of the unhappy experience. I notice your cited story ended with the agents and the citizen shaking hands.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    the combination of all programs together is what counts. More revelations to come.

    I don't think they smelled it out of thin air. This only works for FIAT money and nothing else.

  12. woo fscking hoo, so Snowden stole private information of/about/from others, and gave it away to Wikileaks or whoever the ..., so they can publish it themselves... and call this protection of privacy. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    I do understand the fear of people through possible information out of this, especially for insider trading (in stock-markets) to finance projects and to silence 'influential' people, call it bribes to continue their aim of total control in the near future. You do understand that most trade online and the tools they have used to crack and use ids/passwords of literally anything are plenty. One of the bonuses when you trade online is the 15 minutes before official opening you can start trading. These are seemingly huge advantages when you have insider knowledge. In fact I know of people who just worked only half an hour a day and made lots of profit the 15 minutes before the opening (these I know educated themselves). Someone may have more detailed info on this.It just jumped onto my mind from my memory hall.

    At the end, nothing is free!!!

    Snowden never exposed a single person, but the system and how it works.

    Connecting the dots is not hard either.

    How do you think they shift capital? They go to the bank and transfer money? wink.png

  13. Now just where do you think Snowden is going to get his money from? He doesn't have that much info to sell. Putin isn't that stupid. A high school drop out has been able to con himself into the NSA. Yes, he's smart but his actions tell you just how dumb he really is.

    Snowden is in a position to say anything he wants and people will believe him just out of shear hysteria from the press!

    If people start believing all his BS, then he wins and we lose. The Russians will be quick to learn that. Servers are used all over the world for big companies and us little people. It's called the Internet. It's no surprise about server use. The Chinese are doing it too. So use your brains and not what you read in the press. The press only want to sell papers.

    Granted, Snowden has damaged the image of the US and the system. Now he's brain washing the world. Just take a look at what Thaksin has done to the Thai people.

    What the US gov fears most is the credibility of his revelation, otherwise he'd be branded as a conspiracy theorist (like me tongue.png)

    he always gets backed up by someone from within, haven't you noticed?

    • Like 1
  14. Not necessarily true.

    First of all their is a classification that allows access to SECRET material ONLY and a different classification that allows access to TOP SECRET material.

    They have different levels of verification required and background checks.

    On top of that there is another check required for those who have SI access ,,,, SI standing for Special Intelligence.

    Snowdon would probably be have been at least a SI SECRET level clearance .... and that would have definitely required a background check at the very least.

    I've had both a Secret and a Top Secret clearance at times .... depending on my job.

    And those were both as a civilian contractor working for the U.S. government.

    Just because you may only sign a form , please don't believe they don't do at least a records check and a background investigation if they think it required.

    It's just that civilian contractors and military are cleared through different agencies.

    I never needed an SI clearance, because I was never involved in that business.

    Also, though I don't know the details, I know that the NSA and the CIA do their own separate clearances in addition to the normal military or contractor clearances.

    So Snowdon, as a NSA contractor was definitely subject to some other clearance checks, or he wouldn't have been in that job.

    Booz Allen probably was agent handling that matter (for which they had to pay the government if there was a background check required.}


    I agree with 100%, you went in more detail than I wanted or felt was needed. They said on the news the contractor and the government did not investigate Snowden or verify his educational information only did a minor electronic background scan. Now they realise If they had they would of found his resume included incorrect, fictional or misleading details. But you never know who dropped the ball, after all he was a new employee. Or a minor electronic background scan with the amount of data they had at hand could mean a lot!

    As a system admin I guess he had the full table.

  15. All these anti-American rants are extremely humorous. Some people just can't understand that the NSA is only one, out of five, countries involved in communications security. It started with the Brits (Bletchley Park) way back in WWII. Then came the Five Eyes. Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Britain, USA. Its odd that the other collaborating countries remain quite secretive in comparison with the USA. Looks like our dirty laundry is hanging up all over the place, and yours are pressed, neatly folded and put away.

    the root cause is still in the UK.

    • Like 1
  16. I did not think the US was good at satire until I saw this.

    Aaron Sorkin can get a bit schmaltzy, often.

    The communication lines into the US Embassy in Bangkok probably make a huge sucking sound...sort of like a Hoover vacuum cleaner.

    Probably no one at the Embassy is (likely) even aware of what is being done. "Plausible deniablility" and all that.

    Plausible deniability is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge.

    plausible deniability was created under the biggest scam long before the CIA existed. I must admit that this agency has refined it a lot since then. You can download the document at freedompool.org or ...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXspt459LE 27:35 or download it here http://www.scribd.com/doc/114702104/Edward-Mandell-House it's in the last paragraph

  17. This is the woman who they said rather prematurely yesterday, 'Oh the Mother can come and collect the child without any fear as she has not been involved in any crime' !! Thailand, Hub of Sherlocks.

    Poor kid, abandoned for a sack of money!

    Well I had a hard time believing they were willing to give the kid back to a mother who allowed the kid to be taken on a drug deal in the first place

    Now she has run away with 100,000,000 baht of drug money and they say

    "Pongsapat is calling on Sakulrat to surrender and be with her four-month-old son, who was found near Warissanon's body"

    So are they going to put the baby in jail with the mother or just ignore the mothers part in it all?

    Grandma will take care of the baby?

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