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Posts posted by wealth

  1. Only three hours of voting left now and the election has been a huge success. Only three out of 33 constituencies in Bangkok have been blocked, and throughout most of Thailand voting proceeds unhindered. The anti democracy conspirators have got it wrong at every turn, and if they now try to thwart the will of the people by using their corrupt control of the courts they will indeed unleash a people's tsunami on Bangkok.

    38 polling stations in Bang Kapi closed
    February 2, 2014 10:34 am
    The Bang Kapi district chief has closed 38 polling stations in the district mostly because there were no station officials.
    The director said the district could not find venues for some of the closed polling stations.

    The Nation

    60 polling stations in Pathuwan district closed
    February 2, 2014 10:31 am
    The Pathumwan district director has ordered the closure of 60 polling stations to voting because there were no officials to man the stations and because the roads around the stations were blocked by protesters.
    The announcement was made at 10 am.

    The Nation

    333 polling stations open: EC
    February 2, 2014 11:11 am
    The Election Commission has announced that voting could be held at 333 in 68 provinces out of 375 constituencies in 77 provinces can be held.
    It said voting in 42 constituencies in 9 provinces was disrupted.

    The Nation

    somehow the figures don't fit. Are we going to witness a rigged election?
  2. Any terrorist thugs blocking the democratic elections and preventing ordinary citizens of their rights should be eradicated by whatever means immediately! That fake monk should ge taught a lesson along with the rest of the garbage supporting him. (PS> I do nlt like the red shirts or PTP or Thaksin but I do not agree with terrorist holding and seizing public roads and threathening ordinary citizens like their fathers won thailand. Eradicate these terrorists, no need to negotiate.

    How very emotionally challenged you seem to be.

    Are you an extreme follower of football?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    He may be inspired by Ko Tee, the red-shirt leader that is calling for a genocide to "get rid of the elite": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/10606562/Thai-red-shirts-leader-says-Its-time-to-get-rid-of-the-elite.html

    As I've said before, those violence lovers that are posting on Thai-Visa are probably not even living in Thailand; otherwise they would probably have relatives, friends or coworkers out there.


    a genocide by the reds, oh please that is really pushing the boundaries. If that was the case then maybe the world will step in to support Suthep and his lunatics. The world won't sit back and allow a genocide.

    well, well. Thaksin has shown the way with his black clad team and killed 2800 people in the war on drugs. The international communities didn't do a thing to bring him to justice. Black clad people again mingled together with the red shirts in 2010. Tons of proof around. Black clad again this time... "hong muet" gestapo style just another one to mention.

    It's still not to late to bring him to international court.

    I guarantee you it will happen. Now Yingluck too. She doesn't show any remorse over the ongoing killings and shootings at all. She seems to enjoy it ... a lot.

    • Like 2
  3. for most of you it maybe new, but the reds are exposed to more intimidation and even death than one might think.

    When the red mob was recently in Bangkok they set up "hong muet"(dark rooms) where the have beaten up their own people so that nothing can come through to the public. No phones, SMS, radios or emails were used during the operations. Police was present too, probably their chosen ones, and did nothing except to say enough when the torture went to far. Just to keep the poor folks in line.

    I know this from one who organized 5000 red shirts for Bangkok and who works in Bangkok. The village gestapos are very present in many red shirt districts.

  4. If a fool and his money are soon parted Tarit must be broke a thousand times over.

    Maybe so, but he is probably being well rewarded as a lap dog of The Convicted Desert Criminal.
    Thaksin is a fool and his money is NOT parted, what's happened to "Murphy's Law!

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    all you need is a shadow gov (foreign bankers) and a shadow agency for refill.

  5. what was the purpose of Thaksin to travel to Saudi Arabia right after he jumped bail? Or his almost recent visit to Norway. He said he was visiting a temple, Pulo temple?

    SA is in for a revenge on Thailand, T's greed made him blind to this fact. Remember the proxy sponsor for Manchester City? plus ... plus ... plus

    Why did Kuwait and Oman order all their citizens out of TH? Are they afraid of being mistaken for SAs?

  6. 1st: Thai 7/11 is CP. CP ALL Public Company Limited is the flagship company of the Charoen Pokphand Group’s marketing and distribution business. It is the Thai licensee of 7-Eleven since 1989 and operates 6,479 convenience stores under that trademark in Thailand. This is the third largest number of stores after the United States and Japan.[12]

    2nd: Are you for real? Charoen Pokphand traces its beginnings back to 1921, when the Chinese immigrant brothers Chia Ek Chor (谢易初) and Chia Siew Whooy (谢少飞) sEk Chor’s two elder sons, Jaran Chiaravanont and Montri Jiaravanont. The company further integrated its business to include livestock farming, marketing and distribution, under Dhanin Chearavanont. By the 1970s, the company had a virtual monopoly on the supply of chicken and eggs in Thailand.[4]

    Abhisits family came via Vietnam

    3rd: dunno

    4th.. try not eat to much rice.. the carbs make me fat....ter.

    CP is now under a front company with Thaksin. Just talked with a relative in the South about it.

    Abhisit's background is Teochew Chinese from Malaysia

  7. Perfect time for the elite to start purchasing land from the cash strapped farmers who have debt to pay.

    Very sad.

    loan-sharking, 2%/day, is also run by a man in Dubai to crab land.

    Besides that ...

    I'm currently in contact with biologists and scientists who have successfully developed organic methods to recreate soil to it's original status in 6 weeks and is 30-40% cheaper than 'common' fertilizing and 100% natural.

    A few pilot projects have been completed here in TH with great success.

    This will be saving mankind ... and farmers ...

    --- DON'T GIVE UP YOUR LAND' ---

    (anybody interested can contact me via pm)

  8. So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

    Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

    But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

    my wives niece is at Ramkhamheng and she saw red shirts change into black caring guns and firing from bushes at students She is a sweet girl who would not hem a fly yet protested because she was fed up like many and was/is shit scared of red shirts since all in BKK had experience of what they id in 2010

    the black-clad actions are copied from the Khmer Rouge. This was a tactic from Polpot. Think Arisam. They appeared the same time as Arisam ...

    this one is not so far off the truth http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2013/11/thailand-as-promised-regime-deploys.html

  9. call it house arrest on innocent people.

    I have seen it myself when police didn't dispatch staff to RU, instead the red mob guarded and sealed the entrance while students have been locked inside, the lights off everywhere, even the streetlights. Police said it was inconvenient, meaning neglecting duty on a big scale. Instead thousands of police were sent to the stadium, non to be seen to protect the venue of locked innocent students. What a disgrace ...

    Sure you guys have seen the pictures when the army had to release them this afternoon. Did any of them, especially the girls look like mob with their handbags?

    A thousand questions need to be answered.

    Those with the fantasy of third hands, it is like in 2010 where they played the color shirt changes from within(a tactic used by the reds). - Nothing changed.

  10. now lets see if they look after the real cause or wait until someone from a foreign country slaps them with the facts. I believe the folks won't be dragged to Bangkok or elsewhere again. The silence from D has a logical reason so not be seen as instigator. Kinda hiding thingy while everything was prepared for the arrival for this man.

    Why do I know? I got some mail from the UK where it was almost in certain terms that he'd be here very soon. This was three weeks ago.

  11. Knowing the Red-shirts, they went home to get some much needed sleep after last night. Rest assured, they'll make more plans to regroup at other venues to protect their democracy 'baby.' Love or hate them, you have to admit that Red-shirts will never go away. They just take a rest after a setback. As sure as the sun will rise again, they'll be back.

    rest assured the money flow will be stopped since it was and is clear how it was funneled in shady deals from D. Also the organised assassinates from the very same source.

    These folks I have seen were poor and many ill. They need some recreation and unconditional love.

    Maybe the middle class can jump in and invite them in smaller groups each to a vacation or sightseeing tour for unification. This will take out the wind of the sails.

  12. At least one side is showing some maturity and common sense and wants an end to the violence. Now if only the yellow shirts would grow up and follow the lead and put an end to this Kaos.

    the violence was started by jatuporn when he called for the red shirts to confront the students and start this, there had been no violence up until then. Once again we see the reds have caused the ugly side then try to get out of it, the anti govt rally has been violence free apart from the dangerous whistles. We also saw all the weapons coming out of the stadium where the reds were supposed to be having a family gathering, seems they take weapons everywhere to keep it "peaceful".

    ... some of them were itching for a fight this morning while they still were at the gate of the University. Fortunately the boss was there and called them back when they attempted to run into the soi opposite the gate.

  13. a little too late for that step ...

    one shot while army personal is on duty and they'll come back with loaded weapons, - as always.

    Better to investigate the root cause. Will they?

    The sport center was used by thousands of students every day and they instigated deadly violence against them ... reason enough to get tough on those who are behind it. Lots of truthful hints in the other thread.

    I also don't think that the students broke the gate at the closed-by University either. They were hunted down by some thugs for which I have enough reasons, pointed out some suspects and to believe of what I have witnessed, seen by myself and heard during the last ten days.

    Keep politics aside and clear the high crime committed and students will have peace. Don't let this issue in the open, youngsters now want and need answers.

    • Like 1
  14. the shooters were most likely hired by some aides from the man in D. About a week ago I heard from a contact that the husband of a secretary for the man in D located in Asoke(lived currently in Ramkhamhaeng Soi 8 and now Soi ABAC, offers contracts(killers). The same alleged secretary is under investigation for fraud(land in Pattya valued at 5m) recently committed and sent on holiday for three months at least. The boss takes care her in meanwhile. The same secretary was sent to a certain country to write a thesis on health equipment for the man in D. Her dad's a gov officer in the South(was scheduled to arrive today). The alleged secretary told my contacts about the 2% interest/day loans in D.

    The person she revealed the info about writing a thesis didn't know that the man from D runs hospitals here and he didn't believe first, but the man in D probably needed it for this business, - it made sense to me.

    For those involved in investigation will be able to verify. Also by some friendly agents from a certain Embassy.

    Once the truth is out in details the students will be back to the study rooms again and people will be set free. Enough is enough.

    Helicopter is flying again and very low. The truth shall set you free ...

    I rejoiced when I saw people leaving the venue, really. They made a very good impression, lovely and peaceful, but also with an expression like, what am I doing here? Stay save everyone. The spook will be over soon.

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