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Posts posted by wealth

  1. So, in your conspiratorial world, your source is your comment that you made on the CNN website?

    It's quite interesting, but please exercise care in your posts on this forum.

    comment is back again and I stand corrected to a part the it was a said woman list. i'd love to see a list of that too.

    Still, there're to many faults in German language. The version in the Australian Library are authentic in names but still has many little spelling issues that would have never been approved by the hypocritical camp leaders.

    The version on E-bay is complete garbage with probably hundreds of mistakes.

    In the Australian Library version they use the consonants more often while at the E bay version non is used at all. - Impossible.

    Someone tries to trick the Shoa resource and research center, that's all.

  2. Dear CNN, there's no Halina Silber as number 16 on that list. Do you check what you spread around?

    The name on the list is Weil Naftali.

    So what is right and what is wrong?

    Seems as if CNN doesn't like the truth and suppress the post as here avove.

    The German businessman became a Nazi and operated enamel factories in Poland, producing pots and pans using forced Jewish laborers during World War II.


    Halina Silber, a Holocaust survivor living in Baltimore, Maryland, says she is "surprised that this is floating around and that it has such a value."

    Silber was number 16 on one of Schindler's List containing women.

    ... haven't seen a list with that name yet.

    http://edition.cnn.com/2013/07/19/us/new-york-schindler-auction/index.html#comment-970606905 check it out - don't believe me.

  3. Looks like a fake.

    Since they used German typewriters you find on top of every page "mannliche Haftlinge" which should actually read "männliche Häftlinge"

    There's not a single name with vowels like ä, ö, ü or a diphthong like äu and a consonant that was used for quite a few words that time like ß (equivalent to ss).

    Maybe the local office depot store was out of German typewriters with the Umläuts or they bought a Polish one because they were on sale for very good price.

    NO! If that were so then they would have used ae for ä, oe for ö, ue for ü etc.. or they would have been corrected with a pencil or pen.

    This is all a hoax

    This list would have never been approved. I don't even think that this was a real happening at all. Just a movie mania.

  4. Looks like a fake.

    Since they used German typewriters you find on top of every page "mannliche Haftlinge" which should actually read "männliche Häftlinge"

    There's not a single name with vowels like ä, ö, ü or a diphthong like äu and a consonant that was used for quite a few words that time like ß (equivalent to ss).

    After looking through the names I found at least 7 names and 1 occupation that are wrong due to the missing consonants. Sure there're more than that. I just flew over it.

    Like Backer should be Bäcker (baker)

    Konig... should be König... (oe)

    and so many more. At it's best this is the movie script of the names.

  5. Looks like a fake.

    Since they used German typewriters you find on top of every page "mannliche Haftlinge" which should actually read "männliche Häftlinge"

    There's not a single name with vowels like ä, ö, ü or a diphthong like äu and a consonant that was used for quite a few words that time like ß (equivalent to ss).

  6. Snowden may leave Moscow airport within few days - lawyer

    MOSCOW. July 17 (Interfax) - Former CIA employee Edward Snowden may leave the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport within the next few days, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena, who has been providing legal advice to Snowden, told Interfax on Wednesday.

    "The granting of temporary asylum to him will take no longer than one week. I think he will be able to leave Sheremetyevo's transit zone within the next few days," Kucherena said.

    va cm

    (Our editorial staff can be reached at [email protected])


  7. The case was over-charged, no chance to get a first or second degree murder through. It was manslaughter at it's best. It seems this was on purpose.

    It turned out, from another Florida prosecutor Lionel, that the prosecution withheld evidence from Travour's phone showing the gun from Zimmerman (in Florida when you not conceal a gun and show it you get ten years, by using it against anyone - 20 years, and for gun murder life imprisonment ...

    Could it be that the young man was upset by being stalked on, argued loud, then he saw the gun, saw red and attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot him?

    In my understanding when these facts are proven, and lets hope it will, it was Zimmerman who is the actual agent provocateur.

    The FBI questioned, I think 38 people (witnesses), and looked at every angle in this case. Not much of that was presented at court. Why?

  8. It's like White slaves against Black slaves. It's also used politically to press through with the gun law and to destruct of what's really going on.

    Facebook is refusing to take down the "Kill Zimmerman" page or "Riot for Trayvon" http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/07/03/facebook-wont-remove-riot-trayvon-page

    Clear a guided event developing. What does the "Terms of Service" say at Facebook?

  9. Snowden is going to stay in Russia for a while until he can travel more securely to another country. He applied for a temporary asylum in Russia.

    Good call.

    It takes some time to work out all the slides he's provided until then he will be able to continue with more secure travel plans and do his job.

    Well done Edward! We salute you.

  10. “Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting Worse”

    The first thing to know about the danger from the radioactive mass remaining on site in the three reactors that melted down at Fukushima is that nobody knows how much radioactive material there is, nobody knows how much uranium and plutonium it contains, and nobody knows how to make it safe — so no one knows how great the continuing danger is.


  11. .

    I knew Putin wasn't anti-American. He's not a member of ThaiVisa. tongue.png

    The most rabid anti-Americans are Americans. They are pro government, pro establishment, anti citizen Americans. Pro corporate bailouts, pro bankster thieves, pro lobbyists, pro war with whomever. Most don't pay any taxes. Most of them couldn't recite the Bill of Rights but they can tell you what channel Fox news or MSNBC is on for any cable system.

    Take all those opposites you mangle and twist together in your post, put 'em in a big pot, add water and stir. It's a good thing you're the one person who can identify the recipe for all these contradictory and opposing groups and manage them. Give a heavy dose of Edward Snowden to the mix and presto - you have far right wing stew.

    I'd posted after the first news report broke that I don't see the basis of a deal here. There are too many moving parts and not enough grease. Putin and Snowden create some serious friction between them.

    One gets the feeling Snowden is in fact trapped in Russia. Putin doesn't want him but finds it useful to continue to have him around. Putin says he kicks nobody out of Russia. Simultaneously, Snowden is directly contradicting the supposed quid pro quo, i.e., stay in Russia but don't release any NSA info or documents. Snowden said just hours ago he'd release more NSA info and all.

    This is not going well for either Putin or Snowden. Snowden seems only to listen to Assange, who lives in a broom closet in London.

    I think if Snowden continues to contradict Putin, Putin may throw a tantrum to go ahead and kick Snowden out - to Syria.

    What's interesting about your posts is, that you keep reminding people what you said, so they won't check to see what you said. I could have sworn you were saying Putin would have the secret police all over him draining all his notebooks. That's not what you're saying now. Now he's a nusiance. Maybe you're finally right. Who knows?

    nope, Putin plays the game par excellance. He knew that Snowden would not take this offer under that condition and that Snowden would be further character assassinated if he would chose Russia.

    Putin also said that he can still stay there until a suitable country grants him asylum.

    Obama's teams are preschool kids compared to Putin's teams when it comes to diplomatic language deciphering.

  12. This has been reported in the Thailand live updates:

    RT @BreakingNews: Snowden withdrew asylum request to Russia when President Putin said he should give up anti-American activity - @Reuters


    yes, it's headline almost everywhere.

    Putin prefers the joint operation on FEMA camps in America (not exercise) ... reason enough to make such conditions ...

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