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Posts posted by MK1

  1. This sudden back down and turn around by the farmers, influenced by just one leader from Uthai Thani, provides very little assurance or explanation as to whether or not other farmers from other regions will also paid next week too.

    It sounds to me YL government or PTP have perhaps greased the Uthai Thani leader palm in the hope that by turning him around like the pied piper, monkey see-monkey do-the rest will follow. No doubt, this minority role model leader agreed to roll over so they could buy more time until the outcome of YL appearance before the NACC on the 27th of February is known.

  2. This is the clearest indication so far that the government has lost control of the country and I believe that it’s not the government scope-of-work neither to just relocate the capital out of fear for failing to maintain peace and order. If it’s come to this, then it won’t be too-long before the Junta seize the country once again in order to restore that peace and order.

  3. Sorry to hear a Swede has gone this way. It’s extraordinary that more people die from falling from less than 2 meters; than others who fall from heights greater than 2 meters. While alcohol perhaps played a significant part in him losing his balance, the slippery when-wet theory appears to have fatally contributed to his fall.

    However, on the other hand with absolute respect to the victim, friends and family, the real risk was the risk of falling and most certainly, while on the bar-top, there was no means of preventing the fall in the first place. But you have to wonder, why did his friends or for that matter the management, security or staff of the bar allow him also to get up on the bar and continue to dance away, without a care from the beginning ? Surely, the people who were supposedly in trusted to look after him on the night, must also bare some sought of responsibility for his actions too, even though it was ultimately in the end self-inflicted.

  4. Any prudent contract for grain storage between a private company and the ower of grain would require replacement in like kind or cash value for any losses of quality and/or quanity

    You would be surprised what a good fire investigator can determine after the fire. As far as a good way to destroy evidence, that is true if both parties involved are after this goal, but if only one of them is involved, its not that easy nor certain.

    Indeed, it will be interesting to see what the actual objective or motive was behind the fire and whether or not there is any insurance or compensation that can be claimed. I would dare say, if the rice stock was insured for fire, then more than likely any such claim would be considered null and void, if it can be proven that a riot, invasion of unknown persons or civil unrest was associated with the fire.. However, surely these types of storage facilities also have security personnel in place to know who comes and goes.

  5. "Assurance of no shutdown was given by its acting president Chokchai Panyayong"

    So, the guy they want to get rid of, is assuring us that there will be no shutdown.

    Hope he is not hallucinating.

    In the face of fear and a direct challenge on the integrity of his leadershp, the acting el-presidenti has no choice but to stand up to the plate and eliminate the threat. Although on the otherhand, the risk the union faces for its members, in the end, is wide spread retrenchments and sackings. In other words, once the dust settles, they will most likely clean out the old-wood and disunity amongst the ranks. Thai Airlines is long overdue for reform but they should perhaps start at top the first, starting with Chokchai himself and work their way down.

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  6. What I don’t understand, if Ms.Suphaphon is telling the truth about these continuing attacks, is why she hasn’t arranged for basic car video-surveillance to be installed in her car so as to substantiate her claim. In the end the onus of proof lies with her to prove that it is indeed the Mistress carrying out these acid-attacks. Plenty of women in the past have also staged these types of fake attacks to seek sympathy from their estranged husband’s. Maybe this is also the reason why Police are reluctant to get involved and perhaps the very reason why the attention seeking activity, allegedly in the form of self-staged fake attacks, still goes on.

  7. i see the peaceful law abiding Suthep has missed another court appearance on his murder charge. Very soon now he will be detained for many years without trial or bail for missing his date with the judges. When will he stand up like a man and defend himself just as all other Thai's are expected to do. He has escaped prosicution on many charges in the past.

    The land deal in the south, where his rich friens got the land that was destined for the poor, the cooking oil shortage, where he made a lot of money from his warehouses. this one stinks or price fixing.

    i am sorry he would not do these things for personnel gain, he loves his rich friends and would not make the poor suffer.

    maybe we are all worried that he will take control of his "peoples council" for no reason at all. he could solve this problem if he would present his reforms and the names of his appointed members for all to see, and was willing to negotiate. oh iam sorry again Democrates do not negotiate because they can not win. put something on the table you big mouth, and maybe you will get something in return. keep going the way you are and the Democratic Party will fall further from the hearts of all Thai's.

    Never mind rocky 3; the sky will not fall in. This type of unsettled civil adversary in fighting between ruling elite Thai clans has been going on for more than a thousand years. It was the British who wanted to colonize Thailand after World war 2 but the Americans feared the country would be taken over by communists, so that knock that idea on the head, and in end the British were kicked off the Malaysian peninsular in the 50’s as a result of failing to control the insurgency.

    Throughout history, almost every country in world has had ago at trying to solve Thailand problems including in recent times we’ve seen the invasion of the Russian and Chinese who have also subversively tried to set up underground illegal businesses in attempt to take over the tourist industry . I wonder at times if the Americans worst fears have already unfolded by stealth.

  8. The reason why the Chinese have cold feet is perhaps because the Rice scheme was a contra deal where possible no money actually changed hands in exchange to build Mega projects in Thailand like the high-speed rail system. The money would have perhaps been siphoned off locally from loaned project funds to pay back rice farmer in the end anyway but now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, no one will speak no-evil, particularly while the rice deal has been cancelled. Chinese walls have been erected on this scam …Opps, I mean scheme.

  9. We sent a document via registered priority overseas post from Phuket to Australia, on the 24th January 2014, and according to online Thai post tracking, it hasn’t even left the country as yet remaining stuck in Chumpon for some unknown reason. I regret now using such a turtle express mail service.

  10. For those trying to vote today, grab as much footage of those obstructing the ballot boxes, and especially the armed PCAD militants. Videos, photos, etc that can identify the people responsible for this.

    Then, submit online and to the police, hopefully they can be identified and one day brought to justice.

    Quiet, and at the same time if anyone has footage from 2010 of the burning and armed rioting going on in down town Bkk, please supply this footage to the police and hopefully these people will be brought to justice as well

    Arn't you lot tired of trying to derail subjects by going off topic ? It's a weak tactic... but it does tell me that I must have hit a nerve and you have no real response, except for firing a few off topic blanks.

    Soutpeel raised a valid point, while you wish for the prosecution of those responsible as anti-government demonstrators, on the otherhand people like yourself would prefer to see the blind-eye approach for the burning of Bangkok during 2010, which is an obvious unbalanced double-standard with respect to the law.

    Better that you MYOB.

  11. Once again we see the true colours of the reds, they are the violent thugs and will kill anyone who op[poses them, even peacefull protesters. This is directly on yingluck and she is now responsible for this death. Comeon all you red lovers, start bragging how great you are now .

    Please let me remind you once again. It was not Yingluck that started this problem, but his excellency the mouth from the south. So this death has to be directly his responsibility. If he had not started this problem, that man would still be alive and waiting for the next election whilst the Elected government would be getting on with running the country as they were popularly elected by a large majority to do.

    A disgusting post by oldsailor35 condoning the use of violence, as a means to an end, with total disrespect to the victim and his family. SHAME ON YOU !

    • Like 1
  12. Tyranny, as in threatening people who want to vote?

    Corruption, as in giving land that was intended for the poor to rich families while being a top politician in Koh Samui?

    Murder, as in currently standing trial for the murder charges of 80+ Thais during the 2010 protests?

    Fascism, as in creating an unelected "people's council"?

    Nepotism, again, giving land to rich families that was intended for poor people?

    Dereliction of Democracy, such as preventing people from exercising their right to vote?

    Now, tell me the name of the person we are talking about here. For me, Suthep comes to mind. What about you?

    Clearly you’re deluding yourself by interpreting definitions to suit yourself without quoting your source for example the word Tyranny actually means an ‘oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler’ (Dictionary.com).

    Most of your interpretations seemed to have been derived from one of the Shinawatra University Demagogue books on how to manipulate public perceptions.

    So, threatening people who are trying to vote is not oppressive?

    I don’t condone the activity but both voters and anti-government demonstrators obviously have such rights under a democratic system. If this is not true, then where is the so called emergency decree security at polling stations to keep the peace and protect voters rights?

  13. 35 out of 50 advance voting stations in Bangkok cancelled so far

    As of 10am: so far 35 from 50 advance polling stations have been closed due to the rallies against the election by the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Nation News Agency reported.

    Happy days..... that's 70% of them shut down. smile.pngsmile.png

    Happy days? For a monkey maybe. For a normal person it's a sad day.

    And you consider YOURSELF 'normal?????

    Funniest thing I ever heard.

    Happy days for all those who oppose tyranny, corruption, murder, fascism, nepotism, dereliction of democracy........ sad days for those 'normal' folks who support it all.... Like yourself of course.

    Tyranny, as in threatening people who want to vote?

    Corruption, as in giving land that was intended for the poor to rich families while being a top politician in Koh Samui?

    Murder, as in currently standing trial for the murder charges of 80+ Thais during the 2010 protests?

    Fascism, as in creating an unelected "people's council"?

    Nepotism, again, giving land to rich families that was intended for poor people?

    Dereliction of Democracy, such as preventing people from exercising their right to vote?

    Now, tell me the name of the person we are talking about here. For me, Suthep comes to mind. What about you?

    Clearly you’re deluding yourself by interpreting definitions to suit yourself without quoting your source for example the word Tyranny actually means an ‘oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler’ (Dictionary.com).

    Most of your interpretations seemed to have been derived from one of the Shinawatra University Demagogue books on how to manipulate public perceptions.

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