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Posts posted by MK1

  1. I am do not like Thaksin or the Pheu Thai and I also do not like Suthep or the Democrats......but enough is enough......Suthep claims that he is going to paralyse bangkok after the New Year is a wake up call for all Bangkokians to not allow terrorists or corrupted groups like the Pheu Thai, Democrats, Red Shirts,Yellow Shirts or PRDC gangsters to take Bangkok Hostage. THis all causing problems for Bangkokians, The Thai Economy etc. All Bangkokians should stand up and do wahtever they can to prevent anymore of this nonsense. Suthep is trying to make Bangkok another Southern State that is plagued with problems and constant violence. He can bloody damm hell take all his terrorist actions to Samui......I would like to see what his own fellow Southerners there will do to him if he dares disrupts the local economy there for too long.

    Well it certainly does sound like you like Thaksin seeing as your rant never mentioned him, or that his government are actually the ones who are totally responsible for all of this. I think you are just anti-suthep to the point you have become insanely mad that you have posted this in a thread that is nothing to do with your rant.

    Try this thread.


    Or try to talk about the subject at hand.

    But my opinion is this.

    I hope they grind BKK to a halt, I also hope that they managed to occupy every government building and all the PTP and yingluck's homes and tear them apart and burn them to the ground. I also hope they block all the airports and refuse to move. I hope Suthep starts to a get a lot more aggressive. I really do.

    If the army won't come out, then you need to force them out, because this government are standing firm until then. The military will not support this government. They all need throwing into prison to do some serious time. I think they should put Yingluck in prison until Thaksin is ready to come home and take her place. This would be a great move, because he won't, he will let her rot, because he is Thaksin.

    While many might sympathize with your wishful extremist approach as-a-means to end this political deadlock, what worry’s most respected long time posters, that also use this forum in a constructive peaceful manner, is perhaps your objective to use this forum as political extremist platform only with the view in mind to provoke further unnecessary hostility. The last thing any member would wish to see is Thai Visa.com shutdown for being seen to provoking violence, your fully entitled to your opinion, but would you mind please toning it down a little.

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  2. I was reading another forum and saw this which I thought was interesting ..... (not sure that I can mention another forum name so I wont) so here it is:

    ... Army Commander in Chief Gen Chan-ocha's statement that the Army would not preclude the possibility of a coup, were it necessary, doesn't exactly open the door to a coup, but the Democrat-led protesters certainly heard the bolts being unlocked on the other side of that door ... no a very smart statement, unless maybe the Army has already negotiated with the opposition Democrats an agreement to the Army's spoils if they throw a coup and redeploy a new Democrat-led government, as is proforma here.

    ... I expect that statement was the green light for Suthep to open up all bores fully and go hard, as he is now threatening

    ... the big questions (for those of us who live here) ... this is a new Thailand, where the sociology might now be evolved beyond the political leaderships (of both sides), who are continuing to serve up the same old crap that has always worked for them, but under a very different social order:

    (1) can a military coup even succeed now, as easily as the negotiated coups have in the past? ... the millions of marginalized and oppressed Thais are awakened, and are no longer passified and willing to accept their Karmic destinies to serve at the feet of the royalists for crumbs; and,

    (2) will possible divisions amongst the general staff elevate the confrontations to internacine fighting amongst the military themselves? ... then, the threat of civil war becomes our greatest fear.

    ... the lesser questions (for those who plan to visit here) ... Suthep's threat to shut down Bangkok strikes at the heart of Thailand ... holding Bangkok under a seige would be intolerable:

    (1) what could be the range of the violence? ... traditionally, Thais' street battles are waged within Bangkok's battery limits ... modest demonstrations are held in some of the provincial capitals, but nothing violent... suspect this would be the case again ... the prai will likely be called into Bangkok to confront the Democrat-led protesters on the royalist's own turf ... I expect the royalists, all middle-class and wealthy softies, will let/pay others to do their fighting for them, and will be overwhelmed by the numbers the Reds can muster ... the prai are hard people who know the taste of their own blood, and they have shown a willingness to bleed ... which raises the threat of bringing greater fire power to bear by the outmanned Democrat-led protesters ... confrontations are staged in discreet battle zones about the city, concentrated for greater effect, so roving battles is unlikely;

    (2) what could be the degree of the violence? ... violence is on Suthep's agenda ... enough to overwhelm the Police and cause the Army to have to deploy ... I am prepared to witness bloodshed, which I expect could involve the Democrat-led protesters own version of the Reds' black shirts ... armed, professionally trained, highly militant gunmen with orders to incrementally elevate the bloodshed to a point of intolerance, at which time a coup is called;

    (3) how restrictive could this be to residents and visitors? ... even during marshall law under which we lived in Bangkok in the past, we still went about our business during daylight hours, daily shopping needs, going to some restaurants, all while staying very, very current on the battle zones du jour ... all schools and many businesses closed ... residents proximate to battle zones evacuated ... but, passageways out of Bangkok to the resort cities to the south were never threatened ... not so, the the north, where Reds put up road blocks and inspected every vehicle for the enemy, and performed a bit of extortion (previously the exclusive purview of the Royal Thai Police); and,

    (4) would I come were I a visitor? ... yes ... if you will be in Bangkok, pick your hotel carefully, away from areas where confrontations have occurred in the past ... use Internet constantly to stay abreast of the latest movements ... if Bangkok gets too hot, head to the resort cities, which were unaffected (with but one exception, owing to an international conference that was disrupted by protesters for international PR purposes ... not a risk now) ... even in the worst of past civil breaches, ground transportation was always available ... in no instances anywhere, has anyone even alluded to shutting doen the airports ... that was just way too embarrassing for all Thais.

    ... pull your cinch straps up tight, men ... and I mean it ... this could be a rough ride.

    Looks like blatant plagiarism my dear 2 time poster ..please quote your source.

  3. This is result of kids evolving from depressed and poor social economic back grounds who in turn revert to crime such as selling drugs to make a living.
    Some of these undesirables persistently stand over and intimidate other kids into joining their gangs so they gain more control over others in their territory.
    We see this a lot outside of 7 eleven and other convenience stores in the Thalang district particularly when our young teenager makes a dash for a store and the intimidation starts by one of the gang members hanging about on motorbikes.

    • Like 1
  4. Phuket Police chief calls to play down bomb scareg

    PHUKET: The commander of the Phuket Provincial Police has called for the media to not “help suspects” by publishing news of the car bomb found in Phuket Town last weekend.


    Good idea! For gawd's sake don't remind those naughty insurgents that there is a rather well known and popular tourist destination just a few clicks up the road.

    At least the Commander was open, fair and reasonable in his response, which also reflected his perception, that anything is possible as reported by PG

    Quote,:Despite confirmation from other police stations that the pickup truck owner, Withan Yachumnan, was shot dead in the carjacking of his vehicle in Pattani, Commander Ong-art remains unconvinced the bomb found in Phuket is directly linked to the Deep South insurgency.

    “It’s possible, that’s all we can say at this stage,” he said.Unquote.

  5. If a driver falls asleep then the question is why? In a civilised country it is negligence as the driver and the company are not fit for purpose. But in Thailand, it is the face saving cop out.

    I tend to agree in part, and while the root cause is still yet to be determined including if latest report is anything to go by; mechanical brake failure cannot be ruled-out.

    According to the latest reported by Thai PBS; Police said that the driver was driving down the mountainous bridge at high speed and lost control as he tried to swerve a curb. It skidded and rammed at the side of the bridge railing and fell into the 50-meter ravine below.

  6. Words fail me. If this happened in NZ it would be considered almost a national disaster and there would be a royal commission established to determine causes.

    If there were any discrepancies in the drivers log book, hours spent driving versus the legal allowed hours, vehicle maintenance logs or any other causes that could be attributed to the company or its managers, then manslaughter charges would be made.

    In Thailand, it's just same <deleted>, different day.

    1. Driver's Log-Book ?

    2. Hours spent driving <> Legal hours allowed ?

    3. Vehicle Maintenance Logs ?

    4. Vehicle Safety Records ?

    5. Driver's Driver's License ?

    Are you diluted, or don't you know how things work in Thailand ? ? ? ?

    NONE of the above either exist, are practiced or are adhered-to in Thailand.

    It's not that the LAWS aren't here; they are and they are EXCELLENT laws, the only problem is NOBODY ENFORCES THESE LAWS ! ! ! !

    Love Thailand, but HATE some of the prevailing conditions here !


    (PS: 21 years working/living in Thailand)

    Indeed, what many don’t understand in Thailand you tend to get what-you -pay for. For example, a VIP first class bus has 28 seats, seat-belts and usually ex-changes drivers with new ones every 4 hours.

    However, we know many cannot afford a quality service such as VIP and a lack of regulated and enforced safety standards in Thailand determines your chances as whether you live or die.

    My sincere thought’s to the lost souls who have suffered.

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  7. This is just the beginning. Try to deny a downtrodden segment of the population their democratically elected government because it doesn't fit the agenda of the business elite, then expect more and more of this kind of payback.

    Those who have not taken political-sides, for the sake of humanity, certainly hope that’s not the outcome in the end, you fear, seek and anticipate as-a-means to an end.

  8. So sorry to hear a Policeman has died this way. May he rest in peace.

    What is not clear, as per the photo by Nation, is why police have lowered themselves by resorting to throwing rocks at anti-government protestors? is this also within a policeman’s normal scope of works?

    RT@RichardBarrow: Looks like police are throwing rocks back at protesters - RT @tanatpong_nna: อะไรอยู่ในมือตำรวจ ก่อนขว้าง pic.twitter.com/a1VTHUr8h3 #Bangkok


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  9. Hopefully, no sniffer dogs were not-harmed by the stench during the detection process. However, perhaps medals of bravery should be issued to those who continued to do their job despite being overcome by the rancid-smell. Be aware, that the offending shrimp paste is now destined to a Nam Phrik concoction near you !

  10. Officers discovered the pickup truck on Saturday ......after 4 months in their parking lot....great

    4 months, 1 day or one year in their parking lot is perhaps irrelevant, the real issue is why and who is responsible? The fact that again the public must be kept in dark the over this obvious security breach right under their very noses is appalling. I can only guess that someone of higher authority at Phuket City police station will not be attending this year’s annual police assembly, in light of the breach, and most likely is packing his bags in anticipation of a transfer to another post in the deep south…bon voyage.

  11. Maybe an overloaded lift (made in China) was possible to blame since they had just checked in. Passengers including excessive heavy luggage can sometimes be the main cause. Most lifts in Thailand are also not air-conditioned environments so the experience must have been like spending 45 minutes trapped in-a-sauna. Lucky for them it was the coolest part of the day.

  12. Given the current uncertain political environment and the fact these types of engineering projects are extremely complex to delivery, not one engineering / construction company in the country could be trusted to delivery such a project on-time and within-budget. Take a look at how long it took to finally complete the Melbourne Star Ferris wheel, in Australia, after 7 and half years trying to complete and you’ll discover what I mean.


    and now after numerous structurual delays, The Melbourne Ferris Wheel has finally been delivered at Aud$100mil (THB 2.90 Billion )

    See video while it remains up, for a sneek peek via The Age.


  13. This one's got flop written all over it.

    That may be true for now but in reality given the current unstable political environment which is not likely to ease for some time, the chances of a real Coup occurring are perhaps 50/50.

    A win, win for producers even if they sit on the film until one occurs in terms of relative release timing. The background story behind the film ARGO may have been ancient but captivated everyone’s imagination, due to the climate of many uprisings around the world at time of release, which in the end, turned out to be a reasonable academy award wining film.

  14. On what basis do people come to conclusions like 'this sounds like insurance'?

    Not me StevenI. I believe in the worst case scenario or potential probability, if you haven’t already detected, until forensic science proves conclusively. In particular, when you consider it ironic that there were two separate fires that day, in the country, at two different locations, owned by opposing feuding political parties families, currently engaged in a tit-for-tat, you torch me ; I torch you campaign.

    In both cases, the likelihood of any perpetrators claiming responsibility for arson will never eventuate and given the country is on the brink of the worst political crisis in history since 2006, at the beginning of the peak holiday earning season, Police are highly unlikely to point the finger at anyone, fearing an escalation without the conclusive evidence.

  15. "Editor Alan Morison said he and his colleague Chutima Sidasathian were on Wednesday presented with the charges of "bringing the navy into disrepute" as well as an offence under the Computer Crimes Act, which carries a more severe penalty."

    Does any body have any information about this Computer Crimes Act?

    I posted a link in one of my pinned topics - Computer Crime Act

    One issue with it is there are places that are 'open to interpretation'. smile.png

    Indeed, as we also try to interpret the unofficial translation of the ‘Computer Crimes Act’ in English language, it is also baffling without official translated definitions. You also have to wonder what resources within Royal Thai Navy relied upon to translate the alleged defaming story from English to Thai language. I’m almost certain the Navy’s linguist personnel who translated the alleged defaming story that their first spoken first language was more than likely not English.

    As discussed with a respected undisclosed source, perhaps most likely, as many Thais do, within most government and private organizations. to avoid excessive human resource costs, they tend to use Google translate, which is a totally unreliable translation tool. To effectively translate anything, Cross–language-technology translated by qualified people in the field is critical to avoid any miss-understanding with any friend or foe.

    Therefore, it is quite possible these allegations have arisen as result of ‘Lost in Translation’ as the cause and is perhaps on both sides a total miss-understanding in so far as can be reasonable interpreted.

  16. The US Ambassador simply showed solidarity with the LEGIT Government of Thailands Prime Minister Khun Yingluck.....and why not....whats wrong with that? ...redneck ..HOWLS

    Suthep (Khun Thuggi) meanwhile will be casting for the latest edition of the successful international political show "Teletubbies" and insiders report that he is confident on getting the position of La La. to which he is thought to be ideally suited.....Fame at Last.

    LEGIT government ??? You could hardly call blatant vote buying and voter intimidation at numerous northern Thai polling booths on Election Day a legitimate elected government. If the Americans respected the rule of law in Thailand then they would assist with the return of the exiled Yingluck brother.

    Thailand assists with every Americain request for return of its wanted fugitives. Why doesn’t the USA reciprocate to assist in the same way?

    I believe that if Thaksin was in the U.S and their was a warrant for his arrest in that country along with a formal request from Thailand then the U.S would apprehend him the same as Thailand does for wanted people in Thailand.

    Asking the U.S to send a group of mercenaries into Dubai to kidnap and convey Thaksin to Thailand is stretching the boundaries and friendship just a little I think. Just my opinion. Can't blame the U.S for Thaksin.

    Geez my area of expertise is U.S bashing and here I find myself defending them.

    In part, I recognize the logic behind that, but we all know given the powers of the NSA, America has the capacity to seek and arrest most fugitives unless of course you’ve sought asylum in non-aligned South American embassy or a guest of communist / dictatorship regime.

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