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Posts posted by Fiddlesticks

  1. First thing to learn is that there is Chiang MAI and Chiang RAI. Posting a request for Chiang Mai in the Chiang Rai forum could cause rather long delays in getting informative responses!

    Be prepared to see your blood pressure increase even more as you learn the driving habits of the Thai ! ! !


  2. There is a place between the airport road and the entrance to Makro. I bought a weed-wacker there and have had him do service on it a couple times and they do good and cheap work. Look for the place with weed-wackers hanging in front.

  3. I downloaded your photo and boosted the exposure in Lightroom while painting localized lower exposure on the bracelet. This is far from ideal. You really should use an off camera flash unit to illuminate the while background by placing the flash behind the subject and taking manual exposure readings off of the subject and not the background. You are trying to create what is termed a high key photo. You can look on youtube and see many tutorials on how to do this.

    Anyway, here is a doctored up copy of your photo:


  4. Yes I have 3 lamps but when I view the picture on the camera after taking it the background is very bright, but

    when I view it on my laptop I get the one I have attached?

    Read my reply in your original posting under Equipment. More light will not change anything. Your camera will still make the background grey unless you adjust your exposure as I explained in my earlier reply.

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  5. Camera light meters try to calculate exposure that will yield a middle grey tone. If you want the background to be white you will need to increase the camera EV by a stop or two. Try to set the EV value to +1 and see if that is ok. If not up it to +2. If you do not know how to set the EV, then get the exposure your camera suggests and write it down. Then put your camera on manual exposure and set the exposure but reduce the shutter speed by one value. If that is still too dark then try two values. Either of these methods should give you whiter backgrounds.

  6. My house is fine. Jumped around a bit At the peak the computer monitor was leaping a couple of inches off the table. Everyihing went back to normal. No interuption to the power or internet, The thing I noticed was the noise. It seems it is not like thunder it happens all through. That is in Nongbua in the city.

    Yup, I always here the rumbling noise just before I feel the shaking. Seems the sound wave travel faster than the seismic waves. But yesterday's quake sounded like a train coming through the property.

  7. I'm curious about what kind of damage the members here sustained? We're due back in Chiang Rai in a few weeks, and we haven't been able to raise the lady who takes care of the house while we're away. I'm guessing that the single malt collection and the lead crystal decanter and glasses are now spread out in pieces across the living room floor.... sad.png

    Nooooo! Not the single malt!

    I don't there has been any real damage. The worst I experienced was that my talc powder fell out of the bathroom cabinet. The wall that the cabinet was on also sustained a mild external crack but that is nothing when you remember that this is Thai construction!

    But just to be on the safe side, I would suggest that when you get back, you move your entire stock of single malt to a more secure location, and I will be very happy to offer my assistance in that capacity ! whistling.gif

  8. The main topic seems to be running in Thailand News. I guess they want to centralize information so people don't get confused. They had more than a dozen threads running in Chiang Mai forum at one point, before they closed them.


    So we sneak some info in under the covers. Seems reasonable that we in CR should be able to discuss the security of our own butts and converse with each other without having to air it to the entire TV readership. For places like BKK, this is an interesting tidbit. For us it is more like that witty saying, "The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed".

    Last evening I felt more like the pig than the chicken!

    On more than one occasion there have been complaints about us using our forum to "chat" about things of interest to us. At least they haven't closed this thread.

    I think as long as it is not a personal dialogue we are OK. But the reason we have a CR Forum is to discuss what is important or interesting to us in CR. So it seems appropriate to me that we be allowed some leeway in discussing the shaky situation here. I think we just have to save the 'juicy' stuff (like damage photos, etc) for the ordained thread.

  9. The US Geo reports that it was a 6.3 centered 32 km from CR. No wonder my house was a rocking'. Only damage that I can see was my clock fell off the wall and is now in a number of pieces. Decided to take the car out of the carpark for the evening. It's easier to get to if there is no debris on it. biggrin.png

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