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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. You will also find many Israeli citizens that want immediate cease fire in Gaza and hostage/prisoner exchange and that they have no problem to live together with the Palestinians in peace.
  2. Just google : even NATO members https://www.politico.eu/article/turkey-recep-tayyip-erdogan-israel-hamas-war-freedom-fighters/ https://ewn.co.za/2023/10/24/hamas-must-be-regarded-as-freedom-fighters-like-anc-was-during-apartheid-malema
  3. Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Nice, Merah, Brussels Airport, etc...are terrorist attacks by terrorist organizations. They can never be seen as "freedom fighters". Hamas-Israeli 2023 war is a colonial pogrom. Hamas, for one side they can be seen as terrorists, for the other side, they can be seen as "freedom fighters".
  4. There's no shelf life for the Algiers declarations...
  5. In some cases I agree that you should not negotiate if the collateral damage can be reduced to almost 0. Many US military experts were not in favor for an IDF ground offensive to eliminate Hamas. Those experts had previous experiences in Mosul, Fallujah, Afghanistan, etc...and wanted to avoid urban warfare at all price! I suspect that the Hannibal directive has been implemented since the 7th of October for as well Israeli civilians, soldiers and Palestinian non combatant civilians as well...
  6. I don't know how you define "seem to be winning this war"...??? I don't know why you think "that Israel will be defeated"...??? I don't know why you imagine to see "the Palestine flag be flying over Jerusalem"...??? Where's Ben Shapiro ? I need some intelligent questions and if possible answers.
  7. Some even call them "freedom fighters"...depends from which day you start to count...
  8. Nice piece of poor moral absolutism and consequentialism here ! Philosophy is not made for everybody and for all subjects...
  9. Exchange the Israeli nationals for Palestinian nationals that are in prison. Some 5 to 6.000 Palestinians all ages are jailed in Israel under Military Law. Some even never got a fair trial.
  10. West Bank Palestinians + Gaza Palestinians + Jordanian Palestinians + Lebanese Palestinians Sunni + Shia +Christians leadership in the Levant work together IDF destroyed churches and mosques in Gaza + doesn't allow visits in Jerusalem to religious historical sites
  11. The no-crater-no-guilty theory doesn't work here like the Al-Ahli hospital bombing... Right to return to Israel and colonizing Palestine is not possible/legal based on ethnic, religious and International Laws. I'm more interested to ask to any decent ethnologist if the Gaza bombings has an impact on remaining original (Biblical) Judeans. I doubt if a ceasefire will be implemented by Israel in case that some Judeans are trapped in Gaza...
  12. Why is Netanyahu quoting the Torah/Bible so much lately...? Quote from source : "The Bible says that 'there is a time for peace and a time for war.' This is a time for war," Netanyahu told a press conference, quoting Ecclesiastes, a book in both the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and Old Testament of the Christian Bible." "On Saturday, he invoked the Amalekites, a warring tribe mentioned in several books of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, to justify his actions in the besieged Palestinian enclave." “With shared forces, with deep faith in the justice of our cause and in the eternity of Israel, we will realize the prophecy of Isaiah 60:18 – 'Violence shall no more be heard in your land, desolation nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise',” he said." https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/netanyahu-again-invokes-sacred-scripture-to-defend-israeli-war-on-gaza/3038425
  13. I've provided 3D feedback from Rybar, but it has been deleted. 1. Yemen started to launch missiles and drones to Israel since 7th of October and confirmed more involvement after IDF ground invasion start in Gaza. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-warns-possible-hostile-aircraft-near-red-sea-city-eilat-2023-10-31/ 2. Lebanese HZB started multiple attacks into Palestine. Hassan Nasrallah will give this Friday 3rd of November a public speech if he will get further involved against Israel after IDF ground offensive in Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hezbollah-chief-nasrallah-to-give-first-public-speech-since-start-of-the-war-friday/ 3. West Bank Palestinians are victims of multiple pogroms/extra judicial killings from Israeli settlers ands IDF/Police since 7th of October 2023. To note : unification of all Palestinian factions has been realized since 7th of October 2023. Further extension with Yemen, HZB, Turkey is ongoing. The contrary can be said about the split of Israeli government, which nobody here wants to discuss.
  14. Toyota Hilux with new front tires from first owner.
  15. You can perhaps take the superhighway under Jaffa/Tel Aviv...
  16. I've find a way to express my unbiased and balanced pollical views since the 7th of October 2023 in my neighborhood with success. There's still a lot of work to do here on AN to convince, but I stay positive...
  17. No costume needed. Ordering let's say grilled squid is nowadays enough to be labeled as antisemite...ask Greta Thunberg...
  18. We need more aircraft carriers...nah...
  19. Israeli UN delegation starts wearing a yellow star... https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231031-israel-envoy-wears-yellow-star-at-un video_2023-10-31_06-21-29.mp4
  20. This footage dates from 5th of August 2014...and we all know that the Hamas-IDF war started on 7th of October 2023... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE3feo_b8Cg
  21. Hey Yellowtail, can you answer above question please ? Thanks !
  22. Hey Nick, can you elaborate ? Thanks !
  23. So explain once and for all why bombing pregnant Palestinian women as retaliation is OK when they carry a boy, but they should not be bombed if they carry a girl? Your quote : "The pregnant woman would depend on whether she was having a male child or a female child . If shes having a Female child, then she shouldnt be bombed " https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/122/#comment-18439322
  24. Some +/- 102 UN resolutions against Israel prior to 7th of October 2023 became off topic and the president of the UN Guterres was requested to resign due to antisemitism... https://fortune.com/2023/10/25/un-secretary-general-says-hamas-attack-did-not-happen-in-vacuum-guterres-israel/
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