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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Try to comment on the content, and not on the messenger instead...
  2. Try to comment on the content, and not on the messenger instead...
  3. Youve quoted Dr. Eli David : an AI expert with high volume IDF propaganda distribution on MSM https://deepai.org/profile/eli-david "Dr. Eli David is a leading AI expert specializing in deep learning and evolutionary computation. He has published over fifty papers in leading artificial intelligence journals and conferences, mostly focusing on applications of deep learning and genetic algorithms in various real-world domains. For the past fifteen years, he has been teaching courses on deep learning and evolutionary computation, in addition to supervising the research of graduate students in these fields. He has also served in numerous capacities successfully designing, implementing, and leading deep learning based projects in real-world environments."
  4. Why should I apply Israeli military order (378) that was issued by the Israeli government, that established military courts, and basically outlawed all forms of Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation as “terrorism”. To be accused of "terrorism" you have at least to participate in terrorism or commit terrorist acts.
  5. Today, the number of Palestinians currently behind Israeli bars is 5,200, including 33 women and 170 children. Again, if tried, Palestinians in Israeli prisons are prosecuted in Israeli military courts. Some 5.500 Gaza children died in the meanwhile, because people didn't wanted to engage in hostage exchange.
  6. Deflect as you want, this time with Hamas leadership that has been killed that would torment me? LOL But my point was and stays : it's not legal to keep Palestinian nationals in Israeli prisons under Occupied Territories...
  7. Deflect as you want, but it's not legal to keep Palestinian nationals in Israeli prisons under Occupied Territories...
  8. Deflect as you want, but it's not legal to keep Palestinian nationals in Israeli prisons under Occupied Territories...
  9. Israeli Military court is not legal for any Palestinian hostage. No international law provides Israel to arrest Palestinian nationals in their Occupied Territories...
  10. Not true, Hamas leadership made it clear that they took Israeli citizens on 7th of October to be able to exchange them against Palestinian hostages that are jailed in Israel and Occupied territories in Israeli prisons. There are 19 prisons within Israel and one inside the occupied West Bank that hold Palestinians in prison. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, it is against international law for an occupying power to transfer an occupied people from the occupied territory. There's no justification from my part of any extra judicial actions from Hamas since 1987 till today. I just apply international law in a balanced way.
  11. Before your accusations to me you should consider that none of these Palestinian hostages received a fair trial by any civil court or any international law. To label them as terrorists, murderers, rapists, etc. is not true.
  12. These Palestinians are hostages and were jailed under Israeli Military court in Palestinian Occupied Territories. Some even never had a fair trial.
  13. Carpet bombing from IDF/IAF has been done to get Palestinian civilians out of North Gaza and to prepare the ground offensive.
  14. Hostages from both sides could have been exchanged peacefully much earlier without ground offensive and without carpet bombing Gaza strip.
  15. No problem. Case closed for me as per your request. But you've quoted an article/analysis from Bruce Hoffman in The Atlantic. He's too biased for me to analyze the latest 2017 Hamas charter because he's an Israeli citizen too. Quote from link : He was goalkeeper for the Israeli National Field Hockey team in 1979 and 1980. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Hoffman
  16. The new charter states that Hamas’ conflict is with Zionism, not Jews. LOL
  17. Thanks, you confirm what I was saying : there's no Judeophobic content in latest 2017 Hamas charter to kill all Jews between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea.
  18. Where does it states in the latest 2017 Hamas Charter about the so called "genocide of Jews between the river and the sea"? It's rather misleading and false to cumulate and/or mix both charters of Hamas...to pinpoint (justify) any topics in latest 2023 conflict.
  19. The unfamous song : "From the river to the sea..." is no more valid as per latest updated charter. Your personal attack didn't work. Aquila non captat muscas (Eagles don't catch flies...)
  20. Again : Quote from link : The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy".[2] It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".[
  21. Hamas uses a new charter since 2017. Why do you refer to the old one from 1988. Watch out the front page of The Economist "The world ahead 2024": it's rather a conspiracy theorist competition quest... Quote from link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas_Charter The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy".[2] It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".[14][15] The new document also states that the group does not seek war with the Jewish people but only against Zionism which it holds responsible for "occupation of Palestine".[16] Mashal also stated that Hamas was ending its association with the Muslim Brotherhood.[14] After a new charter was scheduled to be issued in May 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office issued a statement in which it accused Hamas of trying to fool the world and also asked it to stop its terror activities for a true change.[17]
  22. Clean. unbiased opinion. I'm glad he didn't felt into the trap of polarization in his speech.
  23. Oh no, there we have to go back to nazi, SS, WW2, etc topics to be merged into this recent topic to justify war crimes & crimes against humanity commited by Israel, but it's not OK to discuss the Palestinian cause prior to 7th of October 2023...
  24. It's not allowed to explain in this topic the Palestinian cause from 1897 till 6th of October 2023. But it's allowed to make any comparisons from any historical date to justify war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc committed by Israel against Palestinians.
  25. Newcastle upon Tyne has some 286.445 habitants. Gaza has some 2.300.000 habitants. 8 times more habitants doesn't not only explains why Gaza has more hospitals. Gazans are not free to go elsewhere (fi Egypt) as exception if the medical care can't be given in Gaza. You can only compare 2 hospitals by the number of beds available (size) and the number of medical personnel per medical disciplines/specialties that are available. Being forced to limited healthy resources and living conditions in Gaza under blockade will logically require more medical staff/facilities.
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