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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. It would do this lady's cause more good if she didn't slag off the foreign tourists there. As with the elephants previously in tourist areas, any blame should be attributed squarely on the local middlemen... and not to mention that KSR is now the happy haunt of local Thai teens and their families. She needs to spend more time here.

    Surely you are not suggesting a Thai would be capable of trafficking children for financial gain... no surely not as with the Koh Tao murders it was made clear that no Thai could be capable of such a heinous crime and as we all know Thailand's human rights in impeccable so it must be the foreigner fault. wai2.gif

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  2. Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario.

    Please help me understand this properly.

    So the British police are coming here in Thailand to have a chat and a cup of tea with the Thai police?

    Will not be allowed to get DNA samples?

    Am I reading this right?

    Yep that just about sums up the situation. They can thank their lucky stars I'm not the British PM because I wouldn't be asking I'd be telling them what was going to happen when the Yard turns up.

  3. The Thais like a bit of short time, by that I mean they seem so concerned with the 2 week holiday gang spending money.

    How about making it more appealing for the expats and potential expats that would stimulate the economy all year round!

    Don't be silly. That would require a bit of consideration as to the value of foreigners. Only last week some Thai nut job was banging the drum of nationalism stating that Thailand could live in isolation.

    When you have a nation that truly believes in their own hype of superiority then nothing will change. The expat community is worth billions and yet they still treat expats like fodder to be used and abused. So glad I don't live there any more.

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  4. Why anyone would get in one of those speedboats with a moron at the helm is beyond comprehension. Feel so sorry for the unsuspecting tourists and yet with a little bit of online research such could be avoided by avoiding Thailand as a tourist destination until the Government makes laws that are A) designed to prevent such and; B) stringently enforced.

    Unfortunately the Thai mind set is mai pen rai, the tourists will continue to flock here no matter how bad it gets; murder included. New slogan for TAT 'Deadly Thailand - 1,000 and 1 Ways to Lose your Money and Your Life'

  5. Last time I look the US has a population nearly 6 times that of Thailand and yet Thailand has a violent gun crime rate 6.5 times that of the US. How many times have we read that a police officer shot a friend after getting into a heated argument? It's Thai culture to kill in order to save face and gain more money.

    So glad I don't live there any more.

  6. What a clown... but there again Thailand is a circus and nothing more.

    Democracy... how many could actually spell the word let alone understand its meaning. Thailand is doomed to an ever revolving door of elections and military coups because they all want power and they all want money. To break this change would require civil war and I for one am surprised its not happened.

    There is, or should be, no such thing as an 'Under-ground Anti-Government' movement ... not in a functioning democracy and if this tin-pot dictator had the slightest idea what a democracy was he would openly invite people to exercise their democratic right of free speech without persecution. Of course democracy is the last thing he or any of the elites want.

    How to control a nation? Fear, despondency and poverty... ah yes that's Thailand.

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  7. Martial law is the least of their problems. Let's be honest... if you take away the sex trade a vast majority of the expats would pack up and leave... yes it's a sad fact that Thais covet nothing but money and the expats covet easy sex.

    Change... oh how you all talk about wanting things to change and yet few if any won't leave; you'd rather have something to piss and moan about on your bar stools. Who's worse Thais or Expats? The Thais believe that this is Thailand and is the greatest nation on earth and cannot be affected by outside influence. The expats talk about all the social ills and yet remain happy to stay and fuel the issues with their money.

    I wonder what it would take for the expat community to finally grow a pair and do what is needed... leave.

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  8. Koh Tao case influences tourist mood...

    Shame on the expat community for their continued support of Thailand. Yes, let's all ask the tourists to stay away but few of the expats are willing to vote with their feet. No doubt many of you will find this offensive but quite frankly you are the ones that ultimately support all that is wrong with Thailand.

    I've said it before and I'll keep saying it... get off your bar stools and walk. See how quickly you can effect change once you take away the one thing a Thai covets most... MONEY.

    It's time the expat community found a spine and did the only decent thing ... leave.

  9. And people keep asking me ... Why did you leave Thailand? There's only so much Thainess a person can take and it's obvious a Thai will stop at nothing for money.

    I can tell you now, it's a joy to be in another country, to be actually treated like a human being, not being abused by police for a handout, not being subjected to the indignity of immigration every year and every 90 days, not being subjected to double/triple pricing and oh the joy of driving a car where people are considerate of others.

    I'm sure all these and more at least give the expats something to piss and moan about whilst swigging beer and wondering which piece of meat they'll take home tonight. So sad.

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  10. The way this is going the only death penalty that will be applied is to that of Tourism. Well the Thais remain convinced they can live in isolation from the rest of the world and don't need any outside investment or influence.

    Let them have what they want and see how long it takes before the economy collapses ... let's face it with a GDP declining by the day it's heading that way.

    As for me... I did the only decent thing a human being can do... I left for I will not be responsible for spending money in a country that is truly despicable and cares for nothing other than what they can gain financially. It's a pity the rest of the expat community doesn't do the same and finally bring Thailand to its knees.

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  11. lord have mercy,

    the conveniently left out the name of the Thai dating site

    Many of the online dating sites have an issue with scammers registering. I use http://soulfuly.com and they actively run each registration through a number of security checks but even then it's not 100%. It's about time members started using their common sense and reporting anyone asking for money or anything that looks suspicious as only together can the sites and members help reduce the scams.

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