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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. Is it just me, or does this case show the so called "Thainess" at it's ugliest? Xenophobia, a blame it on the victims attitude, and complete incompetence of law enforcement agencies, all come together. To top this up, one must hear the now famous bikini speech of our leader, and the cynical and difficult to beat "let them wear tracking devices" idea of the tourist minister. The only way to bring Thailand to it's senses, would be a complete boycott by tourists planning to visit.

    And what about the expats. I've said it before... if you want to effect change in Thailand then the expat community should walk. Just think of the impact of 10,000 or more hitting Phuket Airport or Had Yai - do you think the international press would ignore a mass exodus? When interviewed the expats can then say why and demand change. Seriously if the Thai Gov didn't change they would be losing billions each year and would be a massive blow to the economy... you talk about tourists boycotting but you and the other expats could achieve so much more. Time to get off the bar stool and put your words into actions.

  2. The truth of the matter is ... they couldn't give a damn about the two victims. Just prior to leaving Thailand I asked a Thai friend if it bothered him that people were killed or scammed. His response... Why Thai care? Farang still come, scam one, still come, scam 1,000 still come, murder one or 1,000 still come and farang who live here stay no matter what we do to them ... and they call Thais Ba! If you want to find dumb people go find a farang.

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  3. Is this merely not testament from the Thai Government as to the level of violence now occurring on an hourly basis across Thailand. Has it really come down to having to issue and even consider tracking tourists due to the levels of danger.

    Seriously you would need your head testing if you were considering a holiday in Thailand - if they don't kill you they certainly will scam you.

    It's about time the expat community grew a pair and put Thailand firmly in its place - if you all headed for the border you might see just how quickly the Thai Government changed its policies towards the draconian and degrading visa system plus force them to install law and order.

    Ultimately your money fuels their greed and without it they will learn the hard way.

    Easier said that done... well I for one packed my bags because I refused to be subjected to their racist and derogatory ways and trust me I now live a completely stress free life. Remember change can only be effected by those with a spine and a will to effect it... sitting on a bar stool pissing and moaning achieves squat diddly.

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  4. is the world listening to this or do they just ignore and keep flocking to these island p where grizzly murders and rapes are just another day in the life.

    It'll change when the expats stop moaning about it and leave in vast numbers and the tourists opt for another sunny destination. Can't tell you want a joy it is not living in Thailand any more ... to actually get treated like a human being is nice for a start.

    How many of these cases actually hit the international press? How many blow over within a week or two and then it's right back to business with TAT announcing a hike in tourist numbers?

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  5. Certainly the authorities have taken a fair amount of flak and abuse from TV users and indeed on the world's press where commenting is allowed. I won't argue that the investigation has been a farce from day one but anyone living in Thailand is acutely aware of the problems and yet refuses to do anything about it.

    Think how many of you complain about they way you are treated... from the noodle stand to immigration; you all complain about being ripped off, treated like second rate human beings and the list goes on but still you do nothing but complain. Think how many foreign nationals live and visit Thailand; I can assure you change could be affected by you... all you need to do is vote with your feet.

    You could take a trip to Langkawai; get a three month visa on arrival and spend your money there. Now if 10's of thousands of you actually put your money where your mouth is do you honestly think the Thai authorities would merely do nothing when vast sums of money start leaving the country.

    The murders of those two young British nationals was without question horrific but I didn't merely moan about the incompetence I took action and I'm now spending my money in Malaysia. How many of you can say that you've taken action; well any action other than sitting in the bar to piss and moan about the situation?

    You call for change, you demand change, you moan and berate the Thais but frankly you are just as culpable for if thousands of you walked out the international press would pick it up and publish the reasons why you left... you watch what would happen, either the Thais would change their ways or they'll watch their economy plummet into the abyss.

    Stop moaning ... get off your lazy backsides and put your words into actions. Either that or shut the <deleted>.

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  6. “The tests on January 23 showed that the quality of the water falls within the marine water quality standards of the Pollution Control Department (PCD)" ---- Considering there are not real standards this statement is about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

    "The Regional Environmental Office 15 isn’t the only government agency testing the water in Patong Bay; the Phuket Marine Biological Center tests it every two months. However, the PMBC has not been transparent in releasing its test results." ---- considering the first part is this surprising.

    Last time some German media company tested the water in Karon which showed that bathers were basically swimming in people's shit. Nice! I haven't been in the waters here for over 6 years and have no plans too. Last time I was at Nai Harn it stank like a sewage plant.

    Underlying issue is that they'll cover up whatever they can so as to avert the need to take action, lose face and more importantly lose tourist dollars.

    Amazing Thailand - one of the few holiday destinations where you can share the shit.

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  7. This guy is the personification of being a moron. All I can conclude is that he must have connections in the right places for he would of been ousted years ago. This is the same guy who, in a quarterly meeting with foreign honory consuls declared that it was fine for Thais to mug and rob tourists because the tourists have big money.

    Call this guy a waste of space is the nicest thing you could say; in fact he's a confirmed racist, bigot and doesn't give a crap about anyone other than himself and what he can stuff in his pockets.

    And you wonder why some animals eat their young... wish this ****** would crawl back under his rock and never surface again.

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  8. Great news for tourists, foreign investments and the oppressed expat community. It's like living in the dark ages. Booked a ticket to Malaysia for this Saturday and if all works out planning on a permanent move; sick and tired of their childish games and all to seek power to rape the country.

    I wonder if the Thais will ever wake up to the fact that those at the top couldn't give a rats ass about REAL Thai people.

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