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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. In all fairness I've watched the lifeguards in action; that is even asking people not to go swimming and they are often ignored. There is only one solution and that is for the authorities to close the beach during the seasons where rip tides are most prevalent.

    Yes, money rules and so that's unlikely to happen.

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  2. When will the Thai Government learn and appreciate that being able to say.... "Welcome handsome man", "Me love you long time", "I want go with you." and other such phrases is not a commendable standard of English nor is it useful outside of any bar.

    Seriously they need to put off joining AEC for at least the next 100 years as they'll never be able to complete when most other AEC member countries have such an adequate command of the English language.

  3. On a serious note, key points:

    1. Introduce Drivers Ed to all schools

    2. Make everyone pass a proper examinations, written test and physical driving test (without the brown envelope)

    3. Increase fines for traffic violations TEN fold

    4. Remove ALL roadworthy vehicles

    Yes it appears impossible but it is only so if you have such a mentality. Of course such would require effort and expertise which is severely lacking in any Government office building.

  4. No doubt really proud of taking a once stunning tropical paradise and paving it with concrete to fuel greed. Yeah, great job and no doubt the next 1,000 shophouses constructed in the next couple of months will also allow a few more 7/11's, Family Marts, Mom and Pop stores, beauty salons , etc.

    Could you get any dumber?

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  5. The truth is that it has come to the point where it doesn't matter if you do have a duly democratically elected Government for there will always be one side that opposes the appointment therefore demonstrating for their own greed and the round-about continues to revolve.

    You cannot and will not have democracy in a country where the people are ignorant to its true meaning nor where certain individuals are prevented from getting their snouts in the trough.

    If corruption could be removed (most unlikely) then maybe, just maybe it could work - until then those stupid enough to follow either color will continue to be blindly lead by those who greedy and corrupt.

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