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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. ' It really is the end of the jungle... " the regional prefect said and this morning the BBC are reporting that migrants have returned already to sleep in the ashes because they're still hell bent on getting to Britain.


    Tow things can't be changed, one is that France allowed this situation is arise as they did nothing about all the migrants heading to Calais because they believed they'd get shot of them quickly across the channel and the second is many of the migrants refuse to accept they will not be allowed into Britain and will continue to try by any means possible which has to mean illegally.

  2. Non-lethal weapons, really ?


    Why would people go armed to a funeral, unless a mafia style one, but maybe ready for violence related to their grief as recently explained away by a govt psychologist and didn't the justice minister say something about vigilantism regarding people not paying proper respects as decided by the mob of course ?

  3. 1 hour ago, jamesbrock said:

    Khaosod reported that the chief propagandist Sansern dismissed the behavior as un-Thai.



    Notice he didn't say this about gangs of violent vigilantes harassing and assaulting people who seemed insufficiently sad...


    Indeed, on 18 October, Justice Minister Paiboon Kumchaya was asked by the media for his opinion about the vigilante attack against a soy milk seller in Phuket accused of lèse majesté that occurred three days earlier - the Minister replied nothing is better than vigilantism and also encouraged Thais in other countries to do the same with lèse majesté offenders living abroad.



    If Thais living abroad get involved in vigilantism they might find the defence of violence in connection with mourning won't go very far.

  4. 5 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

    You Thai Visa superstars can criticize and mock him all you want it will not change the fact that  he will always be cooler than any of you. I enjoy his films and  TV series he is a real policeman in the States.

    Saying a ' real ' policeman is a stretch, isn't he a volunteer in his home area and that doesn't make him real ?

    Real police officers do it as their full time job

  5. It's not trust of the laws that's the problem it's how they are applied and in Thailand it's all too often for a select group or individual rather than the common good and the junta is as complicit in this as any other govt.

    Despite the PM and his cronies high moral stance they have a lot to answer for. I won't say a lot to explain away as transparency isn't really their thing.

  6. 7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    No doubt. Besides which Sturgeon has already shown to all she's totally untrustworthy.


    They have a meeting - all the others act in a dignified manner afterwards while Nippy runs to blab to the media as usual about with her "I,I, I, look at me". Many Scots are frustrated with her too and her constant yelping.

    If she's untrustworthy  because she represents Scotland as she thinks best and that doesn't mean agreeing with everything the British govt says how do you classify someone like Boris Johnston who can't keep quiet but all in his own interests.

  7. 17 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    "I don't want France" he insisted.


    And there you have the problem. These people don't crave safety, they want choice. They want to go to the country with the best benefits.

    Yes it's all " I want ' not ' I hope or I wish ", an amazing sense of entitlement.

    Some interesting interviews with migrants being moved out of the camp ranging from acceptance to defiance with some insisting they'll be back to Calais as they'll continue in their attempt to cross the channel.

    One who's dream was to go to England now ' hates ' England because they didn't let people like him and have closed the borders.

    Absolutely no thought of entering other countries where they're no wanted, doing so illegally and then expecting everything they want will be handed over on a plate. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Thechook said:

    This junta is world renowned for making statements on behalf of others but they never actually release an actual statement from the others to back it up.  Just more propoganda lies from the military.

    The BBC are doing a report today on the effect the mourning period is having on traders who sell to tourists so, surprise, surprise, TRUE Visions are killing the broadcast.


    I actually saw the full report earlier on, possibly the KILL button operator was sleeping, and it features an interview with the lovely Minister of Tourism who assures all is well but now even she's being censored.

    Love It !  :clap2::cheesy:

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