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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I believe Thailand good buddy China and its government would fall into the same "encourage your friends and neighbors to rat you out" category.

    Naturally ' encourage ' will be used but the real meaning is that it's a must do and that will be made clear starting with the school children.

    The whole package will be wrapped up in the sales pitch that it's what a ' good ' Thai would do.

  2. 12 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    So what ? Back home in the western nanny states , there are snitch lines to the government. Mostly to snitch on tax & wellfare "fraud" . You know , spy on neighbours and family that you're jealous of , because they have it better than you. And recently governments asked to keep an eye on suspicious activities with all the terrorists attacks . What's the difference with spying on facebook ?

    The difference is that this isn't about suspected terrorist activities or benefit fraud etc but simply ' inappropriate comments ' which, very carefully, haven't been defined and can therefore be whatever the powers that be deem.

    At this time it may be thought it's all about LM but as we've seen the junta members are very thinned skinned so comments about their inability to do a good job, corruption and looking after family and cronies etc etc are likely to be dealt with.

    It's all about control.

  3. 1 hour ago, bokningar said:

    You didn't read the whole thing 5555

    It least they have to wait 5 years for the race :giggle:


    Wage increases should prevent officers from committing graft because of insufficient income.”
    But that did not mean salaries should be doubled or tripled, the former Pheu Thai politician said, adding that the wage structure would only be used as a model.
    To stem public criticism, the guideline would be implemented five years after being announced, he added.

    Sorry, sometimes have problems open the link when it's to The Nation.

    Aaw, does this mean these ' poor ' people may have to resort to making money any way they can until they get paid what they're worth ?

    If they were actually paid what they're worth they'd owe money to the nation.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    A few weeks ago when the immigration computers were down for a day and the report said, that at Swampy alone there were nearly 10,000 arrivals unrecorded, i was thinking that TAT's numbers for tourists visiting Thailand each year can not be correct?




    But then i didn't have me Thai calculator at hand and also forgot that Chiang Mai and Phuket must be getting the majority of all the tourists. :whistling: 




    14 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    A few weeks ago when the immigration computers were down for a day and the report said, that at Swampy alone there were nearly 10,000 arrivals unrecorded, i was thinking that TAT's numbers for tourists visiting Thailand each year can not be correct?




    But then i didn't have me Thai calculator at hand and also forgot that Chiang Mai and Phuket must be getting the majority of all the tourists. :whistling: 



    I'm sure the Minister added the 10,000 to her totals but just to be sure of accuracy called it 20,000.

  5. 2 hours ago, Tatsujin said:

    Those numbers (as always) are for domestic consumption to reassure the locals that life in Juntaland is all smiles and happiness and that they'll all be rich soon, just like the top cats are.


    Are they still claiming tourism only contributes (roughly) 5-6% to GDP too?

    Isn't it amazing the approach to tourism when it suits ?

    Sometimes it's all important but when there's any complaints the chest gets puffed out and the ' we don't rely on tourism ' response is trotted out.

  6. 6 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

    So in other words they are not being allowed to broadcast their programs as normal 

    Exactly. Little wonder some people are rightly worried that the whole ' back to normal ' after Nov 14 is just propaganda, will be very selective and vary from area to area. There are very flexible guidelines for everything which will be interpreted to suit whoever is enforcing them.

    These announcements are for the benefit of the public and tourists so let's wait and see what actually happens.

  7. Earlier this morning I saw an interview with the Roman Catholic Cardinal who heads that church in England and Wales and needless to say he was bemoaning the anti-immigrant feeling etc.

    Easy to give it the brotherly love etc propaganda when your own personal circumstances are never likely to be affected in any way no matter how many unwelcome arrivals are allowed in.

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