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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 5 hours ago, hobobo said:

    Perhaps the Thai official couldn't find a right word/phrase...

    I'm sure a Thai official would say loyalty especially in public and perhaps would think everybody else would too.

    There could be a translation error and of course Thais are notorious for speaking on behalf of others and it's always positive.


    i doubt very much the Ambassador actually said loyalty as he would be in big trouble at home if he did since he would have been pledging such to a foreign head of state and that's not on.

  2. 10 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    On Koh Pha Ngan you get get Magic Mushroom shakes and pizzas, openly, today.  Had a GF who used to sell pot to kids there years ago.  I asked her why wasn't she worried about the poilce.  She laughed and said she got her pot from the police.


    Go figure...

    Oh dear you really have surprised, nay shocked, me !     :biggrin:

  3. 3 minutes ago, impulse said:


    If that's the case, it's even more appropriate (and humane) to get the word out to travelers who may not realize what they're risking when they just do what their friends did last year when they had a kick-ass trip to Thailand.  But that requires opening up the discussion a little wider than the specifics in the OP.

    Providing travellers are logging into this forum.

  4. Just now, jonclark said:

    There have been a lot of comments about the alleged use of drugs and its merits and the law. But, very few comments about why this place was raided.


    Imo, it was very simply utter stupidity and arrogance on the part of the owner of this place, that during a very unique time of mourning; when all establishments have been told or have simply volunteered to tone down their entertainments - even deeply cultural entertainments, such as Loy Kratong have been affected.Yet  for this place its business as usual. but now they get noise complaints - possibly frequent, combined with possible gossip on drug use, in an establishment situated not too far from Sanam luang.  Honestly? Ignorance and arrogance of the highest order!


    Had the whole country not been in a period of national mourning, it would have been business as usual for the overstay, as clearly these parties have been going on for a while. Noise from parties and holidaymakers in and around Khao San is part of the territory and one most businesses exploit and accept.  


    A poor lapse of judgement on the part of the owner given these unique times. 

    Agree with you and would add that as some restrictions about the mourning period are being relaxed issues like this could easily upset authority and result in a ' crackdown ' because it's held that proper respect isn't being observed.

    I'll just take a couple of places to flout the ' requests ' to tone down music, restrict alcohol sale etc. and requests become enforced bans and who knows but perhaps beyond the initial 30 days.

  5. French Pres. Hollande claims the Jungle camp no longer exists and the BBC's doing their best to prove him wrong.

    He and the Interior Minister have called their counterparts in Britain to press for more children to be taken across the Channel totally ignoring it's self-inflicted injury by the French who allowed these children, in fact all migrants, into France and permitted them to travel across the country without any attempt to stop and register them.


    For a long time TV news channels have been following migrants and interviewing them recording their refusal to be registered and fingerprinted as it might prevent them getting to where they want to go irrespective of the fact they have no automatic rights and generally are't wanted. I presume French TV have been doing this too so the French govt knew what was going on yet allowed 10,000 plus to arrive in and  live around Calais unhindered.

    Now like Merkel and Juncker they want to be bailed out of the mess they've created.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

    The plain fact that he is being shown at all, show that anything out of the ordinary is the target of jokes and innuendo, and also shows Thailand generally to be discriminatory, it is not this persons fault and the fact he is on the national Volleyball team, goes to show just how bloody stupid the Army is. It may well be a joke perpetrated by the Army on the public but in any event any recruiter would shy away from this person as they would / should know quite well that anything the Army has to offer would not fit, from uniform to beds, and plus he would have to duck or grouse in any building.


    Sorry I do not find this amusing , rather sad that the Thai Government allows this be aired at all, in sensitive, and callous in my book. nothing new of course but sad all the same.

    I feel sorry for this lad as I can imagine some senior officer will find him a job that gets publicity for the officer and the army but does nothing at all for the young soldier.

  7. 14 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


    Maybe they didn't.  Maybe that's why the police speculated that the driver had fallen asleep, because there was no evidence of the driver being drunk?


    Maybe they did.  Maybe that's why they speculated that the driver had fallen asleep, because there was no evidence of the driver being drunk?

    There was no evidence the driver was drunk, oh so maybe  you were there then ?

  8. This is what the do gooders and the BBC want to keep the sob story in the headlines.

    How did all the children get to Calais, are we to believe everyone one of them left home without their families knowing ? 


    Watching BBC interviews with some of theses migrants it's now common the hear the interviewer quoting an age, which is unlikely to be verified, and the ' teenagers ' etc always have their back to the cameras or are wearing a hoodie so never a chance of seeing their face which might give an idea as to an age group.

    I don't believe the migrants themselves always insist on this and I see the BBC's hand in it as they just love the sob story angle.



  9. 7 minutes ago, angelman said:

    I prefer NEVER to see tickets issued for speeding. Would become simply a designed source of income. Instead, and especially here, WRECKLESS DRIVING. DRIVING TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS.  Requires simply observation which is exactly what YOU do and report on/about  Problem is too few police on the highway. But they can do more than they do. I repeat. Sick of over emphasis on demanding following the LETTER of the law such as in the West.

    Put out as many police as you want but what's the point if they don't do their job ?

    The Highway Police main job seems to be escort duties for a convoy of civil servants on their ' works outing ' and of course VIPs / would be VIPs.

  10. 15 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    i heard a rumour that cheering at the upcoming football international against australia has been banned. satire surely?

    Might as well be if all the restrictions the Thai FA wants are imposed.

    Seems they want everyone in sombre clothing and watching in virtual silence but what will the authorities do if large numbers of fans, start chanting, singing, cheering etc ?

  11. 13 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    You would think a Deputy Police Chief would have more sense,

    than leave his valuables in his truck  while he goes to eat,and

    all forces were deployed to find the crooks,don't think the man

    in the street would have gotten such sterling service.

    regards Worgeordie

    Wouldn't it have been lovely irony if he'd reported the theft to the local BIB and was told to piss off as they weren't interested, without the usual consideration perhaps, until they found out who he was ?

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